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All Welcome  - Like The Stars [relic contest]

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Satisfaction glimmered in the Night Court Warrior's silver gaze as Lothaire spoke, his voice like secrets, like smoke. Perhaps it was pride or vanity, but Reich could not help but to assume that Lothaire's own reasons for seeking the relic were as noble as his own - he believed wholeheartedly that the citizens of his court stood above bickering and competing for power. His smile turned wry as he returned Lothaire's auspicious gaze, silver gaze seeking to uncover the truths so artfully hidden behind his black eyes. Lothaire was a mystery to him - and Reich liked to know his fellow brothers of Denocte, so having such little knowledge of the man piqued his curiosity. 

"Is that right?"

He harmonised, a slow grin building and settling in the corners of his black mouth. There was a brief pause between them - during which Reich reluctantly parted his gaze from the depths of Lothaire's eyes, sweeping the crowds as he was prone to do. As he did so, the glimpse of... difference stood out to him from the crowd. Having spent his life within Denocte, growing, stealing, laughing, fighting, he was attuned to the appearance of strangers within the Court. His eyes lingered on the hint of gold through the crowd, sniffing delicately at the faint desert scent that only grew stronger as a vast figure began to seperate the crowd. Reichenbach cast his gaze back to Lothaire, raising his brows as a muscular Solterran man approached. 

Reich turned to face the man with a wary openness - at all times he was pleased to make new acquaintances, but with the courts balancing so delicately and with no sovereign to keep things in order... he cast the thought aside. Instead, a broad smile grasped his rough, handsome face and he welcomed the man.

"Mmm" he began, the music of his voice merging with the huskiness of the Solterran "I just hope that it stays lost - or else is found by someone with no agenda." Reich paused, warmth seeping from him - though he didn't expect as much from his companion. Despite how little Reich knew about Lothaire, in the very least he knew he did not warm up well to strangers. So, instead of waiting for the reptiles cool response, he introduced them: 

"I'm Reichenbach, a Warrior of Denocte and the Night Court - and this is Lothaire, a member of our Court." the friendly bay paused, glancing subtly at Lothaire before asking the newcomer "Is it the relic that has brought you to Denocte, Solterran?"


 @lothaire @Rostilav no, no! the more the merrier!!

Messages In This Thread
Like The Stars [relic contest] - by Reichenbach - 06-13-2017, 03:36 AM
RE: Like The Stars [relic contest] - by Lothaire - 06-13-2017, 08:07 AM
RE: Like The Stars [relic contest] - by Reichenbach - 06-14-2017, 02:08 AM
RE: Like The Stars [relic contest] - by Lothaire - 06-16-2017, 09:01 AM
RE: Like The Stars [relic contest] - by Rostislav - 06-20-2017, 03:24 PM
RE: Like The Stars [relic contest] - by Reichenbach - 06-20-2017, 11:36 PM
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