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Novus closed 10/31/2022, after The Gentle Exodus

Private  - My heart longs for more

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Played by Offline Chaosy [PM] Posts: 143 — Threads: 21
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Dusk Court Blacksmith
Male [He/Him/His]  |  Immortal [Year 498 Summer]  |  21 hh  |  Hth: 22 — Atk: 18 — Exp: 49  |    Active Magic: Solar Manipulation  |    Bonded: Telum (Dragon)

Everything I've done, I've done for you. I move the stars for no one.

Sol sighed as he stepped out of his beloved home. Yes, he had made a home for himself in the realm of Oriens... A home that he loved. But there was something drawing him away. Someone that held his heart in her hooves and could do with it what she willed. Smiling softly at the memory of that hunt, at the words that she had screamed at the creature, he left Jiri asleep and headed into the court itself. Cally was the new lead, the sovereign that was trying to make a better Dawn Court for everyone.

Reaching the heart of the court, he entered her realm. Eyes were wide as he took in the palace that she now held. Turning to one of the guards, he dipped his head and cleared his throat. "Excuse me. Can you please let Callynite know that I am seeking an audience with her? I have very important things to discuss." He asked warmly, gazing at the area around him as the guard disappeared.

It was going to be hard to leave Dawn. He had pushed to make a life for himself in this court... But that was before things with Bel had went so completely differently than either had planned. Than he had been willing to dream. He had become a father in Dawn, had found a god that he aligned with. But yet he was willing to give it up for the chance to be with her. For the chance to see where they could go and what life they could have together. The family that they would be with Jiri.

Flaring his wings, he tucked them neatly and flicked his tail. His golden eyes were luminous, starting to glow as magic started to return. The hunt had taken much from him and it was nice to be finally growing and feeling the stirrings of the power within him. A smile graced his lips as he waited for the tiny creature that had once shot him with an arrow.

Notes: Its about time lol

CREDIT to Miss Sparkle (offsite)

Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 116 — Threads: 20
Signos: 40
Dawn Court Sovereign
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  11 [Year 500 Fall]  |  14.2 hh  |  Hth: 30 — Atk: 30 — Exp: 54  |    Active Magic: Natural Energy Flow  |    Bonded: N/A

share with me the blankets that you're wrapped in
because it's cold outside, cold outside, it's cold outside


And now it's over, we're goners
It's out of our control

Cally was working quietly over her desk, making out the declaration she wanted to present to Israfel and Luvena of Denocte regarding their citizen. Trying to find the best way to tackle a very sensitive project, however; was not in her forte, and she was three wadded up sheets of paper away from asking for Somnus to come and assist her - he might know what to do. Thankfully the door opening and a guard approaching quietly gave her a moment to pause. His words, however, provided her with a literal escape from this horrible writing assignment (she felt like she was in school all over again, and she wasn't sure if this world had schools to teach the fawns!

The doe nodded her acknowledgement, raising to her hooves delicately and stepping around the guard who immediately fell into step a few paces behind her. She had to roll her eyes about the protective move, trying not to huff about not needing anyone to look out for her. She was a big doe, she could handle her own issues. But she knew they took their duties seriously, and one such duty was to maintain that their Soveriegn was protected at all times. So instead she opened the doors towards the room where Sol had been motioned to wait, her steps level, and her gaze proud. Far prouder now in her original form than she had been as a hybrid monstrosity, "Sol Bestiam." She calls out his name in greeting, "Welcome to my humble abode. I hope things are well for you and your filly - Alfajiri, yes?" a warm smile on her lips for the familiar stallion.

"I don't believe you've ever sought me out before, not since I took up the thrown. How my I assist you - I understand you have some things to discuss with me?" She asked the tall, onyx and gold blacksmith. She tilted her head to the side, the movement causing the pendant around her neck to clank gently, but her smile never wavered, curious as to what the stallion had to say.

And if there's one thing that I know
It's that it's best to let it roll

@Sol Bestiam
Notes: <3

So let's just let it roll
Let's just let it roll
Your hazel eyes paralyze my senses
Cut me down to size defenseless

Artwork ©Bingo

Played by Offline Chaosy [PM] Posts: 143 — Threads: 21
Signos: 0
Dusk Court Blacksmith
Male [He/Him/His]  |  Immortal [Year 498 Summer]  |  21 hh  |  Hth: 22 — Atk: 18 — Exp: 49  |    Active Magic: Solar Manipulation  |    Bonded: Telum (Dragon)

Everything I've done, I've done for you. I move the stars for no one.
Sol flicked an ear as the unfamiliar form approached. The voice was the same, but the form was new. "Either I was expecting another with the same name, of you have grown into yourself more, little friend. You are not the creature I remember being shot by." He teased as he stepped closer and dipped his head. "You are no longer small enough to hide beneath me." He winked with a laugh.

