She joined them as they encroached upon the crown's sandstone doorstep, her hooves driving into the sand with practiced ease as she so fluidly melted into the crowd. She was but another face in a sea of others, an unknown that neither side would question when her allegiance came into question; while it rang true that Makeda would face the guillotine before she ever acknowledged some false silver Queen, in this hour she had already determined that she was but a poorly Day Court damsel. The girl peeled away from her Davke horde the moment they had torn through the palace doors, those clever violet eyes honing in on a perfect nook within which she would crumple into a helpless young maiden. On her knees, Makeda cried out, feigned terror burning brightly on her delicate face while tears stained her cheeks... and oh, like moths to a flickering flame did they come. Two Solterran guards readily rushed to her aid, urging her to her hooves and placing her safely between their bodies as they made for the doors from which she had only just broken into. "You will be safe out here," she was assured, her legs collapsing beneath her and barrel now kissing the warm sand. Makeda looked up at them, her eyes still wet with crocodile tears. "I will," she agreed, much to their surprise, though the prior sweetness of her voice had all but vanished, "but you won't." The Davke fighter sprung from place in the sand below, driving the pointed tip of a horn directly into the throat of one of her saviours. She left barely a second for him to blink, much less react, and before the stallion could think to retaliate, he was a limp body on the ground. Thus, her attention spun to the second guard: he had already drawn his blade, its metal glinting in the sunlight and all too ready to be run clean across her neck. Makeda laughed, a serpent's smile taking to her lips. "Come on, sweets, I know you wanted me all to yourself." That was all it took to goad him into attacking, a blind lunge that she danced away from with ease- save for the bloodied knick he managed to make upon her hindquarters. It drew a vicious response, her coy hop and skip approach suddenly exploding into an all out assault. She leapt around his rump, grabbing at his stifle and forcing him to the sand. The second he was down, Makeda threw herself into a half-rear, aiming both hooves for the stallion's hock. A sickening crack caressed her ears, his cries of pain soon following, but she did not seek the final blow. Instead, Makeda waited, leaving him to writhe in his pain until the familiar screech of her bonded signaled his arrival and she sashayed to his face. "I've got a special treat for you." The girl whispered, barely avoiding his snapping teeth. Gazini arrived seconds later, the weight of his body hitting the sand creating a cloud of dust that left Makeda and her new friend coughing as the sand tickled their lungs. "I've got you a snack, my friend." She beamed up at him, rather proud of her gifts for her dragon companion. But she did not have time to linger... she had blood to collect. "Gazini. No one gets out." |