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Noctiilucent had felt their eyes long before they made an approach. There was a scent that drifted on the breeze that she could not place. She could only identify the smell of smoke, and the other scents that mingled were much more pungent. It wasn't an unpleasant smell, but it certainly was a unique one. He approached her, glided right into her world like a vision. His charcoal hair filled with brilliant, but gentle curls. His ochre frame that had muscle chiseled expertly beneath his flesh. Then her gaze fell upon his own eyes, two depthless pools of mercury. Noctii found his presence mesmerizing, and she couldn't help but stare. It was as though he defined a gentle approach, but was simultaneously a certain aesthetic she had no word for. He offered her a simple greeting, and she found herself nearly to awestruck by his expert approach. Really his design was simplistic, but she was drawn to his presence alone. Noctii struggled to regain some composure but floundered beneath his gaze which trailed over her bodice. The wind that blew his hair swept hers back, the hair that dangled just a half inch from the ground. She lacked the elegant curls that swirled gently along his nape, instead, she had an abundance of length to her own hair. With that length came great weight.

Noctii was so lost in her own head, she'd forgotten that he'd responded to her. A formal sort of greeting if she recalled correctly. This hadn't been the first time she'd found herself captivated by the appearance of someone. She further doubted it would be the last. " Sorry, I'm not sure why but I forgot how to speak for a few moments there." She spoke, but it was not nearly as well put together as her usual pattern of speech. It was almost as if she stammered in his presence. He was equal in height compared to her. Noctiilucent did not feel frightened, but she could not place this sensation. She mentally shook herself off, urging herself quickly to find out where she was. "I've come from the shores of the winter sea. I'm not quite sure where it is I am, or truthfully where I'm going. This realm is so vast and foreign to me. I have drifted a great distance from my homeland in search of a new life. Not that you need the story of a stranger... I'm not sure why your presence gives me such compulsion to share these things with you.. but it does." Noctii admitted in a bewildered fashion, studying his smile she also couldn't read this.

Something visceral spoke to her, and she wished she spoke the language to understood what it was telling her. The bloke was enchanting, and all he'd practically said was hello. Noctii felt her wariness creep in, recalling that Solomnus had been similarly enchanting. Her mesmerized gaze flickered to something more akin to caution as she peered upon him. He was true elegance draped in the robes of mahogany, but she could not allow herself to fall for another trick. Not at the hands of the immortals once again. She would not be made a fool of by them, not again. "Perhaps... it's enchanting. I could feel your eyes burning across my flesh long before you made your appearance... Who are you?" Noctii inquired in a cautious, but thoughtful tone. It wasn't as though she could possibly know he'd been watching her. Noctii wasn't even sure if it was a perpetual feeling of being watched that lingered on her flesh from past memories. Physical memories that would not depart, but were equally invisible to outsiders.

Notes: That's alright! I'm still trying to figure her out ! 
Tags: @Reichenbach 
Words: 611

Hold onto Me
When you think you're sinking

Messages In This Thread
Starscape - by Noctiilucent - 01-15-2018, 09:50 PM
RE: Starscape - by Reichenbach - 01-17-2018, 10:48 PM
RE: Starscape - by Noctiilucent - 01-22-2018, 04:47 PM
RE: Starscape - by Reichenbach - 01-29-2018, 10:49 PM
RE: Starscape - by Noctiilucent - 02-17-2018, 06:45 PM
RE: Starscape - by Reichenbach - 02-19-2018, 06:02 AM
RE: Starscape - by Noctiilucent - 04-03-2018, 01:33 PM
RE: Starscape - by Reichenbach - 04-12-2018, 07:48 PM
RE: Starscape - by Noctiilucent - 06-02-2018, 07:59 PM
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