"Things have been very well. Jiri is a year old now and driving me insane." He chuckled as he thought fondly of his daughter. His eyes took in the pendant around her neck, as well as the elegance that the doe held and he grinned. "Is the obnoxious stallion still making you insane?" He asked warmly, referring to the stallion she had once spoke of.

Sol took a deep breath. This was going to be a challenge to get through. He didnt want to offend the doe, wanted to try to maintain their pleasant communications and friendship. "You have been doing well as the new sovereign. I just want to let you know that first." He started with hesitation. "As much as I believe in you and the work you are going, I cannot hide from my heart. My heart belongs to one from another court, one that I wish to explore our relationship further with. But doing so will take me from dawn. And that is why I come to you. I cant bring myself to simply leave without discussing it. I respect you too much." He said warmly, his eyes staying on the doe as he listened to those around them. In another world, he might have challenged the weaker creature. But this was a friend and he respected her too much. Even if he desired to stay here and be a part of the court, she would have earned his allegiance and loyalty many times over at this point. But he hoped they could stay friends even with him leaving.

Notes: <3

CREDIT to Miss Sparkle (offsite)

Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 116 — Threads: 20
Signos: 40
Dawn Court Sovereign
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  11 [Year 500 Fall]  |  14.2 hh  |  Hth: 30 — Atk: 30 — Exp: 54  |    Active Magic: Natural Energy Flow  |    Bonded: N/A

share with me the blankets that you're wrapped in
because it's cold outside, cold outside, it's cold outside


And now it's over, we're goners
It's out of our control

The doe grinned at his words, tilting her head as her large ears perked forward, unable to stop herself from laughing, "It's still me, I just had a growth spurt." She stated innocently before those long legs gracefully carried her in a circle so he could see the changes more clearly, "This was my original form, before being brought to Novus. It's a relief to be normal once more." She admitted.

Her ears perked up when he spoke of the little one, who was now a year old, "I suppose the old saying that they grow up too quickly is all too true." And then he asked about the obnoxious one. Instantly, her grin turned wickedly playful, "Oh yes, every day. Turns out marrying him didn't curb his enthusiasm." She stated casually, but her gaze warmed with the mention of her beloved mate, the wild buck he was now that he was getting the hang of all the perks the grace and agility of a deer provided him. "Although, we were caught in the same magic when I was reverted to my form. He was rather shocked to come out of it with his own set of antlers, and buck-form as well."

But she knew this wasn't why he was here, and she already had an idea of what he was going to say when he started to speak about wanting her to know that he believed in her and the work she had started and that she was doing well in her title. She let him speak his mind, waiting until he finally seemed to dwindle down in his words before her ears perked forward towards him, "Worry not, I understand the need to follow your heart, and I wouldn't wish you to keep the distance just because I do not want to lose members. I assume that your move is in both of your best interests? And I cannot convince you both to settle down in Dawn?" She asked curiously before smiling warmly, "Please let me know if there is anything you require, in aid, to help you and Jiri transition to a new court. A letter of introduction, supplies, what ever you need: It's yours."

And if there's one thing that I know
It's that it's best to let it roll

@Sol Bestiam
Notes: <3

So let's just let it roll
Let's just let it roll
Your hazel eyes paralyze my senses
Cut me down to size defenseless

Artwork ©Bingo

Played by Offline Chaosy [PM] Posts: 143 — Threads: 21
Signos: 0
Dusk Court Blacksmith
Male [He/Him/His]  |  Immortal [Year 498 Summer]  |  21 hh  |  Hth: 22 — Atk: 18 — Exp: 49  |    Active Magic: Solar Manipulation  |    Bonded: Telum (Dragon)

Everything I've done, I've done for you. I move the stars for no one.

Sol grinned at her words. "I would say one heck of a growth spurt... you lost your mane, and horn... And gained new antlers with your height." He laughed as he took in the beauty that she had become. "I can understand that. I have a hidden self that I am very glad to keep hidden... it is less pleasant than your current beauty." The nearly black stallion laughed softly.

"Isnt that the truth. And some stages of growing up happen far too suddenly." Sol remarked with a chuckle. Then came her response and he found himself holding back laughter. "He drove you insane... you stabbed him... and you married him?" He snorted shaking his head. "I am sure that the change of appearance threw the vain stallion for a loop." Yep, he had missed a bit with his focus on his heart.

