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wicked eyes and wicked hearts

The Courtyard is blessedly quiet when the Crow stepped out into it for the evening. Behind him in the faint murmur of equines in various states of celebration and revelry, muffled laughter and the sound of hooves slammed against oak tables. The Spring had chased much of the chill away, but in the evenings the cold lingered. Frigid tendrils of Winter's breath, wary of the braziers which illuminated the old stone, but not enough to leave completely. Dovev floated like a ghost, a smokey wraith weaving across the stones with no true destination in mind.

There's no sense of urgency in these familiar halls, not like the way he slinked in the gilded halls of Zolin's dominion. A momentary thought is spared toward such wanderings and then quickly dismissed. He is far too much an amiable mood to sour it with a fleeting, unintentional trot down memory lane. Crystalline eyes instead pass over the small flashes of color that have began to line the Courtyard gardens, occupying him and provided him with a momentary burst of relief. Bright splotches of blue, white and purple revealing themselves after a long slumber, in Summer it would be magnificent. Midnight roses glittering at night with their speckled visages, moon lilies and their luminescent dust.

Of course, Denoctian citizens would wreath themselves in them, twine them around their locks and incorporate them into their outfits. Dashing stallions and beguiling maids. Ah, Dovev can see it now.

Somewhere in the distance, a dragon uttered it's song, ethereal and ever so cutting on the wind. It sank into the marrow of his bones and reverberated in his soul. His gaze moved to scan the skies, and when they found nothing, returned their attention back into the courtyard he occupied — specifically to the obsidian and diamond flecked sculpture of Calligo at it's center. His attention does not stay there for long, an ear flicked back with practiced grace as his head tilted minutely to the left.

"A rather bracing night, isn't it?"

"sunshine dasies butter mellow!"


Messages In This Thread
Mirrors start to whisper - by Dovev - 03-04-2018, 06:10 PM
RE: Mirrors start to whisper - by Raum - 03-05-2018, 12:41 PM
RE: Mirrors start to whisper - by Dovev - 03-05-2018, 04:13 PM
RE: Mirrors start to whisper - by Caine - 03-05-2018, 06:53 PM
RE: Mirrors start to whisper - by Raum - 04-06-2018, 02:43 PM
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