an equine & cervidae rpg
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Private  - There is a lighthouse, five hundred yards down

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Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 103 — Threads: 12
Signos: 125
Vagabond Monk
Female [She/Her/They/Theirs]  |  8 [Year 503 Summer]  |  15.1 hh  |  Hth: 46 — Atk: 14 — Exp: 69  |    Active Magic: Stellar Divination  |    Bonded: N/A

V e i l N e b u l a
Visions of your pretty face send me into hyper space
Caught up in a palentary world

The star gazed curiously at this being.

Her wings tucked close, her gaze kind as she looks up curiously of the stallion of dueling factions. Of day, of night, tangling over his coat like he's losses between two worlds . . . or perhaps she just wishes someone to understand her. He meets her gaze, even as she is curiously watching him, the color of the galaxies trailing from her mane and tail, slowly coaxing the floor between them to grow sparkly with the universe she brings with her where ever she goes, the closest she could ever get to home.

His ears tilt, catching the greeting from her lips.

The cosmic lady can see him working around the sound. Judging it, weighing it. Deeming its worth from her voice and tone, and the word she uses. A fragile flower waiting to see if she makes the cut for the bouquet. Or if she'll be tossed aside as imperfect. How odd for a star to feel imperfect? He draws nearer, and she tilts her head to the side, the stars with in her gaze glittering brightly as he is watched closely - until he finally greets her. Echoing back her hello, and instantly her smile blossoms beautifully across her face, the stars trapped in her eyes glimmering like the cosmos come alive. As if the one acknowledge has breathed life back into a dying nebula.

Her gaze is warm, beautiful, sincere.

His words come again, and while they hold little meaning, the universe whispers to it's lost daughter, filling her mind with images and senses. Softness, admiration. Pink and White and Warmth. A new flower budding in spring. The yawn of a tiny kitten. A beautiful gem sparkling in the light. Admiration, yes. Admiration. She ducks her head, shy and demure the man whose built is the war of nature. Dark and Light, day and night, sun and moon. As if he, himself, holds the universe upon his built. Balanced. Thank you. She replies, her own voice the age of time past, the ageless ness of time not yet to come. She glances back up at him - direct and kind, before her gaze sweeps over him, curious, intrigued. Night, and day. She muses, before her gaze returns to his, Which are you?" She questions lightly, curiously - a touch of play in her voice for a being she perceives to be more like she, than any other equine on this world.

Mayhaps not a star.

But close enough to be close enough.

Notes:: I wont lie, I'm super excited about this haha. Veil needs more friends anyhow.

Breathin' in you give me air, I'm living on your solar flare
Could you be my super nova girl?
Artist Credit to Sephinta


Messages In This Thread
RE: There is a lighthouse, five hundred yards down - by Veil Nebula - 03-05-2022, 11:11 PM
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