Her response was genuine, something that he wouldnt have expected initially. "I appreciate it. I know Bel would never leave her court, and I cant ask her to. I pursued her even when things looked lost and hopeless. In truth, my heart was hers years ago when we became friends. I think her little sister could see it, but Bel was still trapped in a world of her own when it came to more serious matters of the heart." He remarked, memories of his confession making the stallion grin.

"I appreciate the offer and I will definitely let you know should I need anything. And please, even in another court, I will always count you as one of my dear friends. If you need anything, all you need to do is ask and I will see what I can do." He remarked with a warm smile.

Notes: <3

CREDIT to Miss Sparkle (offsite)

Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 116 — Threads: 20
Signos: 40
Dawn Court Sovereign
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  11 [Year 500 Fall]  |  14.2 hh  |  Hth: 30 — Atk: 30 — Exp: 54  |    Active Magic: Natural Energy Flow  |    Bonded: N/A

share with me the blankets that you're wrapped in
because it's cold outside, cold outside, it's cold outside


And now it's over, we're goners
It's out of our control

Cally grinned back at the mammoth of a stallion, large doe ears perking forward, catching his words on those saucer-like appendages. She shrugged playfully, all amusement, "Oh yes, I'm like a butterfly. Close my ears as a hybrid mess, open them and I've shed all those oddities for the form of a gracious doe." She teased, before her ears perked forward, large doe eyes turning towards him, her muzzle dropping open slightly curiously, "A hidden self?" She repeated, though she didn't prod about it.

She grinned innocently when he spoke of her marrying Coy, her eyes shining brightly, "Yes, well, he wore me down. I could only handle his begging for so long, before finally giving in." She smiled gently, remembering his reaction to the transformation, "Honestly, I think he doesn't really mind it. It was a shock . . . but he's enjoying our heights being less vast. We fit together better now. Makes it a lot easier to cuddle with him." She teased.

Of course, when he spoke about leaving, she knew in her heart there was no way to persuade him, not seeing the way he talked of his mare. Her ears perked, as she promised him anything she could, even as she snorted at his romantic speel, "Well, I'm sure she'll be delighted to have you closer." She mused, before tilting her head slightly and nodding to his acceptance of help, and that he'd let her know if it was required. His follow up words had her smiling, and she stepped forward, nuzzling him in a familiar fashion, "The same to you. If you ever need anything, you just need to ask, and Dawn will come to your aid. You may be leaving us, but you're still a brother to those of this court, and we shall stand by you, if you need us." She promised, much as she had done for Meira not too long ago.

"Now, you best be off here soon, go tell that mare of yours that you both need to go house shopping, going from a household of one, to three; is a bit of a jump after all. Unless there is anything else you need to discuss with me?"

And if there's one thing that I know
It's that it's best to let it roll

@Sol Bestiam
Notes: <3

So let's just let it roll
Let's just let it roll
Your hazel eyes paralyze my senses
Cut me down to size defenseless

Artwork ©Bingo

Played by Offline Chaosy [PM] Posts: 143 — Threads: 21
Signos: 0
Dusk Court Blacksmith
Male [He/Him/His]  |  Immortal [Year 498 Summer]  |  21 hh  |  Hth: 22 — Atk: 18 — Exp: 49  |    Active Magic: Solar Manipulation  |    Bonded: Telum (Dragon)

Everything I've done, I've done for you. I move the stars for no one.

Sol grinned and shook his head. "You have definitely grown more beautiful. There is a sense of rightness about you now." He said warmly, his words that of a friend rather than a suitor, since both were clearly taken. When she remarked on his words, he laughed softly. "Lets just say that under the darkness is a form that is definitely no angel. A form that I hope stays hidden and contained." He stated softly, shaking his head at the memories of what lie under his skin.

Sol snorted. "That sounds familiar, I must say... It took me yelling that I loved Bel for her to realize it herself." Their final realization meeting had been hilarious. At least in hindsight. It was emotional, slightly dangerous, and very shocking. But he didnt regret it. "At least you dont have to figure out how to meld fire and ice to cuddle... it gets interesting to say the least." He chuckled softly.

Sol smiled at the doe. "I think you are the closest thing to a sister I have ever had. And I am so lucky to have you in my world. Thank you for being so understanding." He answered, shaking his head at her final question. Stepping closer, he hugged the doe, ignoring her new rank and just seeing her as simply Cally. After releasing her, he turned and exited her home, a feeling of hope blooming within him.

Notes: Closer on my end <3

CREDIT to Miss Sparkle (offsite)

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