She craved battle, night and day. It was almost like an addiction, though it had none of the harmful effects of such a habit.
Well, at least not to the ebony striped girl, it didn't.
She stood once again within that dried grass ring within the reaches of the Bellum Steppe, posture rigidly straight. A slight grin toyed at the edges of the lass' mouth as she remembered something her mother had told her not so long ago, right before she had left The Temple, left the life she knew and loved in order to carve out an existence amongst those less than virtuous. Eden could still smell the honeysuckle and spring rain scent of Cerridwen's skin as her wind chime words washed over her daughter, 'Eden, loved and beloved, you would break your neck to keep your chin up.'
To this day, the girl could not fathom quite what the amethyst colored woman had meant, whether it had been an admonishment or a compliment to her stubborn, proud, flawed, righteous daughter. Regardless of the intent, though, the memory was still stamped into the girl's mind with the gold and rose hues of nostalgia at it's border. Heaving a sigh, Eden wished for her wrap and tail bangle, the two accessories having been left back at the mountain convent before she left, keepsakes for Cerridwen and ways for the priestesses to scry in the sun pool.
Snorting and shaking that beautifully adorned head of hers, the shieldmaiden grunted, remembering the task at hand; to train, to spar with her brothers and sisters in arms, and to make the holy light that blazed across Terrastella stronger than it ever had been. Eden wanted to carry that light upon her muscular shoulders, to pull the sun into the apex of the skies and keep it there. She wanted to watch as Solis' golden globe burned away all traces of darkness, of shadow and the vile things that hid there. She stomped a hoof, passion exploding to life within her breast.
Yes, she would wait for her challenger, and when they presented themselves, she would rise to the occasion