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All Welcome  - She's a restless spirit on an endless flight

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dusk court warrior

he time before dark and dawn was a quiet and peaceful moment, when the world stood still and held its breath in anticipation for what would come.  In her usual manner, Mephisto had risen with the sun, blinking against the darkness as she padded silently from her bed and made her way toward the wilder edges of the Dusk Court.  She craved these moments of quiet and solitude, never quite fitting in with the din and business of court life, born to live on the fringes of the wilderness and not in the structured city.

And so, the dark Pegasus strayed from her duties, making her way through the verdant fields which blossomed with summer flowers, down the craggy hills which guarded the sea, and toward the mysterious swamplands.  Along the way, little episodes grabbed at her mind – flashes of vision from the creatures she passed.  She was getting used to her warg powers striking at unwarranted times.  Now, these moments were more of a curiosity than a breathtaking bit of confusion.  Though Mephisto had yet to master her newly discovered magic, she was beginning to recognize it for what it was.

She stopped moving, ducking into the shadows as her breathing labored and a vision stole away her senses.  It was the shoebill, blinking at a blur of white and brown.  Mephisto heard the mare’s muffled voice, losing the vision even as the bird took flight, gasping for air as she was dragged from the moment and back into her own reality.  

Alone again, the mare trembled for only a moment, drawing the dampness of the swamp into her lungs, closing her eyes to steady the swaying sensation as she focused on the quiet chirping of crickets and the distant splash of frogs leaping across the murky water.  Further away, she heard Aoife’s voice once more, not distinctly enough to make out the words, but enough to pique her interest.

With a final steadying breath, Mephisto moves toward the splashing mare, quiet as a wildcat sneaking up on its prey, her cobalt eyes keenly focused and curious.  She stops mere paces away, an inquiring smile pulling at her lips, quiet for only a moment more before clearing her throat to greet the curious mare.  "How’s the water?" Her voice is tinged with amusement, the warmth meeting her eyes as she nods to the stranger.  Those sea-blue eyes look Aoife up and down, taking in the appearance of her more than judging, as blue-black wings fold gracefully against her frame, her long tail flicking at fireflies as the morning sun rises higher over Tinea.

@Mephisto | "speaks" | @Aoife

Messages In This Thread
RE: She's a restless spirit on an endless flight - by Mephisto - 04-15-2020, 01:12 AM
RE: She's a restless spirit on an endless flight - by Mephisto - 04-15-2020, 02:55 PM
RE: She's a restless spirit on an endless flight - by Mephisto - 04-18-2020, 02:17 PM
RE: She's a restless spirit on an endless flight - by Mephisto - 04-25-2020, 02:02 PM
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