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Novus closed 10/31/2022, after The Gentle Exodus

Private  - [Fall] The Maze Watches

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Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 116 — Threads: 20
Signos: 40
Dawn Court Sovereign
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  11 [Year 500 Fall]  |  14.2 hh  |  Hth: 30 — Atk: 30 — Exp: 54  |    Active Magic: Natural Energy Flow  |    Bonded: N/A

The little doe stood before the start of the maze, her body as still as that of a deer sensing danger. Her ears perked forward as a scream lit the air from somewhere with in the depths of the maze, and a shiver raised down her back before she forced her shoulders to straighten and her eyes to narrow in confidence. She could do this, it was just a maze, how scary could it be. Another scream ripped through the air, and the doe jumped, her tail flashing the white before she forced the instinct down again, shaking out her mane and stepping forward. Each step was made light, her walk more of a bounce, her steps fluttering and nervous - prepared to bound her away to safety at a moments notice. There was nothing in her that would hurt her . . . surely. For a brief moment, she wonders if she shouted for Fable, if he would show to rescue her . . . not that she needed rescued . . . She could do this. She was strong. She was proud. She could do this!

She stands tall then, carrying herself with determination into the maze and began to explore. As she ventured further, trying to tune out the screams and laughter of others in the maze, she quietly kept to the left, turning down every left turn so as to backtrack easier should she need to get out. As she traveled, her steps relaxed. The first time a figure, clearly dressed in costume jumped at her, she laughed it off with out too much concern, shaking her head and smiling as the figure melted back into the shadows. She continued on, suddenly feeling more confident having been able to laugh at the first figure. This continued for a good solid twenty or so minutes, laughing and occasionally squeaking in surprise when she was startled, but over all enjoying herself.

But then the maze around her seemed to darken, and she could see some carefully placed items meant to look like bones. A chill went up her spine but she shook it off, having to give a nod to the Night Court - now this part was frightening. The figure moved then, dark bony form standing out against the dark orange of the corn stalks. Eyes seemed lit with red fire, and no matter what the creature may have looked like - Cally's vision was suddenly fueled by fright. The corn stalks turned to cave walls, and suddenly the figure was less equine, standing tall with the body of a deer and the head of a dog, black and skeletal with gleaming saber teeth that drooled dark saliva. The gleaming eyes watched her hungrily, and she was pulled into the memory. Her voice left her with a startled whimper, "D . . . Disirax . . . N-no . . . you . . . you  can't be . . ." The dressed up individual could clearly see a negative reaction and moved forward to calm the doe, already removing the mask.

But Cally was too lost in the vision, and instead the Disirax lunged towards her with mouth agape. A scream, raw and filled with blood-curdling terror, left her muzzle; the sound pitched with the vocals of a deer, rather than an equine call. In an instant as quick as imaginable - bow forgotten at her side, the little doe had spun on her haunches, racing away, running blindly into the corn maze. A left turn, a right, another right, another left. Again and again, fear drove her wild and deeper. Occasionally voices shouted to her, alarmed by what might have appeared to be a distraught filly raising through the corn maze. The few who knew her personally seemed even more alarmed by the sure and steady explorer so terrified.

Cally was still lost in those memories. The cave walls seemed to be endless as she raced through the tunnels and caverns. She could hear the screams of the fawns she and the others had been sent to find and rescue from the Disirax's clutches, desperately hoping to out run the Disirax chasing her, and find those little ones before they were sucked dry of their magic and left for dead - husks and shells of what they once were. It had been the first time in a century that the Disirax had managed to catch any of them unaware, and to take fawns had caused the rescue party to be put together quickly. They'd lost a fawn when it was all set and done, but the memory of being face to face with the Disirax had haunted Cally's nightmares for moons after.

Slowly her steps slowed as the cave walls began to melt away, revealing the corn maze around her. Her breath came in pants as she slowed to a stop, breathing heavy, her heart still jackrabbiting in her chest and her body quivering. She glanced around her slowly, breathing a sign of relief to see no creature in sight, no one around. No other horses . . . and no Disirax. As her mind slowed down, and her heart caught up, she started to realize that she never likely saw him anyways. "It . . . couldn't have been . . . one of them anyway . . . surely . . . those beasts can't come . . . come here." It had taken her hours of exploring to find the portal to this place, the likelihood of a Disirax finding it . . . well there was no likelihood, they hunted around the thicket to capture her people to steal magic . . . . they wouldn't dream of exploring. There was no Disirax. None here. Her eyes swept the area around her one more time, just to make sure.




