an equine & cervidae rpg
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- hearts full of fire [ tori ]

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Played by Offline kai [PM] Posts: 13 — Threads: 4
Signos: 20
Dawn Court Medic
Female [she / her]  |  9 [Year 502 Spring]  |  12.1 hh  |  Hth: 15 — Atk: 5 — Exp: 16  |    Active Magic: N/A & N/A  |    Bonded: N/A

I'll show you
what I'm made of

She hadn't exactly been invited to this festival , nor had she signed up for anything , and yet ... yet Eirene had found herself drawn to it regardless .

It's here , at home , so why not drop in ? It isn't as if she intends to do harm , or bother anyone . The small zorse had found herself wandering into the midst of it with her satchel against her side , full of herbs and salves as always , and her ears twitch slightly , lifting upward as she listens to the voices around her of various passerby . Once or twice , she gives a nod of her antlered head , smiling softly at someone that greets her , until she's moving onward .

She's just come from Denocte , actually . Visiting a friend there , a small horse much like herself , one that has had issues blending and coping with herd life . Poor Faye , she had a lot to learn , but Eirene had been more than happy to help her out and trade herbs for gems .

Now however , it's time for her own enjoyment . To settle and find a small spark of happiness in the midst of what's been going on . What she doesn't expect is to nearly bump into someone , blinking in surprise and bringing her striped body back a step or two , ears falling back a little sheepishly . " I'm terribly sorry I --- Torielle ? " Another blink of bright eyes , and Eirene feels a surge of warmth over her body , a giddy little laugh in the back of her throat that slips out as soft giggling .

" It's been a long time . You're as gorgeous as ever . "



Played by Offline Scapeh [PM] Posts: 65 — Threads: 8
Signos: 675
Dawn Court Scholar
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  9 [Year 502 Fall]  |  16 hh  |  Hth: 16 — Atk: 4 — Exp: 20  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: N/A


It's only me who wants to wrap around your dreams

The sun had begun to warm the grass and the attendees of the festival alike as the disk climbed higher into the sky. While the spring breeze kept things at a pleasant temperature,  having several creatures gathered together in any place was bound to keep things on the warmer side. 

Torielle was waiting by a vendor tent, perusing the jewelry on display while Veil went in search of a delectable lunch for them to share. The mare hadn’t been all that hungry, but the smells were delightful and the star woman had been more than happy to go in search of the best that the festival had to offer. 

As such, the dappled maiden had chosen to plant herself at the last booth they had visited for ease of reuniting. The last of the stardust had disappeared around the corner when she had turned her attention to a particularly stunning amber necklace, framed by delicate filigree and tiger's eye stones. As she inspected the jewel she hardly noticed the presence of the smaller mare until she was speaking to her. 

She blinked, turning her head and adjusting her focus from the vendor table to the zorse at her side. A bright smile painted her features as she laughed in return. 

“I could say the same for you.” The taller mare dipped her head in greeting, careful not to accidentally lock antlers with the other woman. “How have you been, Eirene? Enjoying the festival?” 

"Speech." | @Eirene

art by the-day-of-shadow character by scapeh table by sunny


Played by Offline kai [PM] Posts: 13 — Threads: 4
Signos: 20
Dawn Court Medic
Female [she / her]  |  9 [Year 502 Spring]  |  12.1 hh  |  Hth: 15 — Atk: 5 — Exp: 16  |    Active Magic: N/A & N/A  |    Bonded: N/A

I'll show you
what I'm made of

The last meeting she'd had with the antlered mare had been amusing , and rather eye opening . A trip to the fields for herbs and she had run into the woman , who had wooed her with charming words more than any stallion had in her life ( not that she'd ever met many ) .

The laughter made her smile all the more herself , her ears flicking and pinning forward around her antlers , while a petal delicately drops off a flower and onto the bridge of her nose . Without thinking , she shakes her head slightly , sending it drifting off before her pale eyes are back on the darker mare , the smile still in place on her dark lips .

" Me ? I've only gotten a little older and maybe slightly more wrinkled . " Her laugh is soft , evidently meant to be a tease . " But I've been well . I have my own apothecary now , a small shop with herbs and salves , and a list of patients that come to see me . Plenty of things growing in my garden now , since the last time you've seen me . "

Gently , she tucks one hoof up on its front , resting it on the tip as she smiles , as if settling in for a nice chat with the other woman . In a way , she truly is settling in for one , content to talk . " I only heard about the Festival . I know I wasn't invited but since it's happening here in Delumine I figured why not poke my nose around a bit ? Maybe I'll find a few new herbs or maybe some trinkets I would enjoy . " She perks a little more , tilting her head a little , mane falling a little over her face in small stray pieces . " And you ? "



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