an equine & cervidae rpg
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Thank you, everyone, for a wonderful 5 years!
Novus closed 10/31/2022, after The Gentle Exodus
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05-14-2024, 11:28 AM




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I am sorry I have subjected you to my motley crew of characters.

Played by:

Obsidian (PM Player)


Ob5idian    //   



Staff Log

Saved incentives/prizes: None.

Users this member has threaded with & claimed signos for (*indicates claimed for EXP bonus): Lauren (#105), Firefly (#152), Griffin (#142), Redandblack (#117), Kezz (#76), Meverrnind (#24), Parade (#267), Sid (#10), Distant (#47), Roo (#80), Sparrow (#227), Dingo (#229), Arah (#18), Spaced (#82), Aimless (#66), Rallidae (#406), Jeanne (#30), Rae (#234), Jekyll (#56), Odeen(#627), Raeym(#870), Bruiser(#211), Syndicate(#559), Sam(#1243), Darkrise (#971), Layla (#886), Lullivy (#1128)

Has claimed free restricted item: YES - LETO #887 (Active magic) from the 09/26/18-12/31/18 incentive

??/??/17 OOC user group sorted. -???
07/01/17 +50 signos for referring Firefly (UID#152), sent to Florentine's account. -SID
08/25/17 +50 signos for referring Parade (UID#276). -SID
09/17/17 +50 signos for visiting on her birthday, sent to Florentine. -INKBONE
06/04/18 +250 for Hannukah17 (TID27&PID7453), Kwanzaa18 (TID1440&PID7633), Passover18 (TID1294&PID9938), Ramadan18 (TID2214&PID11527), Valentines18 (TID1677&PID8674) - ALL SENT TO FLORENTINE. -INKBONE
06/10/18 +500 signos for posting in the Anniversary announcement TID2262. -SID
01/17/18 +50 signos for referring Firefly (ID#903) back to Novus. -SID
04/22/19 +50 signos for visiting on Easter. -INKBONE
04/28/19 +400 signos from round 1 of the Easter egg hunt. -SID
05/04/19 +200 signos for writing 2 interactive quests for staff, TIDs3552 and 3553. -SID
06/02/19 +50 signos for visiting on Novus' 2 year anniversary. -AIMLESS
09/01/19 +200 signos for writing interactive quest TID4003 for staff. -SID
09/22/19 +320 signos for completing TIDs 3147, 3250, 3276, 3277, 3177, 3260, 3331, 3747, 3571, 3375, 3031, 3593, 3407, 3930, 3690, 3462. -AIMLESS
09/22/19 +40 signos for first time threading with Raeym ID#870 and Bruiser ID#211. -AIMLESS
11/01/19 +50 signos for visiting on Halloween. -AIMLESS
12/15/19 +free minor mutation item from advent calendar, TID4402. -LAYLA
12/16/19 Free enchantment item for advent day 3. -SID
12/17/19 +300 signos for advent day 4. -LAYLA
12/18/19 +free accessory item for advent calendar day 5 -LAYLA
12/19/19 +250 signos for advent calendar day 6. -SID
12/21/19 +100 signos sent for advent day 8 -LAYLA
12/25/19 +50 signos for visiting on Christmas Day - LAYLA
12/26/19 Enchanted Snowflake item gifted for last day of the advent calendar. -SID
04/20/20 +50 signos for visiting during passover (on 4/10) -LAYLA
04/26/20 +400 signos for writing two quests for staff (TIDs 4899 & 4900) -LAYLA
04/28/20 +800 signos for writing 4 interactive quests for staff, TIDs4915, 4916, 4917, and 4918. -SID
06/04/20 +50 signos for participating in Novus Mad Libs -LAYLA
06/06/20 +120 signos - 100 for completing TID 4873,4870,4894,4938,4229, 20 for first time with Darkrise TID4229. -INKBONE
06/06/20 +100 signos for participating in "Breathe In The Story" IC event, TID5022 -LAYLA
07/17/20 +100 signos for winning the Novus Mad Libs contest -LAYLA
08/03/20 +100 signos for completing TIDs 5060, 5185, 4936, 4987 & 5053 -LAYLA
09/17/20 +50 signos for visiting Novus on her birthday. -SID
10/10/20 +100 signos for winning 505 winter spotlight nomination: member. -INKBONE
11/01/20 +50 signos for visiting on Halloween -LAYLA
12/05/20 +1250 signos for reaching 138 points/Tier 1 in Nov. writing contest. -SID
12/13/20 +40 signos for 1st time with Layla #886 TID5248 (Leonidas), Lullivy #1128 TID5258 (Tenebrae). -INKBONE
12/13/20 +25 signos for Leonidas creating worship thread TID5400. -INKBONE
12/13/20 +200 signos for Tenebrae completing TID5293, 4896, 5023, 5258, 5181, 5284, 5534, 5565, 5800, 5400. -INKBONE
12/13/20 +200 signos for Leonidas completing TID3999, 5062, 5263, 5248, 5080, 5184, 5438, 5704, 5677, 5509. -INKBONE
12/15/20 +50 signos & free pet item for days 14/15 on the advent calendar. -SID
12/16/20 Free enchantment item sent for visiting on Dec. 16th of advent calendar. -LAYLA
12/17/20 +100 signos for visiting on Dec. 17th of advent calendar. -INKBONE
12/18/20 +300 signos for visiting on Dec. 18th of advent calendar. -LAYLA
12/20/20 Free Healthy Pregnancy item for visiting on Dec. 19th of advent calendar. -SID
12/22/20 Free outfit item sent for visiting on Dec 21st of the Advent Calendar -LAYLA
12/27/20 +100 signos for visiting on Christmas Eve & Christmas Day -LAYLA
21/02/22 - character reactivated as night court battlemage-LULLIVY