Played by
Dyzzie [
Posts: 64 — Threads: 7
Signos: 50
Female [She/Her/Hers/They/Theirs] | 11 [Year 501 Spring] | 18.2 hh | Hth: 7 — Atk: 13 — Exp: 29
| Active Magic: N/A | Bonded: N/A
Character receiving Armor: @Pangaea
Have you purchased the 'Armor' item? yes
Description of Armor: gold and amber gauntlets upon her forelimbs and wings.
Is the Armor, Outfit, and Accessories section of your character's profile filled out? YES
I understand that I can only change my character's Armor once every IC year (eight months), and that I must contact staff before doing so. If I am found using Armor other than the one described in my profile, my purchased item will be revoked without refund. I am not able to mention my Armor in my IC posts until the staff have redeemed the item.
Signed: Dyzzie
*** STAFF EDIT ***
Dyzzie / @
Pangaea, armor approved and added to the records. You may begin writing them with their item ICly.
09-06-2021, 10:43 AM
- This post was last modified: 09-11-2021, 06:32 PM by inkbone
Played by
Kat [
Posts: 146 — Threads: 25
Signos: 77
Female [She/Her/Hers] | Immortal [Year 498 Spring] | 15.2 hh | Hth: 28 — Atk: 32 — Exp: 53
| Active Magic: Energy Transference | Bonded: Fylax (Gryphon)
Character receiving Armor: @Antiope
Have you purchased the 'Armor' item? No - transferred from OOC
-- If no: 2020 Advent Calendar
Description of Armor: Metal face and leg shields, fabric sash and wooden shield
Is the Armor, Outfit, and Accessories section of your character's profile filled out? Yes
I understand that I can only change my character's Armor once every IC year (eight months), and that I must contact staff before doing so. If I am found using Armor other than the one described in my profile, my purchased item will be revoked without refund. I am not able to mention my Armor in my IC posts until the staff have redeemed the item.
Signed: Katherine
*** STAFF EDIT ***
Katherine / @
Antiope, armor approved and added to the records. You may begin writing them with their item ICly.
a war is calling
the tides are turned
01-17-2022, 02:44 PM
- This post was last modified: 01-20-2022, 01:27 AM by inkbone
Played by
reli [
Posts: 28 — Threads: 8
Signos: 565
Male [He/Him/His] | 13 [Year 499 Summer] | 18.3 hh | Hth: 8 — Atk: 12 — Exp: 20
| Active Magic: N/A | Bonded: N/A
Character receiving Armor: @Fang
Have you purchased the 'Armor' item? No, transferred from OOC
-- If no: 2021 Advent Calendar
Description of Armor: Batwing-themed chest guards of bronze and black opal stones, trimmed with fiery silk tassels.
Is the Armor, Outfit, and Accessories section of your character's profile filled out? Yes
I understand that I can only change my character's Armor once every IC year (eight months), and that I must contact staff before doing so. If I am found using Armor other than the one described in my profile, my purchased item will be revoked without refund. I am not able to mention my Armor in my IC posts until the staff have redeemed the item.
Signed: reli
*** STAFF EDIT ***
reli / @
Fang, armor approved and added to the records. You may begin writing them with their item ICly.
Lost boys like me
are free.
please tag Fang in all replies; magic and force are permitted
04-14-2022, 02:05 PM
- This post was last modified: 04-24-2022, 02:37 PM by inkbone
Played by
Chaosy [
Posts: 77 — Threads: 21
Signos: 35
Female [She/Her/Hers] | 12 [Year 500 Spring] | 17 hh | Hth: 12 — Atk: 8 — Exp: 24
| Active Magic: N/A | Bonded: Neema (Maned Wolf)
Character receiving Armor: @Uzuri
Have you purchased the 'Armor' item? YES
-- If no: <3
Description of Armor: Damascus plate armor
Is the Armor, Outfit, and Accessories section of your character's profile filled out? YES
I understand that I can only change my character's Armor once every IC year (eight months), and that I must contact staff before doing so. If I am found using Armor other than the one described in my profile, my purchased item will be revoked without refund. I am not able to mention my Armor in my IC posts until the staff have redeemed the item.
Signed: Chaosy
*** STAFF EDIT ***
Chaosy / @
Uzuri, armor approved and added to the records. You may begin writing them with their item ICly.
04-20-2022, 06:07 PM
- This post was last modified: 04-24-2022, 02:38 PM by inkbone