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Private  - we could be heroes.

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Lavinia had followed Aislinn back to the her home. The young youth kept glancing towards the thrashing of the 'victim' and merely gave a snort at his antics. He was nothing short of a fool in her eyes and she wanted him to be punished for trying to steal something so dear to her heart. And also..because her pride was hurt. No one had ever dared tried to steal from her, she was the one that did the stealing. The keep of Denocte came into view and Lav let out a small sigh of relief at seeing her home.

Her ears twitched towards Only as he struggled and whined to them both and only narrows her eyes in on him. "Why should you be free when you stole something precious to me?" She hissed low and her tone spoke of the anger and annoyance she felt towards the fool as they stepped through the gates of the keep. Her hooves clanged softly against the stone floors and Lavinia lifted her head, choosing to ignore the cowardly stallion.

As they finally reached the Throne room and her King of Crows, Lavinia turned her gaze away from the sputtering fool to gaze upon her king. She owed this man her life and she was as loyal to him as she was to her sister. And she had almost lost the very knives her King had gifted to her. When Reichenbach turned to her and asked the question she knew was coming, she gave a swift nod. Her golden hued eyes lifting to look her king in the face, "Yes my king.. I was in the middle of a dance when he struck. He..took me by surprise." Perhaps a bit grudgingly she admitted this, but she admitted it nonetheless.

@Aislinn @Only @Reichenbach @Kasil
"this here is your speech colour!

Messages In This Thread
we could be heroes. - by Aislinn - 10-27-2017, 09:08 AM
RE: we could be heroes. - by Only - 10-27-2017, 11:26 PM
RE: we could be heroes. - by Reichenbach - 10-31-2017, 09:46 PM
RE: we could be heroes. - by Lavinia - 11-01-2017, 05:09 PM
RE: we could be heroes. - by Aislinn - 11-04-2017, 06:32 AM
RE: we could be heroes. - by Only - 11-08-2017, 05:44 PM
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