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Fight: Judged  - Your Social Skills Resemble Arson

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Played by Offline Sparrow [PM] Posts: 137 — Threads: 30
Signos: 1,020
Night Court Sovereign
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  Immortal [Year 496 Summer]  |  16.1 hh  |  Hth: 32 — Atk: 28 — Exp: 85  |    Active Magic: Pyromancy  |    Bonded: Solaris (Phoenix)

welcome to my cage, little lover

Vermilion eyes remained rooted upon Theodosia’s frame as she watched for movement, rose-kissed lips twisting upwards into a feral, wild grin. No longer did she have to be a political delegate, forcing pleasantries through clenched teeth with polite smiles. Here she was a warrior. Israfel was always a lit flame, and this battlefield was the ignition. She licked her teeth in anticipation, glee shivering up her legs and coursing into her breast, molten blood pumping through her veins.

It was time.

When the pale cadet lunged, all coiled muscle finally releasing as she shot forward, Israfel braced herself, steadfast as her golden-etched wings suddenly unfurled, feathers stretching and fanning towards the dusk-colored sky. Gilded, cloven hooves dug further into the soil, narrowed eyes watching as Theodosia launched herself from the earth, racing across the distance between them, but it was not to collide. No, instead, the pale demi-goddess feinted the attack, and her luxurious wings unfurled to draw her into the air.

Israfel’s grin remained. She watched through a critical, burning stare as Theodosia carried herself into the air, the sun at her back as though to use it to her advantage. A bark of mad laughter escaped the Warden’s maw.

’Foolish girl.’ It would not aide her adversary, not today. The might of the sun pumped through her very veins. She was the one born of the sun, of the light, of burning flame and scorching passion. It would not serve Theodosia well to use the very foundation of Israfel’s being against her.

Instinct kicked in, the blood of her godly father rising to the forefront as Theodosia dove downwards to make her attack, front hooves poised to strike like lethal daggers. Magic sung through her veins, scratching, itching, demanding to be unleashed from its imprisonment in a torrent of suppressed might. Suddenly, from the base of her very hooves, a twisting, winding pillar of flame erupted and engulfed Israfel’s very being, the scorching air whipping her hair about her face as the flames obscured her view of Theodosia’s approaching visage. There was a brief moment of panic that cut through the temporary high that had filled her head, piercing the veil of adrenaline and excitement and stealing the breath from her very lips.

The last time she had been engulfed in a pillar of flame, colossal and encompassing as it decimated the very land around her, she had died. Burned alive, her very element had turned against her, but this… This was not then. This was now, and she needed to focus. The flames were hers to control, hers to manipulate, and she would not give in to dread. Not here.

A second pillar of flame flickered to life roughly twenty feet in front of her current location, the churning flames twisting like a tornado made of molten heat, rising higher and higher into the air as its circumference grew. Only when the second tornado had formed did Israfel release the charge of her magic, and from one pillar to the other did she teleport. From beneath Theodosia’s mighty body did she disappear, avoiding the attack of her dagger-sharp hooves to instead appear in the air twenty feet away.

Her wings unfurled with a snap, gilded feathers fanning wide as she took flight from a standstill. Upon her skin the fire remained even as the flaming pillar dissipated, the golden markings adorning her entire body now beacons of righteous fire. Her grin was a cocksure one, watching Theodosia veer to the left of where she had once been standing with a predator’s gaze. The first tornado diminished itself in a curl of fire, the earth blackened beneath its might, but Israfel did not hesitate to see what action Theodosia would take next.

Instead, she attacked, her splayed wings snapping back to propel her downwards, following the charge that Theodosia had just taken. Ducking her head as her wings spread out to slow her descent and avoid crashing into the earth, the Sun Daughter tucked her chin down towards her pale breast. Aiming the sharp prongs of her flaming horn towards the alabaster cadet’s exposed left flank or rump, Israfel hoped to find purchase and stab, or even scrape the exposed flesh in passing. In the air as they were with gravity working against them, kicking out with their hind legs would prove to be difficult, so the Warden anticipated that such a typically risky maneuver would be met with little resistance.

Above their battle, Solaris still circled, a flaming icon of war amidst the dying sunlight. The Phoenix loomed overhead, continuing to wait for the perfect moment to strike.


Summary: Waiting for Theodosia to make the first attack, Israfel holds her ground as Theodosia flies into the air. When she goes to strike from above, Israfel uses her pyromancy to block/dodge the attack and teleports herself twenty feet away and in the air. Then she charges to attack from behind, aiming her horn for Theodosia’s exposed left flank or rump.

Attack Used: 1
Attack(s) Left: 1
Block Used: 1
Block(s) Left: 0

Response Deadline: February 22nd, 2019
Tags: @Theodosia, @Sid, @inkbone, @Sparrow, @nestle, @aimless

Please Tag Israfel in all Replies!

Messages In This Thread
Your Social Skills Resemble Arson - by Israfel - 02-14-2019, 07:55 PM
RE: Your Social Skills Resemble Arson - by Israfel - 02-19-2019, 09:02 PM
RE: Your Social Skills Resemble Arson - by sid - 04-30-2019, 10:46 AM
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