an equine & cervidae rpg
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All Welcome  - slick like sunlight ;

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Played by Offline Rae [PM] Posts: 301 — Threads: 41
Signos: 15
Inactive Character

"Eternal sunrise, eternal sunset, eternal dawn and gloaming, on sea and continents and islands, each in its turn, as the round earth rolls."

- - -

They leave just as quickly as they came, leaving Eik wondering 1) what the point was and 2) if anyone here is actually pleasant to be around. The conversation(? argument?) leaves him frustrated.

"Why don't you fight him?" It is another genuine question. This is the way his people fought- with their bodies, not with words. Only the very wise and the very foolish wield words as weapons, and Eik is not sure which one this man is. He thinks perhaps foolish, although that could simply be the echoes of his wounded pride. He is not used to others being so rude to him.

"Perhaps someday I will show you how." It is hard to tell if he is joking or not, his face is expressionless. Although he is smaller than the stallion before him, it is clear from his blanket of scars that he has a wealth of experience. "Farewell, Vel..." Its not every day he can make a rhyme, even a poor one, and a small smile flickers across his weary face. (Its the little things) ((... also he may have forgotten Velorca's name already)) (((not senile okay, just unfamiliar with all the long, harsh-sounding names here)))

He continues the path he had been walking before stumbling across the snide, slinky younger stallion. It is a good day to be alone.

-  -  -



Messages In This Thread
slick like sunlight ; - by Velorca - 08-17-2017, 02:41 AM
RE: slick like sunlight ; - by Eik - 08-17-2017, 01:48 PM
RE: slick like sunlight ; - by Maxence - 08-18-2017, 05:09 AM
RE: slick like sunlight ; - by Avdotya - 08-18-2017, 09:45 AM
RE: slick like sunlight ; - by Eik - 08-20-2017, 12:41 PM
RE: slick like sunlight ; - by Velorca - 08-20-2017, 08:51 PM
RE: slick like sunlight ; - by Maxence - 08-20-2017, 11:09 PM
RE: slick like sunlight ; - by Avdotya - 08-21-2017, 12:00 AM
RE: slick like sunlight ; - by Eik - 08-21-2017, 02:15 PM
RE: slick like sunlight ; - by Velorca - 08-29-2017, 07:17 AM
RE: slick like sunlight ; - by Maxence - 08-30-2017, 10:19 PM
RE: slick like sunlight ; - by Avdotya - 09-03-2017, 01:20 PM
RE: slick like sunlight ; - by Eik - 09-05-2017, 11:31 AM
RE: slick like sunlight ; - by inkbone - 09-06-2017, 01:20 AM
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