an equine & cervidae rpg
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Novus closed 10/31/2022, after The Gentle Exodus

All Welcome  - Let's go to the sea.

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Played by [PM] Posts: N/A — Threads:

The green boy was playing in the waves, oblivious to whoever else wandered through here… for in this moment, he was in his element.  Salt water stung his eyes, but it reminded him of home – of the island land he’d lived in through his childhood, of Eirhelm – the place where he’d found belonging and truly bonded to the water, and of Neverland’s shores… before Rufio, and before the Rift became a place with little more than haunted memories.  Here, in the lands of Novus, he was finding his own again.  Despite the fact that he was lonely, Pan found himself happy and carefree once more.

Here in the sea, he floated among the kelp beds, wrapping some of the emerald bulbs tightly around himself as he bobbed along in the surf.  If you didn’t look carefully, you may have missed Pan, for covered in the sea grasses just beyond the break, he looked like little more than a piece of jetsam.  With his belly to the sun and his ivory mane fanning out around him like a pale halo, he slept.  It was commonplace to find Pan napping, for it was one of his truly adept skills.  He could sleep, (or eat) anywhere.

Yawning, the boy stretched, his long white legs sticking out in odd angles from the surface of the sea, and one by one, he nipped through the kelp that bound him in place.  Flipping over with a splash, he began to paddle toward the shore, but shrank back down where only his eyes peeked out over the water’s surface when he spotted Martin.  After all – this was a new place, and he had to wonder if this stallion (the first horse-like creature he’d seen) was a friend or foe.  Blowing bubbles beneath the water, he swam closer still, watching like some strange sea-creature from the briny ocean, waiting to see what the stranger would say.

Dawn Court
character © Firefly; html by castlegraphics; image by alexlibby



Messages In This Thread
Let's go to the sea. - by Martin - 07-01-2017, 04:33 PM
RE: Let's go to the sea. - by Pan - 07-02-2017, 05:17 AM
RE: Let's go to the sea. - by Charlemagne - 07-02-2017, 12:27 PM
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