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Played by [PM] Posts: N/A — Threads:

The woman landed, her limbs weak and her body exhausted. It seemed that she’d been flying for ages and finally, she’d seen something besides darkness. The lights, seemingly endless amounts of them, had drawn her from the clouds and now, finally, her feet touched ground. But, as relieved as she was to be out of the air, she was suddenly overwhelmed and mesmerized by the scene around her. Equines of all colors and sizes rushed past her, children laughed and she even thought she’d caught sight of a .... dragon?

But, even though she’d found civilization her heart pounded within her chest as she eagerly attempted to free herself from the crowd. The anxiety that clawed at her insides caused her breath to quicken and she felt ill. The crowd, she had to get out of the crowd. But then, suddenly, the scent of ash met her and she wrinkled her face at the foul aroma before she found the source of the stench. It had drawn her from her own mind and she welcomed the distraction as Cassilyn’s eyes moved over the ravaged shop and a frown found her lips. Who would have done such a thing? That was someone’s livelihood, someone’s hopes and dreams. How dare they.
The woman caught herself, how had she grown so angry over something she didn’t know or understand. She shook her head for a moment and found herself once again thrown into the fray of the crowd.

The lady in white lifted her aching wings and created a perimeter around herself as she pushed through the crowd. After she’d struggled for what seemed like eons, she’d managed to find a small nook in the market where she could finally breathe for a moment. And in that moment, she was able to appreciate the beauty of her surroundings. Not only were the citizens exotic and extraordinary, but the architecture and even the street baffled Cassilyn. The jewels, they twinkled like stars and the colors were as rich and welcoming as the night sky.
“Where am I,” she asked herself as she rested quietly in her dark corner. Never in her life did she want a warm bed, a book and a cup of tea more then right now. A girl could wish for home but that didn’t mean she’d find it here.

OOC: Any and all welcome!

Played by [PM] Posts: N/A — Threads:

is this a natural feeling or is it just me bleeding?
It was probably due to his curious nature that had gotten him this far, to this odd little area that was strangely comforting in the way it seemed to be a bustling community gathering of stands and wares and those interested in adding to whatever collection they had. Or perhaps that was simply how Lasairian imagined it. It wasn't simple, this place, not compared to many other areas, but it wasn't extreme, either. The marketplace was a middle ground Lasairian hadn't expected, but it still felt like a too close reminder of the Bheo's gathering place in enough ways to draw him in.

There might not be as many different creatures as back there, but it was enough with the strange equines, the tiny dragons, the bonded animals still about. It lacked the over-grown stone and dirt walls, the blue flowers tangled every which way, the sheer amount of odd bipedals that the Bheo housed. The only smoke forms here were from things that had been set on fire, nothing alive in those darker masses. Lasairian did not know what was going on there, and he did not intend to stand around and gawk, either. He kept moving, looking, learning about this area and the things being sold, the overall social dynamics that he hoped to soon fully grasp and develop for himself.

This was what Lasairian had come here to do, not realizing how vastly it exceeded expectations of what he thought this place might be. He should have gathered more information, but just the idle talk of a marketplace had drawn him in, ensnared him with how tempted he was to check it out and see what it had to offer. How these others interacted with each other in such a setting. All of it was of interest to the curious Lasairian, and it was knowledge that he wanted to most collect when he had set off to get here. None of the rest had been thought through all that much; and Lasairian had not been well-prepared for it.

So much to take in, after everything, and he moved off to the side to take a moment and observe while standing back. He nearly jolted away when the sound of a voice from the nearby dark corner was out, not expecting someone to be there, either. Lasairian had controlled his reaction enough that he had done little more than fidget at the sound -- a small shuffling of hooves -- then he settled again and glanced closer yet to that spot where the voice had come, "the marketplace," was his answer, though he did not wish to give the wrong impression and went on, "granted that this is my first time being here," his added words, glancing around and then back.
tag — @Cassilyn
template by cas • equine lines by AriesRedLo • border image from

Played by [PM] Posts: N/A — Threads:

She’d been resting in the nook for some time when her eyes drifted shut. It was there against a wall in an unknown market that she found some rest. It was peculiar but for those few moments, she slept harder then she had for days. It was an undisturbed cat nap that was much deeper then one would expect in such an odd place.