Let's jump on the sun and ride it to tomorrow together, where everything is brighter and sure to be better.

Played by Offline Chaosy [PM] Posts: 91 — Threads: 10
Signos: 0
Dawn Court Apothecary
Male [He/Him/His]  |  14 [Year 496 Winter]  |  16.2 hh  |  Hth: 25 — Atk: 15 — Exp: 36  |    Active Magic: Raven Shifter  |    Bonded: N/A

Coy felt the wind blow through his feathers with a internal grin and relished the feeling of being a raven. It was like heaven to be up in the air and above the inhabitants of Novus for a brief time. And he did mean brief. Coy was unable to hold the form for long. Basically long enough to get from place to place and then he had to rest for a while. Seeing the maze that had been erected, the stallion... or rather raven... banked and landed, shifting back into his equine form and gasping for air. This was the part that was obnoxious. He could not do much more than stand and try to catch his breath for quite some time after shifting.

Nearly an hour later, he finally had the energy to move toward the goal of the maze. He had a fascination with them, always wanting to explore and see who he could scare. Before he could get very far, he caught the familiar voice of one very stubborn and sassy little... doe... At least that is what she called herself. Turning down a path, he worked his way toward where he had heard her voice, scenting the air for her distinctive scent and listening for more words. Vivid cyan eyes settled on her striking form and he grinned.

"Ah... my tiny, sassy goddess... You look positively petrified... Did the big scary maze get to you?" He teased, stepping up and reaching to ruffle her mane. Being closer, he scented her fear and took a better look at her. "Wait... Are you alright? That is more than just shock that I am smelling... What happened?" He asked, eyes worried as he gazed at her and tried to figure out what he could do to make her feel better.

"Coy Sass"
Notes: -snorts and giggles-

The absolute BEST revenge...
is to stay fabulous.

Coding: Dyzzie - Image: Chaosy

Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 116 — Threads: 20
Signos: 40
Dawn Court Sovereign
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  11 [Year 500 Fall]  |  14.2 hh  |  Hth: 30 — Atk: 30 — Exp: 54  |    Active Magic: Natural Energy Flow  |    Bonded: N/A

Her heart was pattering in her chest, but starting to slow down as she began to reassure herself that what she saw in this maze hadn't been real - hadn't been there. A bad costume that looked too much like a real monster. Her pelt quivered faintly, as she tried to reassure herself that there wasn't anyone there now. She was alone. It didn't follow her, it wasn't going to attack her. It wasn't Ah . . . my tiny, sassy, the words didn't register fully - only hearing a voice, a presence.

In her frightened state, her reaction stemmed from an instinct to defend herself, as she spun towards the voice, green surrounding her bow. In those few seconds, the bow was aimed, angled slightly to the side and an arrow notched and primed, drawn back and her eye lined down the shaft to send it through, her breath leaving her in puffs but the bow and arrow suspended in telekinetic magic with a steady grasp. It was only by luck that the sentence filtered through her brain before she released the arrow - only one individual called her a goddess. Slowly the bow lowered, the arrow unnotching and tucking in the quiver, as she looked up at the figure of Coy.

Any other time she'd probably have huffed about being startled, or grumbled over him stalking her. Instead she breathed a sigh of relief that it was only Huehuecoyotl, for in those bare seconds of hearing a voice and prepping the bow, she was terrified she'd be turning to stare into the skull of a hungry Disirax, eyes glowing and focused on her. When compared to that, he was a welcome sight. She shook her head when he spoke of the big scary maze getting to her, the occasional quiver of her pelt, and it wasn't until he stepped closer, his muzzle moving to her mane that he realized the situation was much more dire than a startle - as if the arrow to the face wasn't good enough.

It was likely the following reaction that cemented the fact it was more than a shock: she didn't hesitate, instead moving straight to him, pressing her tiny body against his side and practically burying her head beneath his mane, being careful of her horn to not stab him again . . . just needing something to ground her, remind her she was in Novus, and not at home where that beast lived. She was silent for a moment, even as an ear pitched towards him to catch his next words, his concern. Her silence remained as she struggled to get her breathing - her heart undercontrol. "I really, really hate scary places." She finally mumbled, "What kind of idiot aims to truly . . . terrify someone in these." She mumbled, her voice turning to a more normal pitch, her words more steady and the shaking dying down until she felt calmer and in control of herself once more.

