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Information  - Champion Trials

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Played by Offline Lullivy [PM] Posts: 225 — Threads: 37
Signos: 1,285
Night Court Sovereign
Female [She/her/hers]  |  16 [Year 496 Spring]  |  15.3 hh  |  Hth: 3 — Atk: 3 — Exp: 51  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: Picoro (Sloth)

The applicant heals a character ICly from an injury (a good idea would be to heal a Denoctian soldier after they experience a spar/skirmish!). (Completed: Yes | No (In progress)
The applicant comes to the regime explicitly expressing needs for additional funding/attention for their medical program. (Completed: Yes | No) (In progress)
The applicant comes forward with an idea ICly on how to improve the impact of medics within Denocte (Completed: Yes | No) (In progress) 
They have an IC discussion with a fellow medic on how they are interested in pursuing Champion of Healing (Completed: Yes | No (In Progress)
They ICly collaborate with the Champion of Battle on the importance of maintaining a quick reaction medical force in the event of a major injury or event. (Completed: Yes | No) (in progress) 
Heal a citizen or merchant after an accident of some sort (Completed: Yes | No)


Messages In This Thread
Champion Trials - by Official Night Account - 01-20-2021, 12:53 PM
RE: Champion Trials - by Luvena - 01-24-2021, 02:56 PM
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