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Never in her entire life had Aislinn known stillness. Since birth, she was on the move -- a traveler, at home with a tribe of inspiring gypsy women. Warrior-hearted wanderers they were -- are. She had left them, even though she was one of their pillars, the Rahilah Maiden. It wasn't uncommon for one of their own to leave and find their own way; what was an outlier, however, was she was one of their leaders. The tribe had remained a constant, strong being in itself for centuries, all because of the Three Faces. But now.. she had all but abandoned them. An overwhelming desire to discover her own path ate away at her until she walked away.

Several months had passed since she left them. A crater in her heart ached every day because of it; but she knew it was not time to go back. The stormsinger dwelled on these thoughts as she stood on the edge of the tree line. Rolling hills opened out in front of her for miles; a sea of earth and greenery under the late evening sun. She had travelled here before; many, many times, camping along the edge of the forest. Not more than a meter away from her lay a softly smoldering ash pit.. the only remnants of the tribe from the night before. She had missed them on purpose; having seen the smoke plumes from the court's castle around this time yesterday.

But she did not go to them. No, the winged fae decided to hang back and simply watch, content — and although longing — with the knowledge that her mother tribe was so very near. Aislinn was not immune to the harshness of longing and nostalgia; instead, she found herself wandering to help cope with being detached from something that was a massive part of who she was.

Learning the ways of Court life had been different, but not necessarily in a negative way. She was still a soldier, a protector — just as she had been in her tribe. However, she discovered that the court denizens tended to be stationary, unmoving. Something corded in her bones so strongly that the mare often found herself drifting, whether she meant to or not. Aislinn was an untamed, wild thing; a wandering soul at her very core.

She found herself here, having strayed far from the castle once more. Maybe her knowledge of her tribe's whereabouts brought her here subconsciously. But she was not certain. Icy blue orbs scanned the rolling prairie, the earth awash in the warm colors of a slowly-descending sun. A soft, albeit sorrowful, smile played at her velvet lips as she stood there. Closing her eyes, she inhaled the dying scent of cinnamon and woodsmoke, simply at ease with herself as thoughts of her new life filled her.

OOC: Not my best post (I'm sorry for the rambling), but anyone is welcome <3 Aislinn is looking for a distraction from her feelings atm c:


Messages In This Thread
milk and honey - by Aislinn - 08-13-2017, 12:41 AM
RE: milk and honey - by Polunin - 08-14-2017, 10:54 AM
RE: milk and honey - by Aislinn - 08-22-2017, 10:23 PM
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