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Private  - girls burn brighter [Moira]

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Played by Offline e-cho [PM] Posts: 243 — Threads: 27
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Inactive Character

this is the story of a girl,
who cried a river and drowned the whole world

Elena's voice is a bell chiming, her blue eyes a river slowly flowing forever into a sea. Or perhaps, that sea she dreams of is the sky, the stars, the expanse where everything and nothing is. They both dream of the stars and the ocean, of something intangible and untouchable. They ache and never admit to it. The world will never know how two girls crumble together into dust on a mountain at night; it will never know how they rebuild each other molecule by molecule.

The phoenix does not care for a lifeline or a vest to keep afloat, she'd rather drown a million times and let the sea swallow her if only it meant she could find what her heart is searching for. Every night it is thrown into the cosmos, and every morning it returns as hopelessly alone as before.

She is a pyre fizzling out. She is a wildfire just starting to burn.

Old. New. Wise. Naïve. Moira is so many mixtures of contrasting things that she fears she may be forever doomed to suffer this world alone. So alone and empty and silent. Once, she thought that it was fine to sit in solitude and tend only to her books and another's skin with a needle when called to work. That had been her only goal, her only hope, outside of seeing Estelle smile. At least then there had been Estelle, her Estelle, who had never left her side or let her down or abandoned her. A star, a northern light. They'd been together even when apart. They were two faces of the same coin, and now they were miles an miles and miles apart.

Elena could never be her. Caine could never be her. Bexley could never be her. Nor Asterion, nor Isra, nor Michael or Eik. No one would be like those who came First. And somewhere deep, deep, deep down, that scares Moira Tonnerre more than everything else.

They're gone.

Gone like everything else. Disappearing into the darkness between the stars. "All who are lost find their way into the arms of my court," she says at last, nodding to the lights in the distance, the bonfires that blaze and the faint smell of smoke with only the lightest traces of laughter. "Denocte holds the hearts of gypsies and dreamers, it satisfies the soul as no other court ever could. We here make a home for the homeless and find love in the arms of strangers in strange clothes." Moira unthaws, the summer storm of her ending like a flash flood. There and gone, and what's left is something almost holy, almost whole.

With a secret little smile, the phoenix spool starlight down from the sky and makes a miniature galaxy between them. Over the top of it, she whispers "Starlight is only as far as you let it be." The stars freckling her skin wink in response, passively shining as only they know how to do. They do not ask if they are alone or if they are part of something bigger, they simply are.

"I longed for the ocean's depthless embrace, for its thrilling mystery to always be beside me. I held it too tightly and it slipped through my hands." She answers truthfully, the gravity of her loss an albatross about her neck. "What would you have my name be?"


v | n @Elena

Messages In This Thread
girls burn brighter [Moira] - by Elena - 04-30-2020, 09:50 PM
RE: girls burn brighter [Moira] - by Moira - 05-05-2020, 10:18 AM
RE: girls burn brighter [Moira] - by Elena - 05-09-2020, 12:44 PM
RE: girls burn brighter [Moira] - by Moira - 05-21-2020, 01:38 AM
RE: girls burn brighter [Moira] - by Elena - 06-08-2020, 09:27 PM
RE: girls burn brighter [Moira] - by Moira - 06-08-2020, 09:59 PM
RE: girls burn brighter [Moira] - by Elena - 06-23-2020, 06:17 PM
RE: girls burn brighter [Moira] - by Moira - 11-16-2020, 12:22 AM
RE: girls burn brighter [Moira] - by Elena - 12-09-2020, 03:44 PM
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