Played by
Lullivy [
Posts: 225 — Threads: 37
Signos: 1,285
Female [She/her/hers] | 16 [Year 496 Spring] | 15.3 hh | Hth: 3 — Atk: 3 — Exp: 51
| Active Magic: N/A | Bonded: Picoro (Sloth)
Redeeming Pet
Character gaining Pet: @Luvena
Have you purchased the 'Pet' item? YES x2
-- If no: N/A
Is the Pet section of your character's profile filled out? YES
I understand and agree to all of the following: I have read all rules and guidelines set forth in the Guidebook for Pets. I cannot include the Pet in my IC posts until staff have formally approved the Pet. I may purchase a maximum of three pets for any one character. If I am found writing my character with a Pet other than the ones described in my profile, my item will be revoked without refund.
Signed: Lullivy
*** STAFF EDIT ***
Lullivy / @
Luvena Pets approved! You may begin writing with them IC.
12-01-2020, 10:07 AM
Played by
Dyzzie [
Posts: 18 — Threads: 7
Signos: 15
Male [He/Him/His] | 11 [Year 501 Spring] | 16.2 hh | Hth: 9 — Atk: 11 — Exp: 20
| Active Magic: N/A | Bonded: Keokuk (Spirit Stag)
Redeeming Pet
Character gaining Pet: @Rylan
Have you purchased the 'Pet' item? NO
-- If no: Saved Incentive from the Activity Thread (Saved on main account)
Is the Pet section of your character's profile filled out? YES
I understand and agree to all of the following: I have read all rules and guidelines set forth in the Guidebook for Pets. I cannot include the Pet in my IC posts until staff have formally approved the Pet. I may purchase a maximum of three pets for any one character. If I am found writing my character with a Pet other than the ones described in my profile, my item will be revoked without refund.
Signed: @Dyzzie
*** STAFF EDIT ***
Dyzzie / @
Rylan - Pet approved, added to the records, and item sent. You may begin writing with them ICly with their pet.
09-12-2021, 07:49 PM
- This post was last modified: 09-20-2021, 01:24 AM by inkbone
Played by
Chaosy [
Posts: 76 — Threads: 15
Signos: 0
Female [She/Her/Hers] | 10 [Year 502 Summer] | 16 hh | Hth: 8 — Atk: 12 — Exp: 33
| Active Magic: Body-Water Manipulation | Bonded: N/A
Redeeming Pet
Character gaining Pet: @‘Polar North’
Have you purchased the 'Pet' item? Yep
-- If no: N/a
Is the Pet section of your character's profile filled out? Yep
I understand and agree to all of the following: I have read all rules and guidelines set forth in the Guidebook for Pets. I cannot include the Pet in my IC posts until staff have formally approved the Pet. I may purchase a maximum of three pets for any one character. If I am found writing my character with a Pet other than the ones described in my profile, my item will be revoked without refund.
Signed: Chaosy
*** STAFF EDIT ***
Chaosy / @
Polar North - Pet approved and added to the records. You may begin writing with them ICly with their pet.
09-26-2021, 09:54 PM
- This post was last modified: 10-24-2021, 02:37 AM by inkbone