The mare lifted her head with a start as she heard the voice of another equine. Her wings instinctively spread slightly, ready to take off should she need to shove off her hooves quickly. Aibreann was easily startled, her senses on high alert since she wasn't sure those who attacked her homeland wouldn't follow her here. Her bicolored eyes stared at the ivory and golden stallion. The stallion had antlers, like her own, but he had scales as well. Something she'd never seen on any equine from her homeland. She was startled, surprised to see another approach her. "H-Homesick... Missing my family..." Aibreann stuttered, her large eagle wings still slightly spread in case the stallion proved to be a foe rather than an enemy. Her appearance was a striking one to most, though to her the stallion's appearance was a striking one. He had quite an interesting appearance. Part of her wondered where the stallion could possibly be from, with an appearance like the one he held. Bat-like wings rather than feathered. A tail that was only haired at the end of it. He had a curious appearance, and it intrigued the chimeric mare. @Isorath "Speech." |