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dusk court spy

o say Mephisto was surprised by the Sovereign’s suggestion is an understatement.  She pauses, cup hovering just below her lips, steam kissing her cheeks as she considers Marisol’s proposition.  Warden.  It was a title she didn’t deserve, but the more she considered it, the more it felt right.  What better way to serve Terrestella, she mused, than to protect them all to the best of her ability?  It gave her room to grow and train in her new magic, to hone her craft and direct it toward a higher purpose.  Nodding, she rests her cup upon the table, gathering her breath and offering the queen a cautious smile.

"You flatter me, my queen.  But you’re right too – Terrestella needs an active and dedicated protector.  It would be an honor to be those eyes, to watch for the safety of our people.”  Much had changed, she mused, sighing as she thinks of all which had come to pass.  Faces had come and gone, seasons changing with little care to the consequences of their world.  A world at peace, for now… but for how long?

It hadn’t been long since Raum had led his revolt in the desert, and while their court had largely escaped the ordeal unscathed, the landscape of Novus was still changed by the events which had followed.  It was only a matter of time, she supposed, until the peace would end.  For conflict was inevitable where humanity was concerned.  The people always seemed to want more, pushing their boundaries and infringing on the delicate balance.  She couldn’t say they would be ready for such change, but perhaps this promotion was one ripple upon the face of the calm lake, one which would set off a chain of events (for the better).

“Thank you,” she murmurs quietly, gathering up the tea once more and finishing it with a few final sips.  “I won’t let you down.”  Or at least, she wouldn’t mean to.  Mephisto knew such promises were difficult to keep, but the vow would keep her honest and on a straight path.  For through the chaos of the last few months, Mephisto’s loyalty had never wavered – and the warg looked forward to proving to Marisol and her kingdom that the queen’s trust in her was not misplaced.

“I will report to the Barracks once more then.”  She nods matter-of-factly to Marisol, turning toward the door and stepping toward it, stopping only once to flick a backward glance at the mare, offering her a warm smile before departing to her duty station with new-found purpose.

@Mephisto | "speaks" | @Marisol

Messages In This Thread
She walks a lonely road - by Mephisto - 04-15-2020, 01:13 AM
RE: She walks a lonely road - by Marisol - 05-26-2020, 01:53 PM
RE: She walks a lonely road - by Mephisto - 05-28-2020, 01:56 PM
RE: She walks a lonely road - by Marisol - 09-05-2020, 04:08 PM
RE: She walks a lonely road - by Mephisto - 10-04-2020, 01:31 AM
RE: She walks a lonely road - by Marisol - 12-06-2020, 02:40 PM
RE: She walks a lonely road - by Mephisto - 12-06-2020, 03:01 PM
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