an equine & cervidae rpg
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Novus closed 10/31/2022, after The Gentle Exodus

All Welcome  - Hey honey, I'm on my way

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Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 18 — Threads: 7
Signos: 15
Day Court Artisan
Male [He/Him/His]  |  10 [Year 501 Spring]  |  16.2 hh  |  Hth: 9 — Atk: 11 — Exp: 20  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: Keokuk (Spirit Stag)

R y l a n

the car won't start, it's falling apart
i was late for work and the boss got smart
my panty line shows, got a run in my hose
my hair went flat, man, i hate that

Rylan’s grin was one filled with curiosity and vibrancy as he thought about a new mystery that Reinhart had offered him. The boyish gleam to his face, as if someone had whispered secrets that would promise adventure. Perhaps, in a way, Reinhart had. His words had given Rylan something to focus on, a problem to solve, secrets to uncover. And for a small-village boy, this was like the promise of an adventure of a life time. His eyes sparkled like the gems around his neck, at his upper arm as his smile brightened, and he nodded, "A’right! I’ll definitely check with ‘em then!” Then there appeared to be a miscommunication, or misunderstanding, and Ry had to chuckle, the sound soft, apologetic, his expression a little more sheepish, "Oh, No, I don’t mean an elder is hidin’ here. See, where I come from; those in the village, the older ones, would tell stories. Most o’ it were meant ta be life lessons ta teach us. I’m wonderin’ if it’s realleh a monster in these here waters, or if it’s a cautionary story to keep young’uns from drownin’ or somethin’.” He explained, forcing his eyes to focus on this stallion’s gaze – and to NOT follow that soft fall of a curl . . . get yerself under control Rylan!

The conversation did appear to be moving fairly easily however, and for Rylan, he was grateful for that, though he could see there was a deeper struggle than this fellow was putting on regarding Keokuk. He didn’t know what was goin’ through his minds, and he wasn’t about to make a fool of himself out of guessing, so instead he kept quiet, merely watching the other curiously to see what he was going to decide for himself. His answer was not what Rylan was expecting, but it was certainly one that amused him, "I reckon, if we were supposed ta know e’erythin’, we’d have been born with the knowledge. It’s more fun ta figure things out anyhow. Even if ya only get ta admit defeat in the end, ‘n’ let the universe keep it’s mysteries.

The soft smile that graced the handsome stallion’s face had Rylan glancing away, least he be caught staring. Where all guys around these parts this good lookin’ or was it just his luck to find a looker on his first interaction. Still, he was grateful for more information, including the names of the different Court-Tribes. Denocte, Solterra (where he was headin’ now), Delumine and Terrastella. "Makes sense, ‘n’ definintely sounds purty big enough. I’m hopin’ ta make some roots in Solterra, but I’m definitely hopin’ ta see the rest of Novus too. Ain’t no point in sittin’ down in one spot ‘n’ forgettin’ there’s a rest of the world out there!” Then the stallion made an offer that startled him. Rylan’s gaze lifted up, startled, before he glanced away, shifting almost shyly in embarrassment, surprise. "I think I can find a guide around Solterra if I look hard enough . . .

He turned his gaze up, almost shyly as he smiled slightly at Reinhart, "But I wouldn’t say no ta a tour o’ Denocte, sometime.” He added, trying to keep his heart from jump startin’ right out of his chest. It wasn’t every day he was offered to a tour by a handsome stallion, after all. Maybe coming to Novus wasn’t such a bad thing at all.

honey, i'm home and i had a hard day

Notes: Boy’s just like ‘really? You’ll show me around . . . . yeah, I can live with that <3 u <3 ‘

pour me a cold one and oh, by the way
rub my feet, give me something to eat
fix me up my favorite treat

Artwork © Bingo

Messages In This Thread
Hey honey, I'm on my way - by Rylan - 09-21-2021, 12:37 PM
RE: Hey honey, I'm on my way - by Reinhart - 09-21-2021, 01:22 PM
RE: Hey honey, I'm on my way - by Rylan - 09-21-2021, 02:39 PM
RE: Hey honey, I'm on my way - by Reinhart - 09-21-2021, 03:45 PM
RE: Hey honey, I'm on my way - by Rylan - 09-21-2021, 04:51 PM
RE: Hey honey, I'm on my way - by Reinhart - 09-24-2021, 11:15 AM
RE: Hey honey, I'm on my way - by Rylan - 09-24-2021, 12:03 PM
RE: Hey honey, I'm on my way - by Reinhart - 10-15-2021, 03:30 PM
RE: Hey honey, I'm on my way - by Rylan - 10-19-2021, 08:43 PM
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