However, it wasn’t the noises of the market that startled her awake, it was a voice that cut right into her. Cassilyn came to, her pale eyes suddenly wide and nostrils flared as her gaze landed upon a man who had moved towards her in the shadows. He was much larger than her but he had the same pale skin and alabaster coat. She smiled at him briefly as she shook the sleep from her mind.

“Forgive me,” Cassi said as she smiled at the strange man. She couldn’t help but stare at the blood that seemed to pour from his eyes. The woman couldn’t help but wonder if it hurt him? Or was it simply part of what made him?
As she looked closer at him, she realized he seemed to shimmer in the light like liquid silver, it truly was a sight.
“I’m quite new to this world and I’m trying to make my way to the library? Does that sound familiar to you at all?” Cassilyn asked politely with a tilt of her head.
“I know you said you’re new as well but,” she chuckled. “I honestly have no idea where I am, all I know is I want to find the library,” she finished as she stepped further out of the darkness.

“It is beautiful here though, for how loud it is,” she observed quietly as she gazed out at the passing crowd.
“I’m Cassilyn,” the woman said as she turned and looked at the stranger once more.

Tag: @Lasairian

Played by [PM] Posts: N/A — Threads:

is this a natural feeling or is it just me bleeding?
Perhaps he had taken too long to respond, or maybe he had been delusional all along that he heard anyone speak at all. That was where his mind jumped when he noticed the reaction of the mare tucked there in that nook after he had spoken. Lasairian hadn't meant to startle her, though he is reminded that she had first startled him, as much as he had struggled to keep himself collected over it.

She was small where he was not, and that alone could have been seen as threatening, though Lasiarian truly did not mean to been seen in such a manner right now. It had been awhile since he had tried any of that to begin with, because he was no longer a wily child that needed the approval that came with such things. He wanted respect and to be seen, to a degree, but in the medic field more than anything else.

To be known for collecting stories and gathering knowledge; that, too, he wouldn't mind being known for here. Not the point, of course, but many things were prone to running through his mind on the spot. Better than really diving into his past memories, as he had tended to do of late. That sort of thing was not doing him any favors, and it was probably holding him back more than anything else.

Here and now, however, a conversation was unfolding where Lasairian had been concerned there would only be disapproval for how he had approached, and he was grateful that it was the first and not the other. He said nothing at the stare, acting as if he hadn't noticed it happening at all, and offered a polite smile to her in return. "You've done nothing I would need to forgive. I was being clumsy in my observational skills when I stepped too close," he responded apologetically.

She was then speaking more, and Lasairian's interest was peaked when she mentioned the library and her intention to go there. Lasairian nodded when she asked if it was familiar to him; he was new, but the library was in the lands he had been settling into, and it was already his most favored of places in the entire realm. "I know where the library is, yes. It's my favorite place within these lands," he confirmed almost cheerfully.

Seeing her step from the more shadowed spot gave him the opportunity to see her better, to notice that she was also pale in color. The comment on it being beautiful but loud here gained a quick, good-natured laugh from him, "I agree," and he might have said more, but her name was caught, and he assumed it was his turn to give his own, "I'm Lasairian. A pleasure to meet you, Cassilyn. Would you like an escort to the library?" and then, "take you're time, of course. This place really is a sight to see," he amended gently.
tag — @Cassilyn
template by cas • equine lines by AriesRedLo • border image from

Played by [PM] Posts: N/A — Threads:

Cassilyn’s eyes had wandered once again towards to crowds and as much as she hated to be a part of one, she was fascinated by it. The small animals that raced around their bonded’s feet and the petite dragons that fluttered about all caused a smile to appear on her lips. But, as the man spoke, she turned her head and tilted her ears towards him as a laugh escaped her.
As the conversation continued, she felt the happiest she’d been in some time when the man mentioned the library almost enthusiastically. How coincidental that in the bustle of this incredibly busy place, she’d run into another book worm. Her smile brightened at the thought.

“It really wasn’t your fault, how could you have known I’d fallen asleep in the busiest place in the world?” the ivory woman asked, her tone dipped in humor.
“I’ve been traveling for several days and I just let the exhaustion catch up with me,” Cassi admitted with a shrug of her wings.
“It’s been an absolute pleasure to meet you Lasairian and I’m glad I’ve met another who enjoys the quiet of a library as much as me,” the woman remarked cheerfully.