Only then did she pull away from his strength, shaking her head before answering his question, "There was a section . . . made up like a beast's lair. They probably thought it was a silly costume - what beast could really look like that . . ." She stared ahead, her eyes slightly unfocusing, "Skeletal costume, almost deer-like, a more wolf-like skull with large fangs . . . ." The monster described could sound scary enough, but her following words explained her reaction, "I guess, they wouldn't have known how accurate the costume could be . . . . Where . . . where I come from. They're called Disirax. They . . . . live in the cave systems, a half days walk from where my herd lived." She shook her head, "I've been face to face with one before . . . and . . . I guess seeing that figure here in Novus . . . . It's not a friendly creature you can have a cup of tea with . . . and I reacted before I could remember I'm not home anymore, and there's no way the Disirax would be here."

She glanced up at him, offering a half smile, before trying to reassure, "I'm fine now . . . It just took me by surprise." The memory did, at least.




Let's jump on the sun and ride it to tomorrow together, where everything is brighter and sure to be better.

Played by Offline Chaosy [PM] Posts: 91 — Threads: 10
Signos: 0
Dawn Court Apothecary
Male [He/Him/His]  |  14 [Year 496 Winter]  |  16.2 hh  |  Hth: 25 — Atk: 15 — Exp: 36  |    Active Magic: Raven Shifter  |    Bonded: N/A

"I really, really hate scary places. What kind of idiot aims to truly . . . terrify someone in these." Coy smiled as he listened to her, amused by his own pranks that came out when he was feeling snarky. "Some of those that frequent these places life for the fear and shock. They feel that it is a challenge to try to make it through with as little expression of fear as possible, so those that run them tend to go as extravagant as possible to try to beat them. It is a game and a challenge to both." His words were honest as he looked at the maze around them, though he felt a strong desire to hold her tight and keep her safe from anything that might cause her fear. "I suppose you could call them both idiots, those that seek out the fear and those that use the seekers to further their art and create things that can make even seasoned explorers scream in fright." The last was said with an air of teasing, cyan eyes twinkling as he gazed down at her. A large part of him was in shock as registered that she was pressed against him, enjoying the touch far more than he expected.

Cally's description of the creature made him shudder slightly and he gazed down at the little doe. "I can promise you that I have never seen such a creature in this realm. I would be willing to protect you should one show up though." He murmured, his words soft as he watched her.

"I'm fine now . . . It just took me by surprise." Coy laughed softly, eyes warm as he watched her pull herself together. "I dont know... Perhaps I should surprise you more often if it means cuddles rather than stabbing." Coy winked, greatly amused by the whole ordeal.

"Coy Sass"
Notes: and he ruins adorable with his sass XD

The absolute BEST revenge...
is to stay fabulous.

Coding: Dyzzie - Image: Chaosy

Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 116 — Threads: 20
Signos: 40
Dawn Court Sovereign
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  11 [Year 500 Fall]  |  14.2 hh  |  Hth: 30 — Atk: 30 — Exp: 54  |    Active Magic: Natural Energy Flow  |    Bonded: N/A

The little doe didn't like scary, not the intentionally scary - not the 'let's dress up horribly and make you encounter terrifying things. All for someone's sick enjoyment. When the male spoke, her gaze turned up to him, wrinkling her nose when he spoke that people liked, even lived for the fear and shock, a challenge to make it through, and those creating them a challenge to not let the other's achieve. "Sounds like the both need new hobbies." She muttered dryly. Her fear had subsided, her shaking had diminished to near nothingness. Even her heart beat at a less frantic rhythm (even if still slightly elevated.) She glanced back up at him when he spoke again, and at his comment of making even seasoned explorers scream in fright, she huffed and knocked her smaller shoulder into his.

