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Novus closed 10/31/2022, after The Gentle Exodus

Private  - if we got out of town [lothaire]

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Spring held its breath and stood a solid stance against the push of summer, keeping the warmer months at bay until it was ready to give up its claim on Novus. She knew it would be a while yet before the season change came, yet nothing could stop her displeasure at the knowledge that she didn't want it to change at all. The rain that frequently fell was a bitter reminder that nothing would soon be cold enough to freeze over. But she would become acquainted with the feeling, after all, as a return to the Winter Court seemed very unlikely with her brother upon the throne--she had no reason to be there.

So instead it was often times like those that she found herself days away from her court of Dusk, shedding all the responsibility she felt in favor of a weightlessness that came with being in neutral lands. She had no posture to hold, no expectation of carrying the metaphorical crown upon her brow with grace and a purposefulness that betrayed her insecurities. She was a proud creature, but even those of the most self-confident had their doubts about their ability to perform. And it was such thoughts that bogged her down whilst she sat in the tower of her court that brought her to the freedom of unrestricted lands.

The view of the falling day was captivating, as she had often given her time to watch the sky bleed out its colors from the Dusk Court; Vespera's hand painted the sky and she happily gave mind to the art brought before them. But she soon realized that she was not alone--the whisper of movement was not from the grasses pushing back against a breeze--and she picked herself out of her melancholy reverie to give herself over to the new company. She turned her half-painted head toward the one approaching, no alarm in her gaze yet fully aware of the danger he could bring. He was a stranger, someone she had never met and of a court she did not know; his appearance was rough, yet held an unusual beauty. She was, in every way, captivated.

"Come, I am no one to fear." The voice that left her lips was strong with an accent of laughter, a slight humorous statement because he certainly did not seem to intend to stop away from her regardless. "It is rare for company to join so far away." And though she did not take her vision off of him, her body remained relaxed and open for conversation.
And all our problems make us powerless


Messages In This Thread
if we got out of town [lothaire] - by Rannveig - 06-28-2017, 09:56 AM
RE: if we got out of town [lothaire] - by Lothaire - 07-01-2017, 07:58 AM
RE: if we got out of town [lothaire] - by Rannveig - 07-02-2017, 10:03 AM
RE: if we got out of town [lothaire] - by Lothaire - 07-13-2017, 06:49 AM
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