Aeon TO FALL AND REWRITE THE BITTER END He couldn’t help but smile and feel the warmth grow within his chest. This felt like family, it was this interaction that let hope grow within him. He had hope and faith that under Uzi they would be led to greater heights and she would continue the work that Liam had been putting into the court. As time continued to whirl past them it became more evident why Liam had chosen her. She was reliable and she was amongst her people. She was skilled in both her craft and her interactions with her citizens. He mulled for a moment over what she seemed to be struggling with. He chuckled in a soft warm rumble “When I first arrived at dusk I couldn't fly. I couldn’t use the mind power that resides in all of us. I couldn’t read either. There is always much to learn, and we continue to learn together.” He wasn’t embarrassed to look back on his beginnings. He had learnt much and he had achieved much there was still more to complete. “The tribe was born into, fought only with hooves and teeth, we had no such mind powers to allow us to move objects. I still have no competency with objects or weapons. Perhaps that's something we could learn together?” he asked softly to them both. His mind was for a moment back atop the volcano watching others fighting in the air from the ground. They had swooped and dived, clashing in the sky. Their bloodline ran within him, but he never had the opportunity to train with them as he was grounded. It wasn’t until he stumbled down the volcano and landed in Novus he was able to find a place to call home. “Where are you from Phoebe? I’m sure there’s knowledge or skills you could teach us also”, Aeon’s natural curiosity had not diminished with his growth. His mind was forever curious about the world he had fallen into, with each piece of information he continued to build his knowledge ba |