The golden king was kind. There is a smile on Pan’s face as he accepts Somnus’ comfort, nodding as he tries to remember all that the male spoke of. This had been his home. Perhaps that explained the strange familiarity. Thinking aloud, he responds to the male
As they step inside the cave, it became clear very quickly that the colt with hoarding tendencies did in fact have his life stored along its walls. There are shelves from floor to ceiling, quite organized, filled with a variety of items. On one shelf, shells of all sizes and colors glittered where the light hit them. On another, there is an assortment of bones, feathers, and rocks. Still another held drying herbs, each categorized and labeled by Pan’s scrawling text. Jumbled scrolls surround them, some in baskets, others unfurled where Pan had read them by candlelight, long into the night. It was a treasure trove of a collection… and even though the boy couldn’t remember every item, it would not be unfathomable to know that he had gathered each and every piece.
@Somnus – sprow, sorry I am sick and my brain hurts, so I hope it makes sense…