“Well, now that I’ve taken a bit of a nap, I’d love an escort to the library,” Cassi spoke again as she glanced at the man once more. She found herself staring at the wonderful silver of his eyes, she’d never seen anything quite like it. But, she quickly drew herself from the thought and smiled at him once more.
“So, shall we face the crowd once more?” she asked as she entered the crowd slowly, hoping he’d follow and breathed deeply to keep herself calm. Perhaps Lasairian would be a perfect distraction to the anxiety that would quickly catch up with her.
“Where is the library exactly?” Cassilyn asked as she walked with the flow of the crowd and tried to keep herself from getting overwhelmed.

Tag: @Lasairian
OOC: I'm sorry this one is so rough lol

Played by [PM] Posts: N/A — Threads:

is this a natural feeling or is it just me bleeding?
As far as Lasairian was concerned, there was good and bad with being within a crowd, but he did perfer to be without the clamour and proximity of them. He liked his personal space, and as calmly as he would let another walk beside him for a time, he did not enjoy being pressed from all sides like this for long periods of time. He was reminded of the common area of the Bheo while being here in the Market, but that wasn't always a good thing.

There were far too many shortcomings of that once-home, and buried in books and scrolls was always better than the crowds. The medical side of it wasn't terrible at all, and Lasairian did feel good over what he had learned that gave him an edge here as a medic, but so much of that had been studies as well. Lasairian had been taught to be social, and he did not think he was terrible at it, but one on one encounters were always better than being in a crowd.

There was beauty and charm in this place anyway, though. The marketplace may hold some interest, but as always the library held more. Much more. Yet Lasairian is amused at her words and the sheer fact that it was true enough; this place was the least likely he might have expected to encounter someone napping in. He shrugs at her words, the barest rolling of his shoulders, because she's right and he has no comeback for it.

She was speaking of travel and he listened attentively, curious of where she had come from and why here was where she decided to land, of all places. One thing at a time, of course, so he stored the questions for later moments and nodded his head to her, thinking that it was lucky indeed that he had met another who was so fond of the library. "I do very much enjoy learning new things, and there are often worlds of knowledge within books," he said, explaining his side of it.

The silence mattered too, yes, but even in a place like this, Lasairian wouldn't look past trying to read something new and exciting if it was presented to him. Cassilyn seemed happy with the idea of being escorted to the library now, and was soon asking if they should face the crowd once more. Lasairian looked out at the masses and took a deep breath, "yes, into the fray we go," he responded, stepping up beside her as she started forward.

With Cassilyn asking where the library was, Lasairian answered easily, "Delumine, the Northern-most side of the forest there, in the Dawn Court. The trees come together to form walls, hallways, rooms and shelves. It feels almost endless in there with the books," was how he decided to answer. And then, "where do you hail from, if I may ask?" because she might not wish to speak of it, and if so, he would respect that, too.
tag — @Cassilyn
template by cas • equine lines by AriesRedLo • border image from

Played by [PM] Posts: N/A — Threads:

The ivory coated woman moved down the street and she couldn’t help but admire the exotic atmosphere around her. The rich colors of the tapestries and the brilliant hues of the many jewels that were scattered delicately across the market. However, she found herself drawn continuously to the petite dragons that were sprawled about, literally everywhere. The small smile that found her face surprised her and she couldn’t help but wonder why she was so drawn to them. Maybe it was because they seemed as fantastical and unreal as her life in Cirrus had been.

Cassilyn was drawn from her thoughts as the silver man who accompanied her began to speak once again. His smooth voice moved easily over her skin and she turned her gaze to him once more. A smile appeared as he spoke of books and she wasn’t sure he’d ever understand how much she agreed with him. Books were a shelter from the world, a place where she could indulge in the hopes and dreams of fictional characters and worlds. The library would always be a safe place for her and by the sounds of it, the library in Dawn was the safest and quietest library in this world.
But, it was not his comments of the library that caused her to pause for a moment. Her very heart seemed to stop in her chest and that sharp pain suddenly returned. Cassi inhaled and her verdant eyes closed for a moment as her legs continued to carry her forward faithfully.
“Now that is a difficult question to answer, for more then one reason,” the woman spoke softly to her companion.
It truly was difficult to explain the circumstances of her past, she didn’t remember much, except for the Brothers who had smiled at her before she’d landed on earth.
“Prepare yourself, for this may not be easy to grasp,” she admitted with a quiet laugh.

