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Novus closed 10/31/2022, after The Gentle Exodus

All Welcome  - {Event} A dance in twinkling lights

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Played by Offline Chaosy [PM] Posts: 77 — Threads: 21
Signos: 35
Dusk Court Sovereign
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  12 [Year 500 Spring]  |  17 hh  |  Hth: 12 — Atk: 8 — Exp: 24  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: Neema (Maned Wolf)

Pure of Heart

There was a flutter of emotions swirling within the mare. She had been a sovereign for a bit now and still felt like a filly playing dress up. Smiling softly into the mirror, she watched as one of the servants twisted her mane into an intricate style that showed off the colors within. She met the soft blue eyes of the mare and murmured a quick thanks to her. The servant disappeared quickly, leaving Uzuri in her room alone. Neema was somewhere in the court, likely causing chaos as she was prone to. 

Heading to her wardrobe, she selected a richly hued navy cloak. It settled over her frame, her wings sliding through specially made cuts to leave them free. Even after all of these years, she hated her wings being confined at all. Moving through the citadel, she entered her armory and gazed at the box that held the sapphire necklace. Taking a deep breath, she placed it around her neck to sparkle in the lanterns that had been placed throughout the courtyard.

Summoning her courage, she left the stone walls and entered the crowd with warm smiles. Reaching the stage that she had set up for entertainers, she looked over the assembled bodies and took a deep breath. She was nervous, her body shaking slightly under the cloak. "Welcome! Thank you so much for joining me in celebrating the festival and enjoying the time together! I am so happy to see each of you, no matter if you are from my own beloved court or from another! Everyone is welcome and this togetherness should be celebrated. One small note. This event is under an umbrella of truce. Anyone found fighting will be encouraged to leave so that all may be welcome and enjoy their time." She called over the crowd, her chocolate eyes alighting on familiar faces. 

"Now, enough with the official announcement and welcome. I am so happy to have you all here and hope that each of you enjoys the time you spend with us! Please eat, drink, and be merry!" She finished with a joyous smile before leaving the stage to find a drink herself. It was overwhelming to be the face of the event, but she hoped that it would be one that she could repeat in the future as well. 

Finding one of the tables that was hosting the refreshments, she selected a slightly alcoholic beverage to try to take an edge off of her nerves and enjoy the event more fully. Moving away, she watched an entertainer take the stage and begin to sing with her beautiful voice.

Notes: Uzi has officially opened the Dusk Ball <3


Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 132 — Threads: 23
Signos: 6,637
Night Court Medic
Female [She/Her/Hers/We]  |  Immortal [Year 497 Spring]  |  15 hh  |  Hth: 32 — Atk: 28 — Exp: 70  |    Active Magic: Breath of Life  |    Bonded: Tiana (Soul-Spirit)

Caelum was getting ready, but it wasn't in front of the mirror - not that it could surprise many, if they knew the secrets in the fae's heart. It was hard to use a mirror to make yourself presentable, when you had smashed all the ones in your home. It wasn't the first ball that required Caelum to prepare for, in fact, it wasn't her first masquerade either. No, her first masquerade had been a far more precious experience, dancing with her black knight beneath the moonlight, when he'd finally claimed her to be his, declaring his intentions to court her before their friends and strangers alike. Now, however, she was preparing herself for a masquerade with out Trey at her side. She had no friends laughing and teasing her about what she should masquerade as. No one oohing and aahing as she got ready. It was an empty feeling. I'm so jealous! I want to play dress up too. That's going to look so lovely on you! The sudden voice in her head startled Caelum, and she turned towards the little red soul that hovered next to her, Oooh, and look at this necklace, and oh! You could wear this, or maybe that! The spirit adding, looking through the cloth spread over the bedding, before the spirit moved in a way that Caelum could almost imagine her turning towards her, and Caelum felt the tears prick in her eyes, realizing the spirit had noted on her wistfulness of the past, and had taken the steps to stand in for where Shiori had once stood. I cannot replace Trey - but . . . I can stand in for your missing friends.

Caelum shook her head, smiling through her tears, even if weakly, "You are not a replacement Tiana, you are a gift from the heavens." The fae whispered, before wiping her face against her knee. "Well then, let uss get me ready, shall we?" The majority of the decisions had already been made, it just required the preparations. It started with the sheer, iridescent fabric, shimmering like a rainbow over her back and around her wings, before the little fae took a deep breath and opened a jewelry box that had been sealed for many years now, laughing at Tiana's squeals of awe over the jewelry inside, "Some of it was mother's, some of it is mine." The little fae admitted, as she settled the collar like necklace of thin chain work, diamonds and opals around her neck, fastening the cloak to it, so it draped properly around her lean body. A matching set of chains, diamonds and opals were set against her tail, intertwining around base of ivory strands left in their natural state of long, loose and slightly wavy. A final set of chains was slipped over her face, with a matching piece of fabric clipping to it to act as a veil over her features, decorating the soft lines of her face, while not obscuring her vision to much - the gems shining beautifully and pale against her dark face. Small flowers blossomed through out her mane and tail, shedding petals as she moved around her room, making sure everything was in order, before smiling shyly to her bonded, "Shall we go, Tiana?" She asked, making sure Tiana's necklace would be easily accessible over the collar around her neck.

