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Private  - -- deathless

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While he preferred the stroke of Solis' sunlight, Velorca had to admit he looked equally devastating underneath Calligo's shadows and stars. The moonlight hugged his sleek body, tracing fingers of the finest silver along his spine even as the shadows fought to leak from every crevice he passed.

It was not often the snake of Solterra left his chambers after midnight, he was usually entangled within the limbs of the finer specimens of his country, golden eyes burning up the skin of his companion. In fact, he had been entwined with a particularly aggressive Solterran soldier — but that encounter had been brief... and cold. Afterward, the man had leered at him and tossed a single coin to the silk sheets. 

Velorca had simply watched him leave through cruel, cold eyes, silent and damning. There would be a reckoning for all the wrongs that had been committed against him and his people —  he would shed their blood himself when the time came, and he had a few particularly unsavoury ideas reserved for the worst of them. 

He had a list.

Alas, his empty bed had led him into the moonlight and then further again into the desert home that whispered along his ribcage always. The hiss of desert sand was his lullaby, the scorching heat a kiss. It was this that he hadn't been able to leave, when the fall of Zolin had finally come. Lorca didn't like to reminisce about that night, though he often thought about the slow burble of crimson that had ended it all — and the woman that had made it rain red. Avdotya. 

As if the thought of her name had summoned her, she appeared as a savage silhouette upon the dunes, unmistakeable and sharp. He watched her for a long moment, burnt butter eyes glowing against the navy sky. Avdotya was as close to a leader as the Davke could hope for, though her support for Maxence had grated upon Lorca's silver skin for as long as the Commander had been in charge. He had been a somewhat charismatic ruler, judging by the loyalty he had summoned in such a short space of time. Lorca scoffed, a cruel smile curling his smoky lips at the memory of Maxences demise — hilarious, that he should be flown away like a worm by the deserts beasts. 

Smiling still, Velorca closed the distance between himself and the fierce woman he so devoutly pledged himself to. He had no loyalty but Davke loyalty to give. His long lashed eyes watched her keenly, the gleam of intelligence hidden beneath the beauty of his razor boned face as he drawled sensually;

"Avdotya... out for a stroll?"

@Avdotya love love love their two personalities together haha


Messages In This Thread
-- deathless - by Avdotya - 11-29-2017, 10:18 PM
RE: -- deathless - by Velorca - 11-30-2017, 10:45 PM
RE: -- deathless - by Avdotya - 12-09-2017, 08:01 PM
RE: -- deathless - by Velorca - 12-19-2017, 09:38 PM
RE: -- deathless - by Avdotya - 12-26-2017, 06:03 PM
RE: -- deathless - by Velorca - 12-29-2017, 08:41 AM
RE: -- deathless - by Avdotya - 01-01-2018, 08:49 PM
RE: -- deathless - by Velorca - 01-10-2018, 07:47 AM
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