Redeeming Weapon
Character receiving the Weapon: @Seraphina
Have you purchased the 'Weapon' item? Yes
Description of Weapon: An ancient, curved steel sword approximately three and a half feet long, simple but decorated with small, golden suns and a single word in ancient Solterran script around the heel; normally kept sheathed and strapped to Seraphina's chest.
Is the Armor, Outfit, and Accessories section of your character's profile filled out? Yes **Note: This weapon is enchanted, & I'll be posting the form up for that in the appropriate thread in a moment.
I understand that I can only change my character's weapon once every IC year (eight months), and that I must contact staff before doing so. If I am found using a weapon other than the one described in my profile, my purchased will be revoked without refund. I am not able to mention my Weapon in my IC posts until the staff have redeemed the Item.
Signed: @Jeanne
I'M IN A ROOM MADE OUT OF MIRRORSand there's no way to escape the violence of a girl against herself.☼please tag Sera! contact is encouraged, short of violence