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All Welcome  - Rich Youth [Relic Contest]

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Camdis Lohir

Oh, how he grinned at the whiplash of her words, the insult she flung back at him with the bite of a blade and the burning of those storm cloud eyes. Yes, this confrontation is what he had been craving, what could sate the appetite for chaos beneath his thickened skin. Camdis had never been one for proper battles, for sword and smoke and the screams of the dying as they fought to defend or progress; no, there was too much honor in that. There was too much glory to be found in the victory or the downfall of war, too much respect and reverence amongst brothers in arms, too much fanfare from those he would inevitably save from invasion. 

He was not to be entitled to goodly thoughts from strangers, not to be placed upon a pedestal because they believed he had done well for them, that he had killed for anything but his own selfish reasons. 

No, the Exile King, the Emperor of Nothing, the Sovereign of Burned-out stars and Empty Skies found release in a different sort of fighting. He found his sanctuary in drunken brawls, in bruised skin and fists clenched in hair and cloth, in blood and gritted teeth, in throats scratchy and hoarse from the screaming of profanity. He wanted someone to insult his mother (As if they cared about each other in the first place), to insult his honor (what honor?), for someone to rile him and for someone to be riled in return, to find the religion that was needless, heedless violence among strangers and their ilk. 
                                                                                                                                                                                                    And while the mare before him, with hair of wildfires and scorched skin, may not raise a fist toward him, she could offer a close second - the deep stabbing pain of words flung with an arrow's accuracy; and fling them, she did, all the while maintaining her poise and her elegance, her very demeanor insulting to his own. 

It made her all the more beautiful. Truly, she was a sight to behold.
Gods, how he wanted to watch her topple, only to rise up again in all of her burning splendor. 

She was magnificent. 

"I was born beneath the gaze of gods silent and forgotten, but with Caligo's fist about my heart," His words were not cruel, though neither were they kind. "Perhaps your tenacious deity, as you put it, could have cultured some semblance of honor amongst his own. Perhaps then, he wouldn't have nearly burned himself out like a yearling still learning to stand," There, he paused, a cruel smile curving his lips as he took a single step toward her, not caring whether it read as threatening or casual, "But then, I'm a hypocrite for saying that, aren't I? There is no honor among fools and exiles."

He considered her with a predatory gaze, injecting as much heat into his inspection as he could - he knew the consequences of a mare being eyed in such a way, how it could make even the strongest female's skin itch and crawl to be eyed as meat, to be looked at as a prize to be won, to be toppled, to be conquered. For while he did not desire her in such a way, while he was not a man of lust or misogyny, he wanted to make her uncomfortable, he wanted to make her squirm, if only to watch the inferno of her vengeance against his sins. 

Maybe then he could be absolved, after this vicious sparrow with talons of gold and a will of iron burned him to ash. 

"Camdis Lohir," He proffered a mocking bow, "I would offer my services, but I have none other than being generally unlikable, and I've already made that clear." 

 @Rhoswen  So I'm finding out that Cam gets off on girls being mean to him.

Messages In This Thread
Rich Youth [Relic Contest] - by Camdis - 06-27-2017, 03:30 PM
RE: Rich Youth [Relic Contest] - by Rhoswen - 06-27-2017, 05:33 PM
RE: Rich Youth [Relic Contest] - by Camdis - 06-27-2017, 08:44 PM
RE: Rich Youth [Relic Contest] - by Rhoswen - 07-01-2017, 05:07 PM
RE: Rich Youth [Relic Contest] - by Camdis - 07-02-2017, 05:57 PM
RE: Rich Youth [Relic Contest] - by Rhoswen - 07-17-2017, 10:21 AM
RE: Rich Youth [Relic Contest] - by Camdis - 08-18-2017, 01:21 PM
RE: Rich Youth [Relic Contest] - by Rhoswen - 08-22-2017, 04:44 PM
RE: Rich Youth [Relic Contest] - by Camdis - 09-24-2017, 12:50 PM
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