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Played by Offline Kaiju [PM] Posts: 42 — Threads: 17
Signos: 215
Day Court Merchant
Male [he / him]  |  Immortal [Year 496 Summer]  |  19 hh  |  Hth: 18 — Atk: 22 — Exp: 36  |    Active Magic: Heat Manipulation  |    Bonded: Enyo (Indoraptor)

when you're up there looking down

He's no better than the rest of them .

Solterra has idled , but its people are few and in between , and what is he to them ? Nothing but a bullheaded man that had wrenched away the Sovereignty and spit in Solis' face . His bumbling attempts at trying to get Court relations on the mend had been nothing , and once again , he finds himself staring out from the Court's edges , at the Mors , wondering if stepping down would be the right thing . What could he do to refute any challenge if one came ? Nothing . He would simply sit on his ass and twiddle his hooves , as if it could do things .

The coliseum at least is repaired to a former glory . One tiny step in what had been a slew of things to fix and build his proud people up to . But there are so few of them , and he is ... so tired . Very tired .

Blue eyes slip closed a moment , and he feels the preening of sharp teeth into the short hairs of his mane . Enyo doesn't talk often , but her preening him shows a level of affection between the two .

" I think it's time . " A murmur , low and hardly there . Time to bring about the announcement , and to forfeit the reins of his Court . Perhaps he could drift , like much of his people had turned to doing . " Tempus forgive me . " A gift he had looked in the face , thrown back at the deity carelessly . It's time to depart , he thinks . Time to shed these heavy bonds , because he was never built for it . Never meant to take them on . His past had told him that much , and now he stands and shakes himself slowly , turning on his hooves to make his way down into the heart of the Court . He has to tell them , has to let them know .

It is time .

@ anyone !


Played by Offline nastyalicorn [PM] Posts: 37 — Threads: 8
Signos: 2,210
Day Court Entertainer
Female [she / her / hers]  |  11 [Year 501 Summer]  |  16 hh  |  Hth: 7 — Atk: 13 — Exp: 33  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: N/A


The sweltering heat of Solterra sun was like no other remedy – Fever would be convinced she was a cold-blooded reptile for the way she lay on the stones, basking in the heat, every hair on her body singing with praise for the one thing she was grateful for from Solis. The oils on her skin reflected the light like a well-polished metal, the glint of her jewelry like summer stars along the patchwork of her colorful coat. 

She sprawled unabashedly in the midst of her people, her court – the dirty day-to-day civilians who carried this kingdom on their backs, built it with their sweat and tears. Occasionally, she’d be asked to sing a song and tossed a coin or two, and she’d oblige happily, filling the square with songs from her slave days; her vocals always reminiscent of foreign chai notes and alien spices of another world. 

Yet, she was quick to pass off her earnings to the children who blinked at her from the sidelines – foals either running errands for their parents who probably lounged in the shade, or worse, were abandoned and now lawless. Fever paid a pair of them to sit next to her and braid the impressive lengths of her tail – those young girls would giggle and delightfully stress over what to do with so much hair. 

And in that moment, while fillies played with her inky tail, and the smell of hot earth danced in the air, and the people of the court mingled and bartered in the streets for milk, breads, and fruits, Fever couldn’t help but revel in it. 

This was royalty – you couldn’t convince her anything else.

Freedom to just live in the mundane was a privilege and she never wished to take that for granted.

Briefly, she wondered if she could spot the tea-maker and her shop from her lounge.

Alas, her attention was diverted as a small hush seemed to come over the townsfolk. Fever raised a brow as the children stopped tangling her locks, their eyes glazed with an unintelligible expression, their bodies taut with respect. Far off, Fever could see the dipping of heads and bowing. For a split second, she panics, frozen with fear with the possibility of a noble from her previous household coming into view, coming to steal her away and place her back behind walls.

But no, she is relieved to see a dusty draught, icy eyes and large muscles, with some reptile clinging to the nape of his neck. By the reactions of those around her, she can draw some assumptions.


So, this must be the King.

In true Fever fashion, where nothing is above her, she stands, but does not bow her head or make any effort to show her respects. She instead is silent, eyes narrowing as she scrutinizes him and wonders why has he made a descent into the court with the commoners. 


art by TheDayOfShadow, code by @c.widow

[Image: 45505141_kShAGp5UVRG2Lvt.png]

i am a forest fire; i am the fire and i am the forest
and i am a witness watching it


Played by Offline morphi [PM] Posts: 76 — Threads: 14
Signos: 310
Day Court Sovereign
Male [He/his]  |  9 [Year 503 Summer]  |  23 hh  |  Hth: 10 — Atk: 10 — Exp: 15  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: N/A

Here behind the curtain lies a darkness feeding
Pooled inside, in hunger cries, and still it's eating
Everything I had to hide is all on my sleeve
And behind the curtain lies my soul, I’m bleeding

If this very moment was captured and inspected closely, it could be set as the fragment in time that Jarek truly joined the creatures on Novus. Until now he had been a free floating entity set on a course for destruction without truly knowing it. The Veil Nebula had firmly grasped his mind and shook it free from the devils of his former life. He now entirely felt the weight of his actions. He was in control, destiny wasn’t something one could see or manipulate. As for how much existed, he longer knew. 

He slipped into the desert city, the smells of spices and fresh bread immediately apparent. He took a deep breath, so this is what civilisation smelt like. It was an awkward thought, and perhaps it assumed too much. The scents of many citizens hit his nostrils as he wandered down the street, seeing all kinds of souls. The sun hit his pelt, warming it and sending reflections of his mineralised skin across the streets. 

The lands he had traveled through to reach the day court had reminded him of home. It also reminded him of his dedication to changing his course. He had to be better, to do better. He wasn’t sure what he would find here, but it had to be better than wandering. It seemed a wasteful effort to attempt to establish anything elsewhere, when the effort had already been completed here? These lands sung out to him, to his soul. It was comfortable and familiar. But all the same they were different. Would Solis accept him? Caelum had told him that Novus gods tended to function in a hands off fashion. 

He hadn’t expected to see her here, but it made sense that Fever would be drawn to the day court. She was laid out in her beauty absorbing the sun. He smirked softly, his icy blue eyes searching to meet her own. “Fever; you were correct afterall - you are so much more enrapturing in the sunlight.”  The glittering of her golden jewels complimented that of her multi-toned oiled skin. The scent of which the sunlight was enhancing, she smelt delightful.

So this must be Leviathan he thought watching Fever stand up in response to the other stallion. “So that must be Leviathan” he gravelly said towards Fever. He had been looking forward to meeting the man that ruled these lands. Caelum’s description of him was favorable and Jarek felt they would have much to discuss. He would make a place for himself here.

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