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All Welcome  - She's a restless spirit on an endless flight

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dusk court warrior

here is a place for everyone”, she offered with a slight shrug and an easy smile.  "Terrestella is a welcoming sort of place, and the Dusk Court is far more open to newcomers than some of the other places you’ll find at Novus.”  Mephisto thinks back to when she had first arrived, and the warmth shown to her by Asterion.  For a moment, the dark warg wonders where he might have gone, a surprising pang of sadness washing over her as she thought of all she’d cared for that had then been lost.  While she didn’t know Asterion well, he’d reminded her of Gabriel.  

The dark mare had been something of a nomad – not because she’d set out to do so, but because life had thrown a lot of curve balls along the way.  Magic had stolen away one of her homes, war another.  Here, the land seemed to stay, but the faces around her had changed in her absence.  She doesn’t let the memories worry her for long, focusing back on the painted mare, and quirking an eyebrow at the mention that she could fight.  While the dark Pegasus might not have pegged Aoife as a fighter, on second thought, it did make sense that she might have an advantage due to her size and nimbleness.

"We have a warrior queen now”, she offered, beginning to walk with Aoife toward the citadel.  "She is fair, but stern.”  While she hadn’t trained with Marisol much during her time with the Halcyon’s, Mephisto had noted the mare had a penchant for efficiency and a no-nonsense attitude.  She was the type which commanded respect, so it was no wonder that the Halcyon queen had found herself now leading Terrestella.

"I’m sure she will be pleased to meet you, and she can recommend training and sparring partners if you wish to hone your fighting prowess.  I’m not much of a fighter myself,” she admitted, "but I trained with the Halcyon air unit before…” the dark mare trailed off, not sure how to explain the strange magics which had plagued her and left her defenseless over the last many months.  In time, she would need to explain herself not only to Marisol, but to others as well.  Without knowing how to define the warg ability, it was difficult to grapple with the reality of it… but she shook away the guilt, focusing instead on the mare beside her as they left the swamp en route to the Capital.

ooc:  If you’d like to start a new thread in the Dusk Court board, I’m happy to respond there (be sure to post a quick closer to this thread too, so you can get signos credit :) 

Mephisto | "speaks" | @Aoife

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RE: She's a restless spirit on an endless flight - by Mephisto - 04-15-2020, 01:12 AM
RE: She's a restless spirit on an endless flight - by Mephisto - 04-15-2020, 02:55 PM
RE: She's a restless spirit on an endless flight - by Mephisto - 04-18-2020, 02:17 PM
RE: She's a restless spirit on an endless flight - by Mephisto - 04-25-2020, 02:02 PM
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