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some women fear the fire
some simply become it

When the woman mentions sending a letter, Morrighan raises her brows in surprise. She hadn't heard anything, so unless Antiope kept the information from her for whatever reason. She's starting to wonder what more there is that she had been wrong about when it came to the former Sovereign. Of course, there could be a number of other reasons why Morr didn't hear about the letter.

"News didn't travel to me, for whatever reason," she replies, the bitterness clear in her tone. As frustrating as it is to be left in the dark, none of that mattered at this point. She supposes it makes sense why she may not have sent any other letters after that. It still doesn't change how she feels about Katniss taking on this danger alone.

It seems there is one thing that the two women have in common- stubbornness. Katniss refuses the medic's help and would rather get back to work. Maybe it's a quality Morrighan can relate to and appreciate, but it also made her realize how others might feel when she refuses help.

"Alright, well I'll let your son know you're here then and he can come find you," she tells her, her voice softening. If Morr had been gone for so long, the first thing she would do would be spending time with Maeve rather than watching the borders. Whatever else is going on in Katniss' head, hopefully she hadn't lost sight of what was truly important. It's why Morrighan tells her rather than asks.

With nothing more to say, the Sovereign nods. "Welcome back, at any rate," formalities always feel so unnatural to her. "I'll leave you to it and see you around soon." Her eyes rest on Katniss for a little while longer as if to say maybe don't leave again before she turns and heads back into the Court streets to look for Kibou. Hopefully, for their sake, it will be a good reunion for the two of them.


@Katniss figured I'd close this here <3 let's thread them again soon! Hopefully they'll be less tense/awkward next time haha

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RE: she'll kiss your neck with no emotion - by Morrighan - 11-08-2020, 12:17 PM
RE: she'll kiss your neck with no emotion - by Morrighan - 11-25-2020, 11:27 PM
RE: she'll kiss your neck with no emotion - by Morrighan - 12-12-2020, 12:08 AM
RE: she'll kiss your neck with no emotion - by Morrighan - 12-22-2020, 10:36 PM
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