“I don’t remember much, just a beautiful city in another realm,” the woman started as the pair continued through the night.
“I was happy but I do not remember how I got there…” she paused. “It was wonderful there and I can never describe what I saw,” she explained as her face wrinkled in concentration.
“But, the Brothers, otherwise known as the Creators, they were kind to me,” and then she said. “I will never understand the words they said to me but when I awoke, I was here,” Cassilyn finished. Her heart ached for a moment but she did not feel sad. The woman lifted her eyes and looked at her new friend for a long moment.
“The Brothers… before I left, they told me I was getting another chance,” the damsel cloaked in alabaster stalled for a moment as she mulled over that fact.
“What could that mean if I don’t remember anything before that?” she asked him. Perhaps he’d have some opinion on her strange history.

“Anyways,” she continued with a laugh. “Enough about that, where are you from Lasairian?”

Tag: @Lasairian
OOC: I love this budding friendship c:

Played by [PM] Posts: N/A — Threads:

is this a natural feeling or is it just me bleeding?
It was a curious thing, watching Cassilyn watching the little dragon creatures, and Lasairian wonders what she might have made of the raptor form he had once known so well. He shoves the thoughts back, down, away. They will do him no good here, and he needs to keep his mind clear. He had been struggling to do so, to keep his outlook in a good place, to push himself forward. Living in the past wouldn't work, would not help him while he was here. This was where he needed to focus, what he needed to put his energy into. Not as many open doors, but it was enough. He hoped.

The books, they helped. They were something soothing to the aching holes left within him, and he did cling to that fact. To those stories, to the information pressed to each of those pages. They did help to keep his mind busy and away from the memories. As did the way he threw himself into becoming a better medic here, at the base level of it all. No magic to use for it, though he had relied perhaps too heavily upon that way for far too long before all of this. He was grateful that he was also taught the basic ways in it, too. That was what caught him when he had arrived; knowing at least that much.

Soaking up the information on anything relating to the medical field through the library books had become a comfort to him, and something that he had begun quickly enough. Finding them had been the difficult part, because there had been so many books among all those trees and what they had reformed into. Lasairian had still done it, still sought those books out, and to this day he was still trying to go through them. He wasn't sure how long it might take to read them all, but he suspected it would be years, even if he decided to live in the library itself to read as much as possible. The library was that massive.

Words of the library had not caused the pause in step with Cassilyn, but the question that Lasairian had posed about where she had come from. While that pause did not persist, the overall way that Cassilyn reacted said enough to Lasairian as to how much the question unsettled something for the mare. That was not what he had intended, but he could understand pain or unease int he thoughts of what had been left behind. He had his own tale on that, though he wasn't sure he would be able to be forward enough to discuss it all. His prior home, sure. Most things, maybe. But not everything right off.

There was the most subtle brow raising at her words of preparing himself of something not easy to grasp, and Lasairian smiled indulgently at that. It was not that he did not believe the story could be something far from what he might imagine it to be, but that he wouldn't be able to grasp it with ease. He had seen some shit, and his mind was open enough to grasp quite a bit. Yet he said nothing, listening to what she was saying attentively. Taking it all in with a quiet interest. There were so many possibilities to what she was saying, what it could all mean, where she had been, but there wasn't enough to go on.

Another chance. That was what she was saying now, about what she had gotten from these 'Brothers', and that said a few different things to him, but Lasairian wasn't sure if he was the one to ask these questions to. Did he swallow down his gut response to that? "I could speculate a great many things, like a possible rebirth, perhaps?" but being born half phoenix did tend to draw his mind in that direction by default. He simply did not want to discuss that half at length, and didn't gain much from it, anyway. Not even a lot of information on it, but that in itself had good reasons.

