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Private  - [FALL] you're beautiful and sick like me

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we're climbing until we transcend
higher, higher to where the skies end

Now that she has taken the time to watch the dancers tonight, she slowly realizes how one might find it beautiful. The way the moonlight shines down on their sleek bodies and makes their jewelry sparkle is quite stunning. Their feet stomp to the beat of the drums and their bodies sway to the notes of the music. While Morrighan would never do this herself, she wonders if it gives them the kind of adrenaline rush she gets from the spark of a flame or the success of a hunt.

They are lost to the dance and she doesn't realize she's zoned out until Al'Zahra's voice reaches her ears. The scent of wood smoke and spices fills her nose and the grullo mare is captivated for a moment. She coughs and pulls herself together before she makes herself look more foolish.

Technically, yes, her hunt had been successful. She did finally find the wolf that seemed to be hunting her for the longest time, but part of her still regrets it. It had been nice not having him follow her around so closely, but now it's worse with their bond.

"Yeah, almost too successful. Now he won't leave my side," she answers; her eyes on him are like daggers. The stupid mongrel is looking at her with the most smug grin on his face. Asshole. "Caligo has a shit sense of humor."

She turns to look back at the woman now, noticing some beads of sweat on her neck. Ignoring that, she thinks back again to what the mare said and wonders if she'd remember. "Well, here I am. Care to enlighten me?" she asks, intending it to sound more like a challenge, but her tone is not as rough as she meant it to be. It may be on the cusp of flirting and Morr is very confused. It's like the mare put some kind of spell on her since their first meeting.

The Warden looks away, feeling sheepish. "I guess I don't need you to anymore, but… I still wanted to come." Because she's loyal and a woman of her word. Because she'll do what others ask her to do so long as they're someone she respects. Or finds interesting.

"I have to say, your dancing seems tiring," she says, trying to add some kind of lighthearted joke to the conversation. It's how she truly feels though after watching them. It's a lot of work to put on a show; more work than she realized until tonight. How someone decides to pick up this way of life is beyond her. Maybe they like all eyes on them and the attention. Maybe they like the desire.

@"Al'Zahra" <3

Messages In This Thread
[FALL] you're beautiful and sick like me - by Morrighan - 11-08-2019, 11:45 PM
RE: [FALL] you're beautiful and sick like me - by Al'Zahra - 11-23-2019, 06:53 PM
RE: [FALL] you're beautiful and sick like me - by Morrighan - 11-24-2019, 05:43 PM
RE: [FALL] you're beautiful and sick like me - by Al'Zahra - 12-08-2019, 09:49 PM
RE: [FALL] you're beautiful and sick like me - by Morrighan - 12-13-2019, 12:45 AM
RE: [FALL] you're beautiful and sick like me - by Al'Zahra - 12-30-2019, 12:42 PM
RE: [FALL] you're beautiful and sick like me - by Morrighan - 12-31-2019, 10:53 PM
RE: [FALL] you're beautiful and sick like me - by Al'Zahra - 01-12-2020, 09:40 PM
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