an equine & cervidae rpg
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Novus closed 10/31/2022, after The Gentle Exodus

All Welcome  - rest these weary bones.

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Played by Offline Lunar [PM] Posts: 2 — Threads: 2
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Vagabond Citizen
Male [He/Him]  |  15 [Year 496 Spring]  |  17 hh  |  Hth: 13 — Atk: 7 — Exp: 25  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: N/A

"knowledge through trust."

Asterios had known of his time in his place of residence was coming to an end, he had only time to say a few simple goodbyes and some reminders to keep smiling before he too felt his body becoming lightweight, prompting him to lay down and close his eyes in the now barren abode.

Opening his grey eyes once more, Asterios let out a soft sigh – more weary than anything else. The sight around him hadn’t been as jarring as he had previously thought, only the feeling of a hot summer coming to an end where previously the cold had been in his bones. He had been walking around for the better part of a week now, exploring his surroundings and finding trees where he could find shelter and a place to rest for a while. The thing he had to get used to the most was not having his magic, finding out quickly that this world handled magic just different enough for him to not have control any more. Luckily, by way of enchantment he had been able to suppress it until he got used to the feeling again and how to navigate it once more.

Throughout the day, Aster walked around and eventually found himself resting at a little creek – smiling softly at the lovey-dovey couples talking a walk around before finding a spot for himself to take a break and take a well-needed sip of water and some food.

“speak” | ooc: having a sippy


Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 14 — Threads: 2
Signos: 5
Dusk Court Magician
Male [He/Him/His]  |  9 [Year 502 Fall]  |  14 hh  |  Hth: 17 — Atk: 3 — Exp: 21  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: N/A

o d i l e

Where's My Angel, go on and take my life
Where's My Angel, I need someone here tonight

You may notice the settling of the atmosphere, as the day begins to round up. Couples watching the color of the sky start to settle, curled up together to keep warm. If you look closely, however, you'd notice an odd little figure perched in a tree. His head is arched, his black beak silenced as he merely watches the others. You likely wouldn't notice anything odd about it - why would you. Just a lonesome little swan. Until you consider how odd it is to see a swan in a tree. But, perhaps; you might ponder; the swan is just a little odd. Maybe it was raised by sparrows, or an eagle, or some other non aquatic bird.

This little swan was definitely not raised by swans. His wings arch, and your eye may be drawn back as sun reflects of snow white feathers, porcelain, pure; untouched, untainted. Some might see such a beautiful specimen as a prize. But the swan is well enough prepared to keep an eye out for hunters. In fact, it occasionally seems to sweep the area as if looking for anything that might threaten it. Such a self aware swan. You could be impressed by that fact, or maybe just continue to be surprised by such an odd bird. Or, perhaps you've already dismissed the entire thing as an odd bird and have gone about your day.

This little bird suddenly looks up to the setting sun, and a soft trumpeting "oh-Oh!" leaves it's beak, as it flaps it's wings. It's body arches up, breast on display as those wings allow a near vertical lift off from it's odd balancing movement. But the swan doesn't leave the place. Instead, the flickering of light on wings as the sun sets would allow you to watch it descend onto the water. It's dark, expressive eyes seeming to dance as it's beak dips below the water, drinking from the creek, and nibbling on the water weeds and algae, before those black eyes would turn onto you.

The swan seems to tilt his head, blinking those expressive black eyes, before letting of another trumpeting sound, but this time it's followed by a more shocking fact, the trumpeting swan speaks, "You shine like a pearl!" The voice is youthful, playful, young, but far more cultured than one would expect from a swan, if one could even imagine that a swan of all things would speak. "Oh, I'm sorry, I hope I didn't startle you!" The swan adds, clearly speaking to you now, as those black webbed feet kick it closer. Those impossibly black eyes turn up towards the sky, where the sun has only began to descend, "I'm not really a swan though, promise. Is there a moon tonight? If there is, you'd see what I mean when the moon rises. Oh, where are my manners, forgive me. I'm so forgetful at times! I'd use up all my feathers if I tried to count off all the times I've been told how forgetful I am. Well, they say a lot more than just me being forgetful. Right, right, I got side tracked," The swan has turned his gaze back to you, and you can almost imagine that it must be smiling at you. "My name is Odile, I hope you don't mind sharing some company? I've been flying solo for a while now, and could use another individual to talk to, even if for just a little while."

Would you be willing to talk with a swan, if what this thing was, was really just a swan?

Notes: I wanna play him as a swan. haha, he'll become a horse in a post or two when the moon rises :P

Lineart © Darya87 @ DA; Character/Design © Dyzzie


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