an equine & cervidae rpg
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Private  - -- little by little

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Weeks had passed since Avdotya last walked the bustling courtyard of Solterra's capitol. Between her brief appearance at Dusk's ongoing winter festival and near-constant prowling of the desert, she had little interest in the goings-on of the general populace; however, the Regent assumed it would be wise to show her face around them to deter any wandering minds, if only for a fleeting moment. That was not to say that she had any intention of enjoying it, though. In fact, the woman's expression was quite sour as she stepped out from the fortress and into the sunlight, her piercing gaze tracing the movements of those going about their day.

She stood there for a few seconds longer, then slipped down the sandstone steps like a lioness on the prowl. Behind her, Feliks followed at a brisk trot- far less elegant than his equine companion, but he had never been known to put much effort into the grace of his motion. The Borzoi was a simple being, he cared not for image as much as his bonded (although Avdotya would never admit to her consciousness of her reputation).

Different as they were, they had become a strong pair and it only further pushed the woman to exude confidence. It was that confidence that had a tendency to intimidate others, and while Solterra was renowned for its bold inhabitants, Avdotya often found others averting their eyes and avoiding her when possible... a fact that brought pleasure to her blackened heart. She was no lover of social interaction and the niceties that often came with it, and so she preferred the frequent evasion.

Perhaps now she could enjoy watching the fighters train in the dirt ring without disturbance.

You’re playing my game now-- @Rhiannon

Messages In This Thread
-- little by little - by Avdotya - 01-17-2018, 11:24 PM
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