But when she described what she had seen - or imagined - in the costume of the fellow deep in the maze, even Coy seemed to shudder, staring down at her when he promised that he'd never seen such a creature in this realm, even willingly pledging to protect her if one should show. Her gaze lowered slightly, but her form shifted, leaning against him slightly, still taking comfort and strenght from his solid form next to hers, "If one showed up, it'd probably not even notice me this time . . . not with out my magic." Her smile was sad, "It's why they hunted us, Disirax can't produce their own magic, so they'd steal it from us to feed themselves, to create for themselves. With out my magic, they probably wouldn't even notice me." Though if her magic was still buried inside her like she suspected, she doubted they'd ignore that. She'd been powerful in her time, with her magic at her beck and call . . . . she hoped some day it'd be like that again.

She was starting to gather herself, pulling herself back into order, at least until he went from being sweet and caring back to the Coy that drove her insane. At his words she huffed, shooting him a cool look and pulling away from his side, her delicate hooves dancing her out of his reach, "Don't go getting cocky, you surprise me, and you might get stabbed again - twice even. And wouldn't you know it, I might even ignore your cries of pain and distress as you lay wounded. Don't sass me Coy." Of course it was all a bluff, but she hoped he wouldn't call her on it, "Or maybe I'll shoot you with an arrow instead - change it up!" As if to punctuate her point, her quiver and bow began to glow the delicate green of her telekinetic powers, eyeing him with faux judgement, "Is it really worth the threat to your ego at a bruised or broken hide - just to see if you taking me by surprise will give you . . . or someone else the cuddles when the shock wears out?" She stated hauntingly . . . . although even as she said it, she had to admit it - snuggling into his side hadn't been too bad . . .




Let's jump on the sun and ride it to tomorrow together, where everything is brighter and sure to be better.

Played by Offline Chaosy [PM] Posts: 91 — Threads: 10
Signos: 0
Dawn Court Apothecary
Male [He/Him/His]  |  14 [Year 496 Winter]  |  16.2 hh  |  Hth: 25 — Atk: 15 — Exp: 36  |    Active Magic: Raven Shifter  |    Bonded: N/A

Perfectly Fabulous in every way

"Sounds like the both need new hobbies." Coy laughed and shook his head. "Perhaps. But good luck convincing those that need the new hobbies to take them up. Most enjoy it too much. You went into the maze... does that mean you are completely loathe to being startled? Or are you just reacting as such because you were scared more than expected?" He asked, watching her. His voice was kind and laced with humor as he watched her, not as sassy as he usually was.

"If one showed up, it'd probably not even notice me this time . . . not with out my magic. It's why they hunted us, Disirax can't produce their own magic, so they'd steal it from us to feed themselves, to create for themselves. With out my magic, they probably wouldn't even notice me." Coy flinched. Magic... Those creatures ate magic... He shuddered and wondered how the inhabitants of Novus would survive the arrival of the creatures. There was magic everywhere in this land. Even he had recently found himself filled with magic and was getting used to how it worked on his body. Not that he had told Cally. He didnt want to hurt her. "So Novus would probably be a buffet for the Disirax... that is terrifying." He replied, glancing around him warily without realizing it.

"Don't go getting cocky, you surprise me, and you might get stabbed again - twice even. And wouldn't you know it, I might even ignore your cries of pain and distress as you lay wounded. Don't sass me Coy. Or maybe I'll shoot you with an arrow instead - change it up! Is it really worth the threat to your ego at a bruised or broken hide - just to see if you taking me by surprise will give you . . . or someone else the cuddles when the shock wears out?" There was a tone to her voice that had him doubting her words. At least until the bow appeared. A flash of anxiety surged through him and he took a step back. Little did he know, a wave of ebony feathers had erupted along his flanks in response to the emotional surge. "You know... I dont think you could actually, intentionally shoot me. You would never be so cold... and you would miss me if I disappeared from your presence..." He watched her, smiling internally as he did. The comment about someone else getting her affection stung, though he did his best to not show it. "Of course... if you do want me to leave you alone..." He let his voice trail off as he took a step away, watching her from his peripheral vision to see just what the little doe would do.

