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Novus closed 10/31/2022, after The Gentle Exodus

Private  - This is what I wanna do (Voo x Nef)

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Played by [PM] Posts: N/A — Threads:

Dont Trust Shadows

Voodoo had been quiet lately, his head down and doing his job as a guard for the house. Even so, the striped and splashed stallion needed a day away from it all. He was dedicated, loving that he had a job and a reason to get out of bed each morning… but there was something boring about the same tedious days. Without thought, the stallion found himself back in his homeland. Solterra. The land that he had cherished before gaining the position. His mother had been proud of him, yet there was a part of him that longed for the desert. 

Dancing through the sands on white legs, the stallion approached the oasis. There was a freedom that he associated with the desert, a peace. And that was what the big stallion craved more than anything at that moment. All eighteen and a half hands of muscle were alive with the heat and sun. 

Reaching the oasis, he drank deep of the water. The taste was familiar to him, a taste that he had often seemed when he was training. Lifting his head, he gazed about him with cool eyes. No one familiar was near, the place silent as a tomb as he stood there. Was it to be his tomb? A part of him liked the idea of being buried in the desert, his bones drying beneath the sands. Not that he was ready to die yet. He was still young and had much to do. But planning was never bad. Shaking his head, he dipped his muzzle for another drink. Thirst sated, the stallion waded into the pool and enjoyed the play of heat and cool across his body.


Played by Offline Scapeh [PM] Posts: 23 — Threads: 3
Signos: 1,115
Day Court Entertainer
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  13 [Year 499 Summer]  |  14.3 hh  |  Hth: 15 — Atk: 5 — Exp: 41  |    Active Magic: Clairvoyance  |    Bonded: N/A

We've Become Disillusioned
So We Run Towards Anything Glimmering

The year had come and gone and so many things had changed. The shifts within the seats of power across all of Novus had started a landslide of emotions within her. First there had been the festivities of the previous Solterran Sovereign, and the drinks and visions that came with that evening still haunted her behind closed lids and in the quiet nights since. The dazzling visage of the stallion she had met at the oasis, the feelings that passed between the two of them had rocked the mare to her core. The emotional state she had left him in had thrown her heart into sway for the months after, leaving her bed frigid and her heart closed to those around her. The winter had been difficult, and while she had always found comfort within the socialites of the land of the sun, they had brought her no such thing. 

Even now, she found herself avoiding the festivities as a new face rose to power. Perhaps it was in a bid to avoid what felt like an inevitable recurrence. She would drink, she would converse, and flirt and touch those around her, and it would still be incredibly hollow. She had found little meaning in her trysts in Solterra, and after the many years under the sun she was growing cold. 

Perhaps it was in a blind attempt to warm her soul that Nefertari found herself wandering the desert, allowing her delicate pistons to carry her where they may. Coincidence some would say, fate others, but by whatever means, she found following the sun brought her daggers once again to the edge of the oasis. The mare lowered her dished face to the waters and drank deeply, as if the water might sate the hunger of her soul. At the very least, it cooled the heat in her throat. 

Orbs the colour of the sun found themselves watching the stallion in the middle of the pool, parting the waters to soak his dark coat. The mare’s own dusky visage sung with the warmth of summer, and suddenly it seemed almost unbearable. She waded into the waters, being sure to make enough noise the stallion would not be startled by her appearance, had he not heard her approach to begin with.

Keeping a respectable distance she dipped her whole head under the water. She thought briefly, only briefly, of staying there for an eternity. Then the mare lifted her crown and tossed her mane, flicking water about.  

“You seemed to have the right idea,” she spoke in his direction, leaving the conversation open for him to take it if it pleased him. 

"Speech." | @Voodoo

art by pacificdash character by scapeh table by sunny

Played by [PM] Posts: N/A — Threads:

Dont Trust Shadows

The cool water refreshed the warrior, his pelt darkening with the dampness. Hearing the melody of another voice, Voodoo turned his head with a grin. Taking a few steps toward the mare, he shook his sodden locks. "Perhaps you should join me deeper in the oasis." He offered, using his muzzle to send a splash of water toward her mostly dry form.

Dancing forward with a deep laugh, he stopped closer to her and dipped his head in official greeting. "Good afternoon. I am Voodoo." He introduced himself, voice husky with good humor. Flicking his ivory tail, he dipped his head for a quick drink before looking back up at the mare.

"Are you a member of Solterra?" He asked simply, hoping to strike up a conversation with the striking mare.


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