an equine & cervidae rpg
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Novus closed 10/31/2022, after The Gentle Exodus

All Welcome  - Children's Surrender

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Played by Offline Linds [PM] Posts: 7 — Threads: 2
Signos: 260
Night Court Soldier
Male [He/Him/His]  |  14 [Year 497 Fall]  |  15.2 hh  |  Hth: 8 — Atk: 12 — Exp: 10  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: N/A



Summer was a torturous season in which heat robbed you of sanity. Were I a patient creature, I may have tolerated travel at sundown, but I was by no means a tolerant man. Thus, I had taken a more practical approach in seeking refuge well past day’s suffocating glare. Fuck the sun. Damn the stifling heat. It could all go to Hell.

I hadn’t often been accosted when it came to my sheer size and bulk, but it did play a contributing factor in my hatred for the middle-months. I often leaned toward the direction of “spiteful-bastard-of-very-few-words” during periods of elevated temperature, despite my luke-warm attempts at playing nice. In fact, many preferred to avoid me based on my attitude alone. I didn’t enjoy jokes, didn’t indulge in pastimes, and kept a fairly strict regime when it came to duty. Somehow I had been bound to the damn word, a worshipper of the Word and Law of the Gods, though I believed it more likely to be interpreted by the dimwitted half of the population than by anyone of merit. I could ruminate on the topic at large,  but I wasn’t one to be swayed by opinions or even fact. My thoughts were my own and that was, unfortunately, that. If you desired a “no holds barred” kind of conversation, I was your man.

Or maybe I wasn’t.

As I’d grown into my skin, assuredness became the one thing a warrior such as myself was taught to embody. However, I wasn’t certain if I was quite so much “self-assured” as “overtly indifferent”, but at least I’d managed to survive the trials it took to call myself a soldier. I even took pride in the title despite my Royal upbringing. I wasn’t sure how notoriety worked in Novus, but I figured it was as clean a slate as any… at least for now. Perhaps that was the one thing I’d learned to cling to as my childish desperation morphed into adult determination. It was also why I’d been able to sense the cautious energy cloying around me like a bitter cloud. Anticipation was the only warning I got before she arrived.


I’d seen plenty of blooms in my life - Jasmine, Birds of Paradise, Hibiscus, you name it. However, I’d never seen anything quite like her. A creature more flower than equus blew in on the westerly breeze, her iridescent appendages fluttering between shades of color under the moonlight. I wasn’t often acquainted with her species previously,  being that they were not a popular breed in the Kingdom, but the fascination remained. Blossoms weren’t meant to fly, but this one looked all too comfortable with the sky even if she didn’t appear to be so comfortable with me. Clearly she hadn’t been informed that I’d signed up to protect her and that was obviously a problem. Blooms shouldn’t be wandering the grounds at night and approaching odd strangers. I narrowed my eyes at her as she grew close enough to see directly and to...  smell.

A sweet flower indeed.

I would hope not Caelum, considering this is the first I’ve laid eyes on the place.” I chastised while staring at the blossom of a mare. Flowers were made to be beautiful, but all too fragile. They wilted easily and shone too brightly. Perhaps that was why I’d always considered myself a weed… a killer of all things dazzling and delicate. It wasn’t a matter of faith when it came to creatures such as she, but a matter of will. Something I somehow believed she lacked. Maybe it was stolen away from her or maybe it was simply given... Either way, I was glad that I’d agreed to serve her short-term as protector and warrior. It could have been anyone she’d stumbled upon (not that I considered myself a better option), but the lands could have been breached couldn’t they? She could have been killed… couldn’t she?

Do you often make a habit of approaching strangers in the middle of the night or is that just your kink?” I questioned almost absently as I glanced around our surroundings, calculating the landscape and various hills and trees. I hadn’t been long in the Night Court and I wasn’t sure my loyalties were apparent, but Caelum seemed to believe I was a non-threat. Didn’t she have an escort of some kind or was that not a custom here in Novus? Perhaps I had a lot to learn. “The names’ Boleyn. Might want to remember it. I’m a new Solider recruit for your Night Court. Looks like you could use one.” I groused when my full gaze was angled back at her. She had some deep brown eyes that seemed to carry the innocence of a child, which only made me more adamant that she respect my wishes for her safety. Was there something I was missing when I’d been inducted for the job? I mean, what the Hell was this place operating on, hopes and dreams? They sure as fuck didn’t keep the demons from coming to play - I knew that more than anyone. Maybe it was time Caelum knew too.


Dark Side - [SEBELL]
Man or a Monster - Sam Tinnesz, Zayde Wolf
Even if it Hurts - Sam Tinnesz
See Through Heart - [SEBELL]

OOC: Sorry, I switched my font back to the original table for this one. Also, just bear with me as I'm figuring him out, it's a nightmare.. XD I Love Cal. <3

Image Credits


Messages In This Thread
Children's Surrender - by Boleyn - 08-26-2021, 11:04 PM
RE: Children's Surrender - by Caelum - 08-26-2021, 11:38 PM
RE: Children's Surrender - by Boleyn - 08-29-2021, 07:00 PM
RE: Children's Surrender - by Caelum - 08-29-2021, 08:46 PM
RE: Children's Surrender - by Boleyn - 09-10-2021, 09:44 PM
RE: Children's Surrender - by Caelum - 09-10-2021, 11:41 PM
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