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Interactive Quest  - You will heed my call

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Played by Offline Staff [PM] Posts: 309 — Threads: 165
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Official Novus Account

even if your knees become weak

The cold gave way to the blossoming petals of spring, but the black ice of his scaled hide never melted. The glow of his eyes never dimmed, not even on the brightest of days under the glare of the hottest Solterran sun.

But the wind still nipped at his hide, clouds giving way to his massive wings just like dew would evaporate after the morning chill. He cast shadows upon the ground underneath him, but his wingspan afforded enough movement speed that most would barely catch a glimpse of him as he passed above. Should they not look up, they may miss the beast entirely - for as massive as he was, he was silent, body kept airborne by the strong thermals that glided under his wings.

But still, he searched. He knew the echo in his mind, the call that tugged at the most sensible part of his conscious. It spoke breathless words unto him - of the world of dragons and kirins, of scales and fire, frost and ice - and of all the traditions that came with the timelessness of their land.

There was only one he sought, and it did not take long to find the magnificent creature. Polar opposite as he was to Aether himself... he, the dragon of towering black ice and crystal; Isorath, the kirin of ivory and gold. He shone bright among the crowd, and Aether briefly questioned if such a fact was always a good thing.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Down he descended, strong wings holding fast against the upward push of the air. From above the clouds, the wind bit at his hide feverishly... but as he coasted towards the land below, it welcomed him in a warm embrace. The chilled, calculating expression never left those glowing, wispy eyes, even as a strong neck turned to regard the tallest portion of the citadel that bordered the edge of the sea. He did not see Isorath, but his mind and all his senses told the massive wyvern that he was here. 

And with that, he descended down to the citadel's roof, flaring those monstrous wings as he neared the peak and talons touched the imposing stone. Thankfully, most of the Court's citizens were out amongst the land, gathering precious supplies that were once hard to find in winter's harsh grasp... but for those that were still present in the Court, there was no denying Aether's presence.

The soft thud of his landing would emanate through the halls of the Citadel, shaking all the trinkets and garnish that lined the calls of the proud capitol. Aether need not roar to announce his presence... he was above such unnecessary displays. Instead, strong jaws split: cool, harmless frost spilled from his muzzle, down the side of the Citadel itself, pooling in the courtyard as his mind reached out to the kirin...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

No matter where the Regent was, he would know. He may not know what, who, or how... but he would know something. It was a tangible pull, like an uncomfortable pair of cold hands grasping at the scaled patches of his hide, horns, and smooth wings. It would pull, begging him to move, to go, to rush to a place he had no idea of.

Oh, it was deafening, intoxicating his mind with white noise... with voices and thoughts that he may recognize were not his own. At first, the chorus in his mind might be overwhelming, but... 

I arrive; have you not even the decency to greet me?

It was a calm voice that would dull the chaos in Isorath's mind with unnerving serenity. But nevertheless, it would make his body move.. to the courtyard, where the cool miasma would wash his legs, surround his body and creep up his neck. It was palpable in a way that simply made no sense for something so nebulous and ethereal, but it would guide his chin upwards to the heavens...

Upwards, to stare into the calm eyes of the creature that shrouded the entire courtyard in his shadow.

Aether will descend from the heavens and perch upon the tallest part of the Citadel in the Dusk court. He will not roar, but frost will spill from his powerful maw. His call to @Isorath will be wordless - spoken to the kirin through a connection only they share.

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Once done, you may begin including Aether in Isorath's posts.

This was so much fun to write! <3 -inkbone

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Messages In This Thread
You will heed my call - by Random Events - 02-08-2018, 10:44 PM
RE: You will heed my call - by Isorath - 02-08-2018, 11:10 PM
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