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- Second star to the left, and straight on til' morning

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Did he believe in gods?  It was hard not to, since he’d seen so many through his life as well.  ”I’ve met a lot of them… so it’s hard to really deny that gods exist.”  It was an insightful thought for the usually playful colt.  In truth, it was always a bit of an oddity to see the green colt act in a serious manner… but the question was serious, and Pan dug deeper than he usually would for insightful answers.  ”I didn’t know you at Ravos… but your mom was there.  We had gods there – Selke, and No, and Maaemo.  They were the gods of the water, and the earth.”  Of course, others had been gods too, Pan just hadn’t known about them.  In particular, he would have been rather tickled to learn that Fantome was a god.  He only knew the winged creature as part dragon, never understanding his affiliation to the wind or even to his own son Rook.

”And then, there was the Moon Goddess… you didn’t meet her either, I suppose.  I didn’t actually meet her, come to think of it… but Serket taught me about her when she taught me the ice magic.  That was at Oblivion – another place…”  And another time, a time far from here.  

”You see that mountain?”  He gestured toward the highest peak – Verenor Peak was the name, as Inkheart had explained.  ”I met a lady up there – Inkheart.  She said it’s the home of the gods… well, one god anyway.  She told me about Solis – the god of the sun and day time.  I tried to give him some of my treasure, but he never came to say hello.”  Strange, as the gods usually responded when Pan called to them.  But, maybe this place was different.  After all, Inkheart had seemed mighty convinced that Solis existed.  ”Maybe he’s not real… I didn’t see him, so I can’t be sure.”  And that was the crux of the matter.  

The scaled boy had no reservations about believing the idea of gods, but he had a hard time in believing things he couldn’t see.  Faith had never been his strong point, and he wasn’t discerning when it came to believing in the gods (if, in fact, he could understand it)… but the gods here were confusing.  He didn’t understand them, and hadn’t really learned enough to pass judgment on the matter.  ”I don’t think there’s just one god though… can you tell me about the others?  Considering it, he added, ”I don’t think you have to pick just one.”  At least, he didn’t intend to.  He’d believe in the ones who called to him, and while he had no issue showing respect to the others, he could only be considered a faithful follower of those who really spoke to him.

Dawn Court
character © Firefly; html by castlegraphics; image by alexlibby


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RE: Second star to the left, and straight on til' morning - by Pan - 07-07-2017, 12:53 PM
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