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Interactive Quest  - Jewel of the Desert

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Played by Offline Chaosy [PM] Posts: 143 — Threads: 21
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Dusk Court Blacksmith
Male [He/Him/His]  |  Immortal [Year 498 Summer]  |  21 hh  |  Hth: 22 — Atk: 18 — Exp: 49  |    Active Magic: Solar Manipulation  |    Bonded: Telum (Dragon)

Everything I've done, I've done for you. I move the stars for no one.

Sol laughed softly as she breathed him in. "If you say so." He teased as he nuzzled her. Her tugs to get him back to bed were met with an amused smile. Flashing his golden eyes, he shook his head.

Sol groaned softly at her words. "If that isnt the truth. It seems that we are prone to being called by the forces that want us to find the next big thing in our life. This feels similar... yet not the same as my magic did." He murmured, his eyes seeking whatever was calling him.

Sol smiled at Bel and dipped his head. "Less being stupid and more being cautious, my love." He laughed as he felt her tail connect with his shoulder. There were memories from that battle that were trying to surface, the reminders of pain and fury. Leading his mate out of the room, he started to make the way to the canyon. As they approached, he found himself slowing and glancing at her.

"Feels like forever ago, yet just yesterday.. " The fire beast stated, watching the flames from his hooves dance over the sands. The ice was gone, the land back to normal... outside of the blood that had darkened the grains. The sight of the hulking beast's remains made him pause and glance at Bel. That day had held so much emotion and chaos. The scent of blood brought him back to the moment that his wing had been captured by the teeth. A phantom pain danced along his bones and he shook his head.

"I think it was this way..." He murmured as he carefully skirted the corpse and moved further down the canyon.

@Below Zero
Notes: <3 

CREDIT to AbsoluteZeros (offsite)


Messages In This Thread
Jewel of the Desert - by Sol Bestiam - 02-15-2022, 12:10 PM
RE: Jewel of the Desert - by Below Zero - 02-16-2022, 12:16 AM
RE: Jewel of the Desert - by Sol Bestiam - 02-16-2022, 02:42 PM
RE: Jewel of the Desert - by Below Zero - 02-22-2022, 01:54 PM
RE: Jewel of the Desert - by Sol Bestiam - 06-15-2022, 03:40 PM
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