an equine & cervidae rpg
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Private  - Stay for the night, I'll sell you a dream

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Played by Offline Darkrise [PM] Posts: 2 — Threads: 2
Signos: 235
Day Court Soldier
Male [He / Him]  |  10 [Year 501 Fall]  |  16.3 hh  |  Hth: 6 — Atk: 14 — Exp: 10  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: N/A


The claws of winter were well and truly dug in deep, tearing through whatever warmth fur provided and gripping at the very bones of those beholden to its bite. Vidaar had slipped begrudgingly from the relative warmth of Sol’s lands, leaving in his wake a trail of sand and red dust. He was not disappointed the leave behind the realm of sand; he could feel it in the hair of his tail, clinging to the auburn of his fur and catching between his teeth. He might never have thought sand had a particular scent until he lost his sight but now he found it had this peculiar smell when collected in seas of red.

Vidaar daren’t stray too far from the edges of Solterra’s sun-baked deserts, as much as he despised admitting to himself that he might not be capable of finding his way back if he did. This new land however did not smell that much different from the desert, the aroma of sunburnt grass overpowering whatever perfume the other foliage might emit.

He felt grass tickle his ankles, short and dried as though it had withered beneath summer’s touch yet pressing resolutely up through the frost that crunched beneath his hooves. Here and there he felt bushes reach for his legs, scratching at the muscles as he pranced through the oblivion of his sightless eyes. He would not be surprised to find the skin broken in places as his frustration bled into his forceful movements, restless as the world sat in his darkness. Even as the sun shone far above, doing little to warm the winter air, he saw no light in the shadows of his vision.

It was perhaps mid-morning, though Vidaar had no way of truly telling, but the faint sounds of birdsong permeated the quiet and somewhere in the distance the stallion could have sworn his heard the bubbling of a river. His ears twitched, picking up the lazy buzz of a fly as he meandered through what he hoped was a large field.

Text “speech”

Kiss your perfect day goodbye
because the world is on fire



Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 22 — Threads: 4
Signos: 15
Dusk Court Entertainer
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  Immortal [Year 502 Spring]  |  14.3 hh  |  Hth: 10 — Atk: 10 — Exp: 21  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: Rosario (Rose Hivemind)

i'm insane
well, i can feel it in my bones
coursing through my veins,
when did i become so cold?
A sense of desperation was settling deep into her bones. It crackled across her spine like the warming charge in the air before a tornado would hit. The calm before the storm surges. Her storm, was the approaching morn. The maiden was starting to feel a touch desperate, having ventured further away from Terrastella than she likely should have during her night of exploring. Now the sky was starting to brighten, and with each passing minute, the eternal maiden felt more and more alarmed.

And yet, she couldn't help but watch, eyes bright as the world seemed to come alive around her. Her eyes practically sparkled, softly hued red of a recent successful feeding, even as she tried to find darker areas, shaded areas to travel through. Unfortunately, the further she'd stumbled into this plain, the harder it was to find any. And the sun touching her skin was already causing a reddening reaction. It wouldn't kill her, even she knew that - she was old enough to withstand the discomfort. But it would still be discomforting. It would still burn, first like a mere sunburn that would grow with severity if she was in the direct light for too long.

Wild wine curls were tossed into the air, tangling on the breeze that crisped the air, and with that crisp came just a speckling of cloud cover. It was enough however to block out the sun, and she made a wild dash from one rare tree to the next. Catching her breath, the mare parted her lips, breathing heavily through the aches as her fangs reflected the light of early day. Birds were beginning to sing, and briefly, she'd forgotten what it was like, to be out and about during the day. Had it really been so long? Since she had danced among the flowers, felt the caress of the sun. Now that caress was more akin to nails raking down her crack-scattered hide.

The mare took a deep breath, waiting for the next heavier cloud cover, before making another burst of speed to carry her across the open plain. Her focus was on the sun, on the shade - not on the beast making his own way through the planes. She dropped her haunches, locking her front legs as she slid to a stop, barely catching herself before she would have run into him, her eyes wide, alarmed, "Oh! I'm so dreadfully sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going, clearly!" The vampire spoke her apology with an earnestness not normally attributed to her kind, her eyes wide, but honest. Of course, she didn't have long to think about it, as the sun was starting to come back out, a few small rays of sunlight touching her cream hide, a slight hiss leaving her muzzle at the direct contact.

"I apologize, I need to finish making my way to the nearby shade . . . Not that I am intending to chase you off, you're welcome to join me if you're out and about for any sort of friendly company." She added, her gaze already dancing around to find the closest 'safe zone,' even as she glanced back at the other beast, offering a smile she wasn't aware he couldn't see, "Again, I am so dreadfully sorry, and I do hope I didn't startle you - let alone accidentally cause any sort of mishap to befall you for my lack of attention." She added, flicking the mulberry wine hued tail, the ribbon coiled around it twirling among the chaotic locks as she trotted the short distance away and tried to keep herself from collapsing against the tree trunk, already feeling the distinct sting of where the sun had set upon her pelt for too long.

Her sire wouldn't be happy when he saw her, she could already imagine the lecturing the much older vampire would give her when she finally stumbled on home. But at least for now she was back out of the sun, she hadn't trampled that poor fellow, and she hadn't embarrassed herself in the process either. Not the best start to a day (even if she should be preparing to close out her day, as a nocturnal being), but it could have been a lot, lot worse.

for goodness sake
where is my self control?
if home is where my heart is
then my heart has lost all hope
x | x


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