When she asked about where he was from, that was easier to answer at face value, "the Coille Bheo, across the veil," he responded evenly, wondering as to how to explain that place to her to give her the best general idea of it. "It's like this endless place of mountains and forests, with small hills and open fields at the center, and everything there feels so alive. The flowers move and lean. The Sithen is vegitation sprawled soil and stone walled, with rooms and great hallways, and all manner of creatures living within it," he added, trying to pain a little bit of a picture of it for her.
tag — @Cassilyn
template by cas • equine lines by AriesRedLo • border image from

Played by [PM] Posts: N/A — Threads:


Somehow, as they walked down the street, she’d lost herself in the past. The memories bounced around within her skull and for a moment, she forgot where she was. All that she could see was the crystalline perfection of Cirrus. The colors were so vivid, so pure. Why had she left? Why had the Brothers sent her here? Cassilyn might not have remembered much but she did remember how happy she’d been there. But, the more she tried to recover the memory, the further it floated, just out of her reach. With grasping fingers, her conscious screamed in frustration as she reached eagerly for her past and suddenly, a wall was up and she was thrown from her own mind.

The alabaster woman was back on the street with Lasarian by her side. She’d come too just soon enough to hear the words that poured from his silver lips. A rebirth? At that revelation, the pain in her chest suddenly doubled and she instantly pushed the thought from her head. She couldn’t and wouldn’t face that hurt today.

At his recollection of his old home, her ears swivelled and she painted a detailed portrait in her mind’s eye. It sounded absolutely magical and she envied him for a moment. The lady had always wanted to be so immersed in nature, there was nothing more peaceful. She couldn’t comprehend a land where the flora and fauna were so actively conscious and alive but she’d read about plenty of these worlds in fiction.
“That sounds wonderful Lasairian,” Cassilyn spoke, her words dripping with awe.
“Did you enjoy it there?” she asked as they neared the end of the street where the night seemed to stretch on forever before them.
“Perhaps we should begin our journey?” the lady asked as she lifted her wings gently, the feathers swayed in a soft breeze.

She knew that the darkness beyond the markets was filled with winter’s cold touch and she shivered in recollection of her adventure so far. Her pale eyes found their way to her new friend’s face and the smile that spread across her maw was filled with cheer.
“I’m glad I won’t be finishing this journey on my own,” she explained eagerly.


OOC: I figured we could finish this one up and create another in the Dawn Court?
Tag: @Lasairian

Played by [PM] Posts: N/A — Threads:

is this a natural feeling or is it just me bleeding?
The Bheo had been a dazzling place with interesting creatures within it. It was so different, so varied, that Lasairian was hard pressed to be astounded by the variety of appearances here, no matter how odd. How could he be, when back there it was creatures that seemed made of plants, floating puffs of smoke and anything in between? Even shapeshifting have been a very normal part of life there. One of the worst difficulties encountered was the empaths, as it was hard to keep emotional based secrets with those all around. An immunity he had been glad to have back there.

There would always be good with the bad, and the social structure had issues. It was mostly peaceful there -- aside from the pit -- but the ranking system was limited to only the ruling species, and only their efforts mattered. As something half and stuck in both sides, Lasairian had his personal struggles with all of that. Perhaps there was greed in wanting more, in wishing his efforts mattered more, but Lasairian couldn't help that. Some of it was in the way he was raised and who he was, and the rest was simply in that striving need to be better than he felt he was. To matter more.

At least here, in this place, this type of world, that sort of thing did seem more possible to him. Not that Lasairian expected much, considering his desired field as a medic, but he did want to become a better medic. Once he decided on which field to specialize in, at least. Something for another day. Yet it did help in how he was settling in here, despite what he missed about the Bheo and those within it. Mostly a select few of those who lived there, but that was the place he was not so interested to go into with explanations to others. Parts of it would bother him to admit, even.

He's shaken from that train of thought when Cassilyn speaks again, and he nods to that, because the layout, the nature of it is wonderful, even if it comes with downsides. When she asks if he enjoyed it there, Lasairian was silent for a moment, "yes, and sometimes no," he answered it honestly, without holding back the fact that there was negativity in it all somewhere. With the conversation turned to beginning the journey, and how she was glad she wasn't finishing the journey on her own, Lasairian smiled, "it is, indeed, a great thing to have good company on long walks," he responded as he kept going.

(( exit post ))
tag — @Cassilyn
template by cas • equine lines by AriesRedLo • border image from

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