an equine & cervidae rpg
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Novus closed 10/31/2022, after The Gentle Exodus

Portal IC Event  - THE SOLTERRAN PORTAL — 506 Winter: A strange arrival

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Played by Offline Staff [PM] Posts: 309 — Threads: 165
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Official Novus Account

Curiously different

While the trees bowed to the Portal in Viride and the winds howled their hollow tune around the Portal in the Abigo Caves, winter's solid grip took an interesting turn within the Elatus Canyon. Snow and frost were a nearly unknown feature in most of Solterra... even when winter took its strongest hold. Even now, the windows howled in the canyon but snow did not dare to fall.

The first Portal appeared in Ruris, at the mouth of the Abigo Caves.

The second two days later in Delumine, nestled in the Viride Forest.

The third a day after here in Solterra, carved into the walls of the Elatus Canyon.

The fourth four days later, in Terrastella, nearly hidden among Tinea's trees.

The fifth alongside the fourth, in Denocte, burrowed into the Arma Mountains.

aching canyon walls and dusted hoofprints


The first of the Continental Portals opened wide at the Abigo Caves. Then, the next cleaved open within the Viride Forest. Now, the sandstone fell away to dust as the third one materialized within the old stone walls of the Elatus Canyon. Mild tremors - here for thirty seconds and gone just as quickly - made what little local fauna inhabited the canyon tuck their tails and run, scurry, hide.

Its center started as a crack in a massive sheet of stone that made up one of the deeper parts of the canyon. And as if Tempus himself had dug his hoof into the crack and twisted, turned, ground away mercilessly and then the sandstone around the crack began to break.

The rocks crumbled and fell, tumbling dangerously to the ground below — sending any curious, wandering Novians and wildlife scattering to safety. It did not take long for the hole to become something near-monstrous, as the wall itself was hollowed out.... and all that was left was the arche above the warping, pulsing center of the Portal. A Portal that led to a snow-dusted steppe and an expansive, vivid sky full of bright stars.

Just like the three Portals before this one: no harm would come to Novians should they choose to explore where this Canyon Portal took them... instead, you may just come face to face with some distinctly non-equine-like beings.

But unlike the local fauna you may be used to encountering... these non-equines - Cervines, in fact - were very clearly sentient and able to speak the same language as you, their equine counterparts. Their initial hesitation around you and all other Novians is just the same as your hesitation around them.

Why are they here, and where did they come from?  — They could say the same about you.
How will you react and interact with them, if at all?  — They may or may not feel the same about you, too.
Are they here to stay? — These questions boggle them the same as they do you.

... — Maybe you're not so different.

Earn EXP for your character!

This is an extension of The Portals board Year 506 Winter event. Seems multiple Portals have opened up - and not at the Terminus Shoreline, but rather within the continents themselves! There have been strange reports of odd, non-equine creatures passing through these portals, too...

To redeem the EXP once you meet the criteria below: Go to the Experience Updates thread and post a redemption for "Participating in Seasonal Portal IC Event (506 Winter)." Link to the Portal thread/s you posted in and THIS Portal info thread.

  • You can reply in this thread OR make your own exploring the Abigo portal - you must use the [Portal IC Event] prefix OR include [Portal] in your thread title!

  • Your character will need (4) posts in a thread started during the timeframe of that season's event. Any post started during that timeframe and completed within (2) months of that start date can redeem the +2 EXP.

  • Like other IC events, you can claim those (4) posts across multiple threads as long as they were all completed during the same (2) month period.

  • As the Portals will change on the first day of each new season, all threads started after that date will not count towards the 506 Winter season's IC Event.

To tag this account: @*'Random Events' without the asterisk.
Please be advised, tagging the Random Event account does not guarantee a response!


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THE SOLTERRAN PORTAL — 506 Winter: A strange arrival - by Random Events - 04-20-2021, 10:54 PM
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