Look Forward... Trust Yourself... Find Peace
Pol grinned and snorted softly at the mare. "Honestly, pushing you is a bit intimidating. Took me forever to feel brave enough." She remarked teasingly. When she finally told her how she was feeling, Pol nodded and made a mental note to add those symptoms to her tracker of what to treat Lu with. And then made a note that the elder mare strangely liked the icky licorice flavor.
"It is odd… Like sparkles trying to tell me what I need to see. But I dont understand it all yet. It started with blood and seeing odd colors… but now it seems to be growing." Pol mused as she listened to the mare. The idea of trying her magic on smaller beings was interesting.
Lu’s comforting presence helped the little mare to calm the fears and tears. "I was so afraid of the changes happening around the court and with you and Isra… It has been overwhelming and I dont want to lose you. You are more a mother to me than what I remember of my own mother." The pressure of the slender mare was soothing and Pol took a few deep breaths. "Why… How did you lose the immortality?" She asked softly, wondering if it was a clue to what was ravaging the elder mare.
Pol looked up at the mare, a soft smile gracing her features again now that the fear was working its way out of her system. "I dont know that he knew you were here. He seemed so surprised by the news. When he asked if you were still immortal, he seemed really upset when I said that I didn’t think so." She murmured, letting herself put a bit of pressure back toward the mare that she adored so dearly.
Notes: <3