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Private  - Why is my Arrow in your Shoulder?

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Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 116 — Threads: 20
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Dawn Court Sovereign
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  11 [Year 500 Fall]  |  14.2 hh  |  Hth: 30 — Atk: 30 — Exp: 54  |    Active Magic: Natural Energy Flow  |    Bonded: N/A

Callynite stood in researcher mode, thinking about all of the different things arrow and flaming hoof related that was running through her mind with an eagerness that might see him being invited along on her next adventure. "Oh yes, I imagine a tipped arrow might be a touch to strong for the average buck, wouldn't you agree." Her grin was cheeky, "Not that I make a habit out of shooting bucks, nor would I." She made a slight face at even the thought of it, before feeling the need to apologize, again. "I'm sorry though, truly. I promise I wouldn't willing shoot anyone, nor intentionally unless in self defense." She felt like she was parroting off the traditional promise to her former mentor right before a training exercise, and had to smile faintly. "Though, with your large size, an arrow might be more the equivalent of a mere bee sting to you, huh?" She teased.

Her curiosity of the fire flames was something she was eager to learn though - snow melting and ice melting means that it had to be fairly hot - though ice was slow. puddles didn't bubble though. Her mind was racing, curious and more curious still, "Can you start a campfire with a hoof to some branches and twigs? I bet that'd be super useful if you could!" She declared with a lot of excitement. When he commented on being a growing colt not at full height, Cally had to huff and roll her eyes, "If you're still a growing colt, then I must be shrinking all the time." She snorted, with a playful roll of her eyes.

She tossed her forelock back, a few strands of her hair tangling around her horn before it settled down again, grinning at the other's promise to tell the rogue of how feminine and obnoxious he was, "Oh, you're such a doll! I can almost picture his affronted face now!" Picture it, she could almost hear the mix of lecture and flirtation he would launch into the next time he saw her, a thought that brought a faint smile to the young hybrid's face. "You'll have to tell me EXACTLY what his reaction is," She added with her best halo-ed smile.

@Sol Bestiam

Let's jump on the sun and ride it to tomorrow together, where everything is brighter and sure to be better.

Played by Offline Chaosy [PM] Posts: 143 — Threads: 21
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Dusk Court Blacksmith
Male [He/Him/His]  |  Immortal [Year 498 Summer]  |  21 hh  |  Hth: 22 — Atk: 18 — Exp: 49  |    Active Magic: Solar Manipulation  |    Bonded: Telum (Dragon)

I need someone who sees the fire in my eyes
And wants to play with it...

"Oh yes, I imagine a tipped arrow might be a touch to strong for the average buck, wouldn't you agree. Not that I make a habit out of shooting bucks, nor would I. I'm sorry though, truly. I promise I wouldn't willing shoot anyone, nor intentionally unless in self defense. Though, with your large size, an arrow might be more the equivalent of a mere bee sting to you, huh?" Sol laughed and shook his head. "Glad to know you only usually shoot in self defense." He teased the tiny creature before him before pausing. "I cant say that I have ever been shot with an arrow before today... so I am not sure if it would be as bad as a bee or worse... And that is NOT an invitation to try it!" Sol replied, shooting her a wary look as he waited for her to want to try it. Something about her struck him as the kind wanting to test everything out.

"Can you start a campfire with a hoof to some branches and twigs? I bet that'd be super useful if you could! If you're still a growing colt, then I must be shrinking all the time." Sol shook his head, still highly amused with her fascination with his hooves. What he wouldnt give for the hooves to be a real magic rather than a pain in the rear that wasnt good for practical uses. "No. I cannot start a campfire. Flames that I create only last so long before dissipating. And who knows... as tiny as you are, you might be shrinking and no one notices." He winked, laughing again at the doe. Stretching his neck, he laid down and settled in, amused that laying down put them at closer eye levels. "There we go. now your shrinking form isnt making my neck hurt." Sol laughed, nudging her to show his teasing.

"Oh, you're such a doll! I can almost picture his affronted face now! You'll have to tell me EXACTLY what his reaction is," Sol laughed even harder, finding that he adored the little doe and her personality. She was fun. "I will even take notes." He winked, grinning.

Notes: <3

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