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All Welcome  - the wolf in a lion pride

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A pride always closed in upon lonesome stragglers, so perhaps it was unwise for Lady Rannveig to come alone. The commander certainly had not expected the visit, though still he did not fret or tremble when he beheld her dusk-touches breath or eyes of winter ice. A single lion never feared a lone wolf, let alone one surrounded and disarmed. 

It was from his chamber window that he watched the woman approach, a snarl curling upon his lips of ivory as Velorca slithered forth to meet her. How unfortunate; their meeting was already poisoned by that viper. Before the grey could do any more damage, Maxence had descended the tower in a  flurry and swoosh of clopping hooves and lashing feathers; the stairs were never a match for the sure footed soldier, even as he soared down them at great speed. 
Landing at a halt in the rose-lined terrace with a vibrant trill from his nostrils, Maxence was soon to gaze upon the approaching Seraphina (thank Solis) who perhaps held a similar intention - to rescue the drowning audience before it had even begun.

"If you're looking for an alliance you're here at a very inopportune moment... for you."
These were the words that the lion king approached to, his perpetual scowl only deepening with distaste for the innapropriate greeting Velorca had chosen (though trly he expected nothing less from that snake). 
"Velorca-" Maxence snorted, tempted to bare teeth and give the brute a well-earned jab to the shoulder. In the presence of the wolf queen though, it would have to wait.

"Lady Rannveig" Maxence uttered rather cordially, the strangest of smiles twitching upon his face - clearly an attempt at a more amiable, welcoming expression through an angered and agitated face. "What brings you to the desert?"

@Rannveig :D 


Messages In This Thread
the wolf in a lion pride - by Rannveig - 09-13-2017, 10:45 PM
RE: the wolf in a lion pride - by Velorca - 09-14-2017, 11:27 PM
RE: the wolf in a lion pride - by Seraphina - 09-20-2017, 09:16 PM
RE: the wolf in a lion pride - by Maxence - 09-22-2017, 06:20 AM
RE: the wolf in a lion pride - by Weir - 09-23-2017, 02:02 AM
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