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Played by Offline Sparrow [PM] Posts: 196 — Threads: 34
Signos: 25
Dawn Court Scholar
Male [He/Him/His]  |  16 [Year 495 Spring]  |  15.2 hh  |  Hth: 22 — Atk: 18 — Exp: 48  |    Active Magic: Blood Manipulation  |    Bonded: Alba (Barn Owl)

"And oh, but my tongue is a weapon."
As dawn arrived to Delumine, so did an unlikely visitor.

Somnus had not been expecting anything out of the usual when he had stepped out of the mortar citadel after dawn’s first light. The dredges of sleep had yet to fully release him, and it had been Alba’s steady persistence that had urged him from his chambers despite his innate desire to remain inside for a while longer. Despite his lethargy, the Dawn King made a point to bid everyone that he passed with a kind ‘good morning’ and a warm smile.

The morning air was refreshing, lacking the heat that inevitably came with summer. Granted, with autumn just around the corner they wouldn’t be worrying about the heat for too much longer. Giving a roll of a shoulder as he stepped into the courtyard, Somnus allowed his mind to wander as he began to piece together his schedule for the day. There were a few individuals he needed to meet with; Eulalie, Ulric, Po, Orion…

All thoughts of meetings and schedules were forgotten, however, as a massive shape settled itself in front of him and effectively blocked the path of his morning stroll. The dunalino immediately drew up short with the sound of hooves scraping against stone, keen verdant eyes widening in surprise. It was… An owl? Yet not just any owl. Or at least none the kind that he had ever seen before. A grand owl, ancient and mythical and knowing, with piercing yellow eyes and bright feathers. It was far larger than Alba, and the barn owl shifted nervously upon Somnus’ spine and gave a subtle ’hiss’ of caution.

’It’s not normal,’ the barn owl warned, oddly unsettled, ’What is it?’

Somnus did not know. He had no answers for Alba. Instead of seeking any form of answer at all he felt trapped within the large owl’s wise, golden gaze. Lips parting, he tried to find his voice, to offer some sort of word… But then, the grand owl spoke. Spoke.

’You will come.’ Voices. Oh, the voices. As many voices as there were souls, Somnus believed, poured from the beak of the Messenger Owl. Old, young, wise, foolish, saved, damned. So many voices that his ears rang, but he did not look away. He couldn’t.

It was only upon the motion of the rolled parchment attached to the Messenger’s leg being unraveled that the Sovereign was able to move, and his eyes skimmed the words that were presented. Somnus read the message once, then twice, and then a third time, letting his mind absorb and memorize every written word. His breath caught in his throat as he mulled it over, a heavy weight settling upon his breast. This… Was not the work of mortals. It couldn’t be. Could it? There was an energy about this Messenger, an otherworldly atmosphere and aura that surrounded it. Could it be…?

The work of the Divines?

Pursing his lips, Somnus’ gaze rose to meet that of the owl, fierce verdant staring unabashedly into judgmental gold. His head lifted, his stature changed, readying himself for the challenge. If there was ever a time for him to be a king, it had finally come. The Dawn King dipped his head in a nod, both in stern understanding and in respectful reverence to this mighty beast, this divine messenger. “I understand. Oriens bless you, Wise One.”

Others had begun to gather, clearly intrigued by the sudden arrival. Somnus remained silent and still and allowed his Court to read the message that had been presented.

One week… They had one week to prepare for their summons, whatever it might entail. Somnus had faith in his Court that no matter what might happen, they would persevere.

tag: @‘Random Events’

Alright guys! Let’s do this! If anyone would like for Somnus to reply to any inquiries/questions/brainstorming as to what all this message could entail, please tag Somnus’ account! :D

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self."

Please tag Somnus in all replies!

Messages In This Thread
wisdom, honesty, neutrality - by Random Events - 05-26-2018, 12:44 PM
RE: wisdom, honesty, neutrality - by Somnus - 05-27-2018, 09:02 AM
RE: wisdom, honesty, neutrality - by Ulric - 05-27-2018, 11:15 PM
RE: wisdom, honesty, neutrality - by Orion - 05-27-2018, 11:33 PM
RE: wisdom, honesty, neutrality - by Ipomoea - 06-01-2018, 12:08 PM
RE: wisdom, honesty, neutrality - by Pavetta - 06-10-2018, 02:13 PM
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