The spirit and fae soon left the tea shop, making sure to properly close and lock it up, before they both took to the sky to make their way to Terrastella, "I hear that Coyotl's sister, Uzuri is queen of Dusk now. I met her once when I attended Coyotl and Callynite's wedding. I am curious to see how she is adjusting." The Fae commented to her bonded as she flew, soon making her way across the sea, and landing lightly just outside the courtyard to make her way inside. She glanced up to see Uzuri approaching to address everyone, and smiled faintly to note the slight nervousness. But the introduction was very well done, and as the crowd was instructed to enjoy their time, before making her way through the tables to where the Dusk Sovereign was getting herself a refreshment, "You seem to be settling in well at the mantle, Uzuri.[/color" The mare stated quietly in greeting, dipping her head softly. "[color=#ffffff]It has been some while since we were introduced at Coyotl's wedding, I hope you have been doing well?" The runaway fae queen stated gently, with a kind smile upon her face.

(Alternate color for thoughts).
Tiana - the soul spirit

@Uzuri <3
Running out of fucks that I can give to you
But you can still be pretty on the inside, too
Your heart's so cold, but I love the way you lie
Should've seen the red flags, but for you I'm fucking blind
x | x


Played by Offline Chaosy [PM] Posts: 77 — Threads: 21
Signos: 35
Dusk Court Sovereign
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  12 [Year 500 Spring]  |  17 hh  |  Hth: 12 — Atk: 8 — Exp: 24  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: Neema (Maned Wolf)

Pure of Heart

The voice, while not familiar, was one that Uzi had heard before. Turning her head, she smiled at the fae mare that had approached. "Caelum." She greeted warmly. "I wouldn’t say it has been easy to step into the position. There have been plenty of challenges and things that did not go to plan." The new sovereign laughed softly as she shook her head and turned to face the beautiful mare. 

And beautiful seemed to be a pale comparison to the elegant fae before her. "I must say, you put me to shame. I am not one to dress up and be considered pretty. You are a breathtaking figure." She complimented Caelum with a shy laugh and duck of her head. No, she wasnt trying to flirt with the other mare. Vespera knew that she had no idea how to even consider flirting. There was a moment as she laughed at the idea of romance where her mind turned to the stallion that had showed her the baby rabbits. Maybe he would appear…

Shaking the wistful thoughts from her mind, she focused back upon the mare before her. "Have you seen the obnoxious stag lately? He has been so wrapped up with Cally that I never see him anymore." She laughed softly, knowing that her brother was completely in love with the doe that had finally accepted his advances. 

Notes: <3


Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 132 — Threads: 23
Signos: 6,637
Night Court Medic
Female [She/Her/Hers/We]  |  Immortal [Year 497 Spring]  |  15 hh  |  Hth: 32 — Atk: 28 — Exp: 70  |    Active Magic: Breath of Life  |    Bonded: Tiana (Soul-Spirit)

Caelum smiled as she looked upon the new queen, who was clearly beginning to settle into her reign. Doing better than Caelum herself was doing. Uzuri was stepping up . . . Caelum had ran. The warmth in the greeting warmed the fae's hurt, regardless, and she smiled gently in response. It is never easy, if it was; everyone would be able to do it. THe mare replied, The challenges only help to prove you are the right one to take over the position. Liam put strong trust in your ability to rule, in my experience with him; he is not the sort to be wrong. You shall perform admirably, I am certain. Besides, better you than Coyotl. The mere idea of the pompous now-buck being a lead was terrifying. But his sister seemed to be folding into the role smoothly.

She does feel herself blushing, her gaze lowering, her hoof brushing along the ground in embarrassment at the queen's words, I was well trained in the art of presenting the best version of myself in such settings. You are no shy blossom yourself, Uzuri. Your beauty shines, even if you are not aware. The ugly duckling is so focused on the others growing into colorful mallards, they never realize when they turn into an elegant swan. Do not sell yourself short, Uzuri. You have been a swan since the first day I bet you. The fae responded, her own words just as plantonically friendly as Uzi's had been.

At the question of Coyotl, the fae shook her head with a laugh, Unfortunatley not, although I was sent the official notice that they had a child. May Summer bless the child to be more akin to Callynite than Huehuecoyotl. She stated with a laugh, before her eyes sparkled, I have yet to have the chance to meet the new young fawn, with him being so little - what of you? Have you by chance been able to meet him? Or is the small family keeping to themselves still? Not that the fae could blame them if they were.

(Alternate color for thoughts).
Tiana - the soul spirit

@Uzuri <3
Running out of fucks that I can give to you
But you can still be pretty on the inside, too
Your heart's so cold, but I love the way you lie
Should've seen the red flags, but for you I'm fucking blind
x | x


Played by Offline Chaosy [PM] Posts: 77 — Threads: 21
Signos: 35
Dusk Court Sovereign
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  12 [Year 500 Spring]  |  17 hh  |  Hth: 12 — Atk: 8 — Exp: 24  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: Neema (Maned Wolf)

Pure of Heart

Her words were kind and warm, making Uzi feel a bit better about the changes and what had happened in the last few months. When she commented on her brother, Uzi snorted and laughed. "Oh heavens... I could only imagine the chaos that he could cause as a leader. Every declaration of war would be issued in a spray of glitter and vain words. Perhaps it is a good thing that Cally has the strength to control his less pleasant sides." She remarked as she laughed, shaking her head.

Uzi sighed and dipped her head. "It is so odd to be someone that actually matters. I spent so long being the faceless warrior. Now I am trying to learn to be more open and visible to the rest of the world." Yes, she was definitely fond of the other mare. There was something so soothing of her presence and she felt so at ease when speaking to her.

The laughter was easy when her brother was spoken of. "I fear that he does have much of his father. He looks much like Coy, as well as being curious and prone to adventure like both of his parents. They are still keeping more reserved, though I cannot find that I blame them. Cally is the heart of her court and it has to be a bit overwhelming to bring in new life while navigating the responsibilities of a court and a mate that might as well still be a foal." She snorted softly, shaking her head. "What about you? How is your tea shop fairing?" She asked, mentally kicking herself for not making time to go visit her shop.

Notes: <3


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