I am calling bullshit.
He didn't say it, but certainly thought it.
He nervously debated whether or not turning and just flat out bolting would be worth it, given the way the man seemed to be growing more and more irritated as the time went on. Auru nervously looked from side to side, unsure as to what exactly the man wanted him to say. He hadn't exactly been asked a question, and he felt that his nonverbal response was more than indicative of how he felt regarding the statements already put forth in the... one-sided conversation.
“Can you at least point me in the direction of someone more willing to talk?"
You didn't ask me anything, asshole. I can talk just fine.
"I’m looking for a girl – golden coat, purple flowers in her hair. Has she passed by here recently?”
Momentarily forgetting that he should be frightened of the... possible god, Auru flicked his eyes up to meet the slightly taller man's gaze, ears lowered in momentary irritation at the insinuation being made. Auru had a voice that he could use just fine, just because the man seemed to think that suddenly appearing out of thin air and giving someone a heart attack and following that up with embarrassing them was perfectly fine didn't mean that sensible people wouldn't still be stunned to silence.
But a girl with a golden coat and flowers in her hair certainly did sound familiar.
Too familiar.
His back distantly ached at the thought of her.
He cleared his throat quietly, flicking an ear as he shuffled back a little more, still subconsciously and fully consciously trying to add distance between them. The man was still very much so someone to be wary of. But that didn't mean Auru would just lead any old person to the ruler of his court, he may be a coward and he may prefer to keep to himself and stay out of court life, but that didn't mean he'd just lead any old person to his leader. Especially not someone who looked so dangerous.
"W-What do you need to speak to Sovereign Florentine for?"
He returned his eyes to the ground as he asked the question, irritation rapidly having faded and the nervous man now finding himself once more in a situation that was more than slightly uncomfortable.