an equine & cervidae rpg
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All Welcome  - What land shall I find?

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Played by Offline Chaosy [PM] Posts: 1 — Threads: 1
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Dawn Court Soldier
Male [He/him/his]  |  11 [Year 501 Summer]  |  23 hh  |  Hth: 10 — Atk: 10 — Exp: 20  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: Bastian (Pygmy Spinosaurus)


The road isn’t easy. It is long, and hard, and often traveled utterly blind. 
But you keep going because you know the destination will be worthwhile.

The river had been his companion for a while, his bonded taking the time to play in the cool water after their trek had been finished. This land was strange, so green and lush after growing up deep in the deserts. The strength of a warrior still coursed through him, the desire to do something for the good of all rather than the good of just him. 

"Bastian, please stay close. We are far from our homeland." He called to the dinosaur, using his native Egyptian tongue. As he had gone from those sands, fewer beings were able to understand his words. He had been forced to learn more common tongue, though he found himself still slipping into the words that he still found himself thinking in. The small spinosaur lifted his head and grumbled an agreement, slowing to keep pace with the massive warrior stallion. It was still odd to Xal that he was larger than the dinosaur. 

As they approached a small lull in the river, a place where the waters calmed and deepened, Xal stopped and let the dinosaur enjoy the water and catch some fish for a meal. This was peaceful, a moment that never changed between the pair as they had traversed many lands. Bastian would enjoy a watery lunch while Xal would take a moment to graze. Not that he wasnt on alert at all times. The large stallion was wary and prepared to defend himself should he need to. That was simply a part of his training that had not gone away after the upheaval. 

"Xalvador, this land is strange. More green and much different fish than home. Do you intend to stay here?" Bastian asked, climbing the bank to find a spot of sunlight to bask in. He was very cat like on that, loving to sleep in sunlight where it was warm. Xal frowned as he looked around them.

"I am not sure… This place is so vastly different than home. Perhaps that is a good thing. Perhaps that glowing doorway led us to the correct place. I would like to give it a chance at least…" He murmured, still speaking ancient Egyptian. The dinosaur dipped his head in understanding, frowning at the dark forest around them. 

"I still think it is odd here." He grumbled before closing his eyes for a quick nap. Xal laughed softly, shaking his head and pressing his muzzle to the sail upon Bastian’s back. Once he had dozed off, Xal moved away and began to graze, listening to the world around him with constantly moving ears. 

"Xalvador" - "Bastian"
Notes: Xal and Bastian are officially in dawn <3


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