Notes: There you go... new ammo for Cally to tease him with ;)

Table by Kaons and edited by Chaosy - Art by Chaosy

Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 116 — Threads: 20
Signos: 40
Dawn Court Sovereign
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  11 [Year 500 Fall]  |  14.2 hh  |  Hth: 30 — Atk: 30 — Exp: 54  |    Active Magic: Natural Energy Flow  |    Bonded: N/A

There was something about this stallion that always had her slightly off balance. He was solid at her side, never failing her when they were together, almost dolting over her. She knew there was fondness on his side, but she didn't know him well enough to know how deep that fondness was. In truth, there was still much about him that was confusing to her - and it also led her to the occasional slip in tongue when together, testing the edges of the other. One moment she'll have upset him and have to soothe his ruffled feathers, another moment he was having to do the same to her. Like Fire and Gasoline, they kept feeding the other and constantly poking at one another. And yet . . . when she was with him, there was a part of her that did relax a touch, a part of her that found the bickering to be familiar and comforting, that found the way his eyes watched her sheltering. There was something about him that called to her, and that calling had developed into a fondness on her side too.

She rolled her eyes at his laughter, before he questioned her about her choice to go into the maze, and she hesitated at his question as her thoughts turned inward to digest what her annoyance might be from. As she settled on answer, she responded slowly, thinking her words through and still dissecting what her thoughts and reactions to the maze had been, "I . . . wasn't prepared for how . . .startling it was. Typically I'm not easy to frighten. I've seen a lot in my adventures after all, I'm not exactly . . . . the type to back down from a challenge. Tiny cliff I have to cross - easy. Take on a predator - I can outrun it in the end. But . . . seeing something that was the nightmare of my home world, I guess it spooked me more than I expected . . . and honestly, as fearless as I am, I'm not that fond of supernatural things . . . I recently learned I do have a healthy fear of ghosts - did you know there's a forest in this court that is HAUNTED."

It was like a sudden switch as her speech picked up in excited, if not annoyed speed, no longer thinking things true and instead relaxing once more in the company of the stallion that had a way of finding her at any point, "Seriously! I'm talking ghosts! Why on earth would anyone want to go into a haunted location! I never even BELIEVED in such supernatural nonsense until I SAW one of the ghosts. Actually, I saw a few of them. AND THEY ATTACKED ME! All red eyes, and dark shadows that formed into ghostly bodies -- So far, I'm not too impressed by this festival. Between this maze and the terrifying, freaking Ghost Forest? Nope, no fun give me sunshine, and spring flowers and summer winds again. Fall is mean and Winter is goign to be cold!"

The topic changed once more as she explained the Disirax, and part of her was relieved to see him flinch, if only because he now understood why the image had scared her so much. Her gaze lowered as he spoke, and her head nodded softly, "They are cruel creatures that care about nothing but their own hunger for the magic others possess. They are with out magic themselves and hope by devouring the magic of others . . . it will give them the same power. I've . . . seen what they do with their victims. It's something I wouldn't wish upon my enemies. Seeing a creature that looked so much like them - even if it was just a costume . . ." Her voice trailed off as she shivered, remembering the fear she'd felt, the terror she'd held in her being - and the memories it had drug up.

She pushed those thoughts away, instead turning to the male, and once again the back and forth started, this time him stepping back from her arrow. Her eyes took on a wicked shine however at something new that seemed to fledge up along his flanks, and suddenly the arrow was forgotten, even as she heard his words. She stepped towards him, bow tucked up carefully against her satchel and eyes locked onto the stallion with a calculating and amused expression, "True, I try not to intentionally shoot anyone . . . and there would be a very tiny sliver-sized part of me that would probably miss you." She huffed, "Especially as you've just grown a touch more interesting - tell me, dear Huehuecoyotl . . . how long have you been sporting feathers." And with a nimble, and quick motion she yanked one such feather from his flank, holding it up for him to see, staring at him as if waiting for an explanation, even as she allowed the feather to drop from her muzzle, gently swaying to the ground between them. As he moved to go away, commenting about leaving her alone, she huffed and shifted just enough to break his path, eyes narrowed, "Nope, nuh-uh. We have this feathered problem of yours to discuss. Now, what's with the feathers, Huehuecoyotl? Do I need to pluck you until you answer?" Her muzzle held a teasing smirk, but there was a faint sheen of sadness to her gaze at the acknowledge that another had found magic. Briefly, something stirred in her chest, like a pounding against a cage, and she forced herself to ignore the familiar feeling where her magic once was uncontrolled and available for her touch. She knew reaching towards it would immediately make the feeling disappear, and leave that gaping hole larger, and even the phantom strain was better than nothing at all. So she focused on Coy and his new found magic, if for no other reason than to live through him. "So, shape shifting? Or something else? If it's shape shifting, I might have some experience with that, back home, I could take the form of a few mammals, but a small fox was my favorite." She added, a quiet offer of help if for no other reason than to get him to tell her what she wanted to know (and to keep him around least he follow through with his threat and leave her alone in the maze again - She refused to chase after him).




Let's jump on the sun and ride it to tomorrow together, where everything is brighter and sure to be better.

Played by Offline Chaosy [PM] Posts: 91 — Threads: 10
Signos: 0
Dawn Court Apothecary
Male [He/Him/His]  |  14 [Year 496 Winter]  |  16.2 hh  |  Hth: 25 — Atk: 15 — Exp: 36  |    Active Magic: Raven Shifter  |    Bonded: N/A

Perfectly Fabulous in every way

Coy listened as she explained her fears of the maze, then the creatures that seemed to invoke the strongest terror in her. "Yeah... I havent come across those creatures in my travels. However, I can understand the terror that one might cause to a being graced with magic." He responded, reaching unconsciously to caress her neck in comfort. Her scent was like a drug to his system, making it hard to think.

"True, I try not to intentionally shoot anyone . . . and there would be a very tiny sliver-sized part of me that would probably miss you. Especially as you've just grown a touch more interesting - tell me, dear Huehuecoyotl . . . how long have you been sporting feathers. Nope, nuh-uh. We have this feathered problem of yours to discuss. Now, what's with the feathers, Huehuecoyotl? Do I need to pluck you until you answer? So, shape shifting? Or something else? If it's shape shifting, I might have some experience with that, back home, I could take the form of a few mammals, but a small fox was my favorite." Coy laughed, then panicked and looked at his form in terror. "Oh no... Why in the world... Ugh. These darn feathers!" He grumbled, shooting murderous looks at his flanks and the glossy black feathers that were now erupting from his pelt. "This is so not a good look..." He mumbled, pulling one feather and nearly swearing. "Um... that hurts! How come your plucking didnt hurt?! Why is my body rebelling against my perfection! No plucking these terrible things! Good to know!" Coy was thoroughly unimpressed with them at that point. Taking a deep breath, he tucked the feather behind Cally's ear without thinking.

"I think more than a sliver of you would miss me should I disappear. If nothing else, I bring amusement to your life. And regarding the infernal feathers... I have recently found that I can shift into a raven for short periods... Still not completely sure of how to use the power..." His vivid blue eyes moved northward and he gazed at the sky for a moment. "Hmmm. It is getting later than I realized." He commented off hand, hoping that the late hour wouldnt send her fleeing for the hills without at least a promise for a new adventure.

Notes: <3
CREDIT to Maxxie for image

Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 116 — Threads: 20
Signos: 40
Dawn Court Sovereign
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  11 [Year 500 Fall]  |  14.2 hh  |  Hth: 30 — Atk: 30 — Exp: 54  |    Active Magic: Natural Energy Flow  |    Bonded: N/A

While there were many pieces of the past, many parts of her former home that broke her heart to leave behind . . . the Disirax were not oen of them. And now that her heart had stopped its stutter, she was grateful for someone to talk to about just what had shook her (she who was usually so steadfast). She didn't scare easily, that was practically a pre-req to being a strong and self-sured explorer. But those creatures . . . those were what nightmares were made of, except they lived outside of the dreamworld too. Her gaze danced up to the large multi-hued stallion as he acknowledge the worry - the terror such a creature could possess to anyone who had been touched by magic. His touch to her neck had her smiling, leaning into it faintly and taking the comfort he'd offered to her, sending the last bit of shadows scurrying away from where they had clouded her eyes with the taint of fear and uncertainty.

And then he became immensely more interesting as the feathers suddenly sported down his spine, fledging out into his hindquarters. Deep in her heart, a sprig, a small shout of jealousy grew beneath her green thumb at the so obvious display of unintentional magic, and not for the first time her heart turned bitter towards Novus's magic and how hers had been locked away. She couldn't not be interested, especially by his reaction of panic and terror that turned his gaze to his hide, denying it before spotting the feathers. She couldn't help but laugh at his clearly annoyed expression - the near murderous look his aimed at his own flank, declaring them not a good look. Cally couldn't help but grin, "I don't know, gives you a certain wild, and untamed look if you ask me. Some mares go for that thing." She told him teasingly, before seeing him move to pluck the feather and immediately pushing herself forward to stop him before he could, rolling her eyes when she didn't reach in time.

"Of course that hurt! You don't pluck like that! You want to grab closer to the quill, pull at a certain angle to keep the pain down!" She scoffed with a roll of her eyes, not even bothering with explaining how she knew that. She'd told him earlier she once had shapeshifting abilities. Before Novus, her arrows were fletched from her own hide. She had to roll her eyes at his distress of 'rebelling against his perfection'. That was one word for it, she supposed, but she still thought it added a certain ruggedness that shifted his immaculate form into that more rugged, handsome sort of look. Something you'd pause twice at. She wasn't expecting for him to reach over and tuck the feather behind her ear, however, her gaze nearly going cross-eyed in an attempt to see the black feather against her ivory, chocolate and emerald locks.

His attention did return to her with that motion, however, telling her that he was certain he brought amusement, if nothing else, to her life. Her smile touched her eyes with humor as she dipped her head, allowing acknowledgment of the statement before he gave her the information she had been looking for. Shape-shifting. For a raven. The jealousy rose up briefly once more before being squished beneath her hoof. This was Coy, there was no need to be jealous of his abilities to harness magic now, "Like I said, you've gotten immensely more interesting now. A raven huh? Kinda fits you I guess." At his words of it getting late, however, her body suddenly tensed, glancing around as if he'd suddenly fly off and leave her in the maze by himself, her expression hesitating and that initial fear from earlier this night returning.

It was with a far more docile, and tentative tone that she spoke in response, her gaze still glancing around them as if waiting to see the flashing of fangs from a Disirax hiding and waiting until she was alone again. "Uhm . . . I don't want to take . . . . time from your day, especially with how late it's gotten . . . but would you be willing to walk with me through the rest of the maze?" It was a small sign of just how distressed she was over what she'd thought she'd seen, of what that creature meant and was towards her. She couldn't bring herself to ask for the company home, but at least to get out of the dark, purposely terrifying in appearance maze . . . she would lower herself to ask for that. She steadied her breath, squaring her shoulders, before moving to continue deeper through the maze, and to the exit, glancing back to make sure he was staying with her, not hiding her nervousness behind bravado, and instead meeting his gaze and letting him see a little deeper into her soul, "I promise, I'll be back to normal, and braver on our next adventure . . . Coy."




Let's jump on the sun and ride it to tomorrow together, where everything is brighter and sure to be better.

Played by Offline Chaosy [PM] Posts: 91 — Threads: 10
Signos: 0
Dawn Court Apothecary
Male [He/Him/His]  |  14 [Year 496 Winter]  |  16.2 hh  |  Hth: 25 — Atk: 15 — Exp: 36  |    Active Magic: Raven Shifter  |    Bonded: N/A

Perfectly Fabulous in every way

"I don't know, gives you a certain wild, and untamed look if you ask me. Some mares go for that thing." Coy chuckled, eyes alight. "Just some mares, huh... Not cute little does?" He teased as he stepped closer and nudged her gently. "A cant say that the idea of wold and untamed is one that I usually go for, I prefer to be put together and handsome. Particularly in the presence of such a striking and magnificent creature." Coy grinned.

"Of course that hurt! You don't pluck like that! You want to grab closer to the quill, pull at a certain angle to keep the pain down!" Coy flicked an ear at her. "It sounds like you have experience in the issue... I can honestly say that this is completely new to me. Perhaps you should explain this further since you seem to know more." He laughed, shaking his head and tossing his multi-hued mane.

"Like I said, you've gotten immensely more interesting now. A raven huh? Kinda fits you I guess." Coy laughed. "What, obnoxious and obsessed with pretty things?" He couldnt help but chuckle at the idea, though a small part of him could see it.

"Uhm . . . I don't want to take . . . . time from your day, especially with how late it's gotten . . . but would you be willing to walk with me through the rest of the maze? I promise, I'll be back to normal, and braver on our next adventure . . . Coy." The ebony and acid stallion laughed. "Allow me to one better... Allow me to escort you through the maze, then walk you home. I couldnt live with myself should anything happen to you. You have become important to me..." He sighed as he stopped the words that had threatened to escape. "I truly care for you, Cally. More than anyone else that I have ever met..."

Notes: <3
CREDIT to